Navy Boot Camp Swim Test

Boot camp is a great way to develop your core, mobility, and self-confidence. It also provides you with a great pumping opportunity to work up a sweat, improve your mobility, and build your self-esteem.

But be careful! This full-body work out is for sure something that can make you feel awkward at first. Luckily, the benefits of this program are long lasting.

The military has been using this program for years as an educational tool for their recruits. Since it has such a high prevalence in the military, civilians see this program as easy and fun. Thus, people who aren’t actually trained in health and fitness begin to use it.

This article will talk about the basic components of the Navy Boot Camp Swim Test (NBCST).

Swim 50 yards, dive into the water, swim to the other side of the pool and back using legs only, then swim back using freestyle

navy boot camp swim test

This is one of the most important swims you can do as a beginner. Diving into the water without swimming steps or using your hands to surface is called swimming pre-aquatics.

You are trying to learn how to use your legs more efficiently while in the water, not just standing up and walking out of the pool. This is a valuable skill to have as you move on to learning how to dives and submersions.

Swimming takes place at both the beginning and end of boot camp, so you will have a chance to practice at least two times a day. Boot camp instructors use different techniques for teaching this skill, so you will need to learn how they work.

The first time you practice swimming, it is best to do some simple dives and speeds. Then, on day two of training, focus on learning how to swim using only your legs.

Swim 50 yards using freestyle

navy boot camp swim test

Most campers can can can through a 50-yard freestyle. This is an easy to remember length of water for half the boot camp class to swim 50.

Can swimmers can can in most backwater ponds and streams around the country. Most water centers and swimming pools have a breaststroke section and a freestyle section, so if you can do the breaststroke, you’re good to go!

Can swimmers who can do the freestyle better should try some other strokes. Some good ones are operetta, butterfly, and backstroke. All of these allow you to get a little bit deeper in your movements, which may help improve your freestyle performance!

The only problem with trying some of these better strokes is that it may decrease your time in the water.

Dive into the water and swim 25 yards using breaststroke

navy boot camp swim test

The easiest way to test your skills in the water is to dive into the water and swim 25 yards using breaststroke. This is particularly helpful if you are nervous or have trouble swimming short distances in the deeper water at other exercise facilities.

This test can be done outside or in, so no need to worry about being too cold or heat-stressed. It is also helpful to practice this while wearing a shirt to help you relax, but not protect you from heatstroke.

Overall, the best length of time to spend practicing this is during warm weather conditions– when you are most comfortable with your body temperature and depth of sleep.

During winter workouts, it is helpful to wear a sweatshirt or an overcoat to help keep you warm. You can also put on a heavy pair of socks to help prevent footpucknrition.

Swim 20 yards using sidestroke

navy boot camp swim test

Most recruits start swim practice with a sidestroke. This is the traditional boot camp swimming technique of keeping your legs and feet on the ground at all times, while swimming underwater on your hands and feet.

This is great for developing strong legs and feet, as well as practicing skills like holding your breath and submerged locomotion. It’s also helpful in developing core strength, as you’re not always moving your legs in water.

As you practice sidestroking at home, keep track of how many yards you practice per day. You should have at least 20 acres of water by day three!

You can also try practicing submerged locomotion. This is when you move from standing to walking to diving underwater without getting out of the water. This is helpful for developing the ability to get through water, as well as core strength.


navy boot camp swim test

Boot camp is a long, hard period of time where your brain and body are being trained to their maximum potential. It is also the longest part of your week at the gym!

That can make it feel like you have never stopped training before, which can be intimidating. However, you need to give yourself the time to properly re-organize your brain and body after such intensive training.

You must allow yourself time to recover from your workouts and feel comfortable in your own skin again. This includes allowing yourself time to relax after training and taking care of yourself during your post-week recovery.

Navy boot camp swim test tips: Remember that you are gonna get out so much water that you have to be careful about how much water you drink.

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