How To Sharpen Ninja Blender Blades

Blender bladers are typically quite dull and boring to use. This is why so many people struggle to get the best out of them. It is easy to make the blade hard and dull, which is what most people do.

There are three ways to sharpen a ninja blender blade: by using a fine-to-medium grit sandpaper, by using a power-blading disk, or by course-topping with fine-meshed cloth. Each has its own benefits and uses.

We will be looking at how to use the course-topping method on this article and give some tips on how to do it properly!

The best way to start sharpening your ninja blender blades is with the smallest grit possible. Start with the smallest grit available from your tool box or store exactly where you leave it at home! Once you have done that, try moving up in grit until you get your desired result.

Set the blade at a 10-20° angle

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

When turning the blade, do it slowly! As the blade angle increases, the blade will become too thin to hold on to when cutting. When you pull the blade back, it should stick and slide on the Vitamix.

We recommend setting the blade at a 10-20° angle when sharpening. This allows you to get some depth into the edge of your knife, and also helps reduce friction as you slice.

Too steep of an angle can cause difficulty in holding onto the motor and rotating theblade. You may also find that you need to switch directions of how you want to cut because of how difficult it is to hold onto the motor with one hand while using another to rotate and hold theblade withtheother.

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Grind the blade down slowly

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

Once your blade is sharp, don’t make any sudden movements or you will risk cutting yourself. Instead, slowly turn the blade in a counter-clockwise direction until the edge is grinded down to the tip.

This process can take a few attempts to get it right every time.

Pay close attention to the edge

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

When sharpening ninja blender blades, you should be careful not to pull too hard or the blade will break. A softer grip can also affect how well you hold the knife, making it more or less easy to shape the edge.

To keep the blade from getting dirty or duller, you must pay attention to it. When you have a new blade that is still very sharp, put some water in the bottle and let it sit for a minute before opening the bottle to fill the cap.

Then, rotate the knife so that its back is facing up and press down with your thumb and forefinger of hand to create pressure on one side of the blade. This will result in release of some pressure which will cause it to slide out.

Repeat these steps for each blade

Once your blade is sharp, the best way to keep it that way is to run a little WD-40 on it. You can find this oil at most home goods stores, or you can make your own by mixing a little water with oil.

Now is the time to test your blade! If you’re blading up something delicate, leave some space between the blade and what you are working on. If you’re blading up an intimidating shape, give it some time to work properly.

By doing these steps, you will be giving yourself and your blades the best chance of lasting a long time.

Be careful not to cut yourself

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

When sharpening the blades, it is important to be careful not to cut yourself. You can do this by being careful not to press too hard when pulling the blade out of the stone or honing guide.

Also, you can use a more coarse-gritstone or diamond-hone the blade for greater sharpness. For more fine blades, use a coarser stone or use fewer re-shaping stages as the blade gets sharper.

Do not use steel wool as this will return to steel and dull the blade even further. Instead, use a emery paper or fine sandpaper. Both of these can be found at your local hardware store or bookstore as they are used for other things besides cutting and shaping metals.

Use the sharp blades for cooking recipes

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

When you purchase your ninja blender, you will also get two different types of blades: the flat-edged blade and the rounded-edged blade. Both can be used for almost the same things, but the flat-edged blade can be used for cutting and the rounded-edged blade can be used for spinning.

The rounded-edged blade is what you use when making dishes like pancakes or pie. The rounder edge lets you spin the food as you cook it, making it more flavorful. The flat edge can be used for cleaning or dusting off of appliances as you clean your kitchen.

You can also use the two blades in tandem to create a sharp edge on something like a knife or razor.

They are useful for so many things!

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

There are many ways to use ninja blade. You can make paper targets, cut flowers, craft projects, and much more!

But the best way to use them is to sharpen their ends. This will give you some extra uses out of them. To do this, simply run a paper knife across the sharpened end of the blade. This will take a few tries, but once you do it, you will be able to do this over and over!

This is also a good way to learn how to sharpen blades! Just watch some videos or do some practice runs yourself.

Keep your blades clean

how to sharpen ninja blender blades

While sharpening your ninja blenders, you should make sure to keep the blades clean. While a quick wipe with steel wool or wood ashes will help prevent metal to metal contact, neither of these things will help with the edge of the blade being dull.

By keeping the blade holder and blades clean, you will prevent this happening. When doing this, take your time to wash and dry the holder and blades thoroughly before re-using them.

Also, take care to keep the shearing device clean. When washing and drying it, use something mild like warm water and gentle soap (none of those that stick) to keep from damaging it further.

And lastly, take care of your own equipment. If you have to repair any damage caused by sharpening or cutting, do it while still hot so that new rust does not form.

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