How To Delete A Question On Chegg

Chegg is a website that connects students with available courses and courses that have available assignments and resources. You can then click on the course and assignment links to go to them.

On Chegg, you can create questions that you want answered by other users on the site. These questions can come from classmates, teachers, friends, or even yourself. Users can post their answers directly to the question or respond to the questioner.

When posting a question, be sure to include your name, school, course, and/or assignment. Users can post their answers as soon as they receive them!

Bullet point ended here. Would you like to learn how to delete a question on Chegg? If so, read on!

The best way to answer how to delete an answer on chegg is to do it yourself! So let’s get started!

First off, go onto your account page (this can be found under your individual accounts under My Profile). There, you will see all of your past questions and answers. You will be able to click on any of those answers and delete it. This will prevent future users from answering any similar questions for you.


Click on the question number

how to delete a question on chegg

After clicking on the question number, a screen will appear with more details. You can then choose to send the question to a friend, leave it up to the student to answer, or delete the question.

You can also change your mind and delete the question at this point as well. It is your choice!

If you would like to add a new answer, go back to the corresponding text and click on Add A Answer. If you would like to leave an answer, go back to the corresponding text and click Leave An Answer.

Click Submit and your question will be marked as answered! This will help other users see what you have answered so they can book class time or try out Chegg in their own time.

Click on the X in the upper-right corner

how to delete a question on chegg

Now you can click on the question you want to delete, and your Chegg account will confirm that it has been deleted.

If you want to continue asking the same question, make sure you left enough space for an answer!

You can also add a new question, so this process can be done again.

Once deleted, questions will not appear in your library or in search. You can still reply to them, but they will not appear in your library or in search. You can still mark them read, but nobody will be able to answer them!

This process may take up to 30 seconds to complete, so don’t worry if it takes a little bit to get through the list of questions.

Click on Delete Question

how to delete a question on chegg

Now you are ready to delete your question! Click on Delete Question to confirm your removal.

Your question will be deleted and you can begin anew with another device or computer to answer it!

This process may take a few times due to the deletion process. This is how we keep our answers secure!

If this does not work for you, try another device or computer; this should also work. If still unable, contact Chegg support for assistance. Your account will be checked for suspicious activity and possibly locked if necessary, but in the end you want it to be able to respond to your query.

Confirm deletion

how to delete a question on chegg

Once you’ve submitted your question, you may want to make sure it’s been deleted. Go to your account page and click on “Questions.” Once there, you can look at the questions that are up and how many answers they have.

If the question has additional answers, then those have been added as well!

If any of them have additional information such as a answer, it might still be present as a comment underneath your original question. This is common in case of comments on questions where there is no clear answer.

This way, the person who created the comment can see what question they answered and possibly add more information if they so choose.

The question will be deleted immediately

how to delete a question on chegg

This may seem odd, but in case your question is still unanswered, you may leave your course or lesson with a question unanswered. This is legal and safe to do.

Once you have finished your course or lesson, you can go back and answer the question if needed. Just make sure that you save your answer before making changes to your answer!

This may seem strange, but in case of an engagement or wedding announcement, you may leave the announcement unanswered. This is legal and safe to do. Just make sure that you save your answer before making changes to your answer!

If a question or an engagement or wedding announcement is still not cleared up, you may delete it from Chegg. This will prevent other users from asking the same question and getting an answered for them.

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