How To Fix A Broken Denture Tooth At Home

Doing a dental procedure at home can be nerve-wracking, especially if you are not a dental professional or have no experience doing home dentistry. However, there are many ways to fix a broken denture tooth at home.

Some ways to fix a broken denture tooth at home is via affixing the treatment tray to the bottom of the frame with an adhesive, using soft palettes or cloths to cover the denture, and removing the entire teeth when re-stabilizing the arch.

The last two methods listed are removing and re-positioning the prosthesis and starting with an indirect method of treatment such as resinimplacive restorative care. Both of these methods require much more training and expertise for people to use.

Apply pressure

Pressing a dental home tooth into its socket can fix a denture hole or breakage. You can also purchase a similar product called an Octoberane.

Both products are sold as invisible adhesive strips that are placed on the bottom of the denture and then gently pressed onto the tooth. This creates a secure hold and prevents movement of the denture.

When removing the sticker, keep pressing down on the tooth until it comes out and then let it rest overnight to set up. The next day, remove it easily with finger or rubberband removal methods.

Use cold compressions

When removing a denture, you should use cold compressions to prevent pain and damage. This is due to the fact that the denture can be too tight or too heavy for your mouth.

This happens when the patient does not have enough space to hold the denture in place. It can also happen when the patient does not have a strong enough hand to remove the denture and re-insert it into his or her mouth.

To fix this problem, your next step should be to buy some spare ones! Luckily, this problem is easy to solve and you can do it yourself in just a few minutes!

Just put one of your new replacements into place, then pull out the other one and repeat until you have two replacements that are fit for use.

Use a denture fix kit

Many denture users try to fix their denture using a piece of broken cemented bandage or cloth that is stuck to the bottom of the frame. The attempt usually is to pull on one side of the denture and then rotate it so the other side is in.

This can work for a long time, but eventually it must be replaced due to wear or due to natural aging. Eventually, your family will get tired of constantly having it re-done and you can try this new method!

Using a kit comes with some different instructions. You first have to determine if you have around 20 or more mild cracks in your denture, if you need new cement, and what kind of replacement material you should use.

You then have to find an area on your denture where you feel secure in pulling on one end and rotating the other end in.

Use adhesive

If you can not fix the denture tooth at home using adhesive, then try using glue. If you can, then only use glue that is intended for wood, as vinyl glue would not work.

Glue can cause some re-saleable damage to the denture, so make sure it is labeled as such. Some brands are stronger than others and may require more pulling before it fully sticks.

As with any dental work, do not pull too hard or your denture may break even further! Make sure you keep your mind and hands clean when handling the glue, as some people can have dry skin or skin diseases that cause them to break down of force.

If you want to try this out on yourself or a friend, do not install any force for about an hour after taking the piece out of the freezer to let it set up.

Use a mixture of salt and baking soda

When placing a denture in, your dentist will typically use a mixture of salt and baking soda to help fill the space between the teeth and the rest of the denture. This helps reduce resistance to movement of the jaw, making it easier for your dentist to place the correct amount of space between your teeth.

When brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush, you can still make some adjustments. Use more vigorous brushing techniques and longer periods of time to compensate for less developed gum and better movement of the jaw.

Use a combination of normal toothpaste and softened white mints as self-care items. You can also buy self-braces or tape together anything that needs replacing on your mouth such as a new denture or replacement mouthpiece.

Seek alternative solutions (vitamin E, mayonnaise, etc.)

If your tooth has developed a hole or break in it, you can try some of the mentioned alternatives. Some solutions may be dangerous though.

Some dental products contain agents such as vitamin E or aloe vera to soften and prevent pain during treatment. However, if you have a broken denture, you must have the correct nutrition to ensure your body uses the vitamin E and other ingredients to treat your denture.

Dentists will recommend certain foods such as berries and peanut butter but you can make this for yourself!

Look up how to do it on the Internet so there is no risk of hurting yourself or creating an unknown problem with your denture.

See if the broken denture tooth will hold a false one

If the broken denture tooth will hold a one-one-one replacement one-one-one replacement, then it is time to see if there is another denture tooth nearby that will fit.

Many times, the two false denture teeth are placed close together during surgery and bonded together during post-surgical treatment. It can be hard to separate them and replace one without the other.

If one does not match well with the other, then it is possible to replace just the missing tooth. However, this may not be cost effective for you because you would want to have the other in place for comfort purposes.

Consult with an oral surgeon

When the time is right, patients can straiten their teeth by visiting a dentist. The easiest way to do this is at the community or at an oral surgeon’s office.

By going to a dental professional in person, you are giving them the opportunity to correct any issues that may be present. You are also ensuring that you have the correct tools and resources to correct your denture tooth.

You are also giving your dentist the opportunity to check for any other teeth that may be present or possible problems with your mouth such as an abscess, caries, or fracture. A qualified doctor can then recommend how often and how long of treatment you should receive for your denture tooth.

Placing a new denture will take time, especially if it needs re-staining or re-coating. Taking what they say into action and consulting with an oral surgeon before spending money on treatments is recommended.