Chevy 350 Spark Plug Gap

When carburetors are fitted, they require special spark plug gaps to ensure good gas flow. When engine internals are fitted, there is a gap to allow for proper movement of the gasket that joins the cylinder and intake head.

Gaps can be tight or wide, straight or curved, deep or shallow! Today we are going to talk about the spark plug gap. There are several different reasons why a spark plug gap is needed and/or maintained.

These include: checking for wear and tear, checking for loose wires, checking for blockage, checking for an open circuit (if an Ignition System Replacement is needed), and maintaining correct leanness.

How to set a plug gap

chevy 350 spark plug gap

Setting the plug gap is an important step in maintaining your spark plug fit. The closer the plug gap is to a straight line, the closer the combustion chamber will be to a perfect circle. A slight over or under gap will allow some room for fuel to pass through, creating poor combustion and possibly poor performance.

Surprisingly, this isn’t an easy process to do exactly. Luckily, we have articles here at Troubleshooting_Truck_ Ethiopiaseveryone can do it!

Luckily, we have articles here at Troubleshooting_Truck_ Ethiopiaseveryone can do it! Here, we provide detailed instructions that make it easy to get the plug gap you want in just a few minutes.

First, you will need a die set. A die set consists of two pieces of metal that fit together in a safe way and can be adjusted and/or turned until the right amount of space is taken up. These pieces of metal are used to make two separate parts overlap and/or fit together in a safe way so they can be matched up with one another.

What affects the gap?

When Spark Plugs are installed, there is a small space between them and the Spark Plug. This gap is called the plug gap. This space can affect the performance of your vehicle.

alters the gap when it changes size or shape. When it stretches or becomes thinner, it increases the space between the plug and engine surface. When it grows or becomes thicker, it decreases the space between the plug and engine surface.

When installing a new sparkplug, make sure that there is enough room for it to move around while you install it in your Spark Plug socket. If there is not, add some more sparkplug to make room!

Similarly, when storing a new sparkplug, make sure that there is enough room for it to move around while you store it.

What is the correct gap for my spark plugs?

chevy 350 spark plug gap

Glueing new spark plugs onto the ends of your Spark Plug wires is an easy way to maintain your plug gap. Most glue brands offer a gap range option, which is helpful for those that are not sure how large of a gap they need.

A good rule of thumb is to make your minimum gap equal the number of feet you expect your car to drive at high speeds. This would be around 5 feet at most! So, if your car drives at belt-style speeds, a smaller gap would be required than if you wanted heavy speed running with acceleration.

We recommend using medium or high gaps for best spark plug performance and life. Soft Spark Plugs may allow some moisture to get inside and cause damage to the metal core, causing future problems.

What if the gap is too big?

chevy 350 spark plug gap

If the plug size is too big, your vehicle may not run properly. This may happen when the gasoline gets to the engine and does not mix with the Spark Plug.

The improper mixing can result in poor fuel economy or even a failed engine warranty. Luckily, this is very rare!

However, if this happens, you may be able to fix it yourself. You would need to replace the gas that was used to fill your engine and purchase new spark plugs to correct the problem.

The gap is how much space there is between the center of the Spark Plug and the end of the cylinder. A smaller gap will result in more power, but could cost more money due to needing to replace less spark plugs.

There are many places where you can check your spark plug gap. An appropriate gap would be less than 0.02 inches (0.5 mm).

What if the gap is too small?

chevy 350 spark plug gap

If the gap is too small, your spark plugs may not be firing properly. It could be difficult to determine if this happens by looking at the plugs and seeing that one is not firing properly.

This can be dangerous! If one plug does not fire properly, the others may not follow suit. An engine that does not get enough fuel to run properly can turn into a catastrophe.

Luckily, this does not happen often, but if it does, you should know about it right away. Once the fuel tank gets low, there may be less of a chance for another plug to fire up correctly.

If one plug does not fire up correctly, then the other ones do Not! This can cause electrical problems in the engine or overheat symptoms.

How do I set the gap on my spark plugs?

chevy 350 spark plug gap

When you change your spark plugs, you need to set the gap on them. This process can be tricky, so we want to make sure you know what you are doing.

First, determine if your engine is a Mobil 1 or Chevrolet 350 model. Then, calculate the difference in length of a new sparkplug and an older plug. That difference is the gap!

As a rule of thumb, start with a smaller gap and work up until you have the right fit. Some people find that having the gaps set to exactly 0° and 360° results in better fuel efficiency and performance, respectively. We do not find any particular benefit here except for those who are more precise with their setup.

Tips for setting the plug gap

chevy 350 spark plug gap

When setting the plug gap, there are some things that can be done to reduce the gap. These include using a fresh set of rings, using the same ring set but a little bit bigger or smaller size, and using one of the recommended gap reducing agents.

Using smaller rings and a slightly larger sparkplug can reduce the sparkplug gap by about 0.0005 inch (0 mil). Using a slightly larger size sparkplug can reduce the sparkplug gap by about 0.001 inch (0 mil).

Using an agent such as KW-50 can increase the pluggap by up to 0.001 inch (0 mil)! This is not recommended, use one of the other recommended gaps only if you have very good eyesight and are 100% sure that you used it correctly.

Video on how to set a plug gap

chevy 350 spark plug gap

In this video, we will show you how to set a plug gap in the correct direction. This is important to do when working on your vehicle as it will give your engine greater compression and balance.

Using a angle-grinder or hand saw, you can usually set a plug gap in the left to right direction. When doing this, make sure to pay attention to the centers of both sides of the spark plug.

When removing the spark plug, make sure to keep track of the centers of both sides of the spark plug as they can be difficult to spot after they are installed. Reinstall same way only put more gas in it!

Using a chisel or mallet, you can also set a plug gap in the right to left direction. Make sure to pay attention to the centers of both sides of the sparkplug.

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