Wife Swapping In Indian Armed Forces

A few years back, a lot of people were talking about a new swinger lifestyle called swinging. Swinging is the practice of meeting with other people to sexually engage in intercourse, typically for the first time.

Swinging was originally a sexier alternative to dating, where two people meet as friends, then move onto more serious sexual relations. It has become more of a normal part of relationships today, although it is still mostly taboo in the swingers community.

Being in an armed forces couple is not only exciting and challenging at the same time. You get to learn new things together and grow as individuals when you combine your responsibilities as swingers with your marriage.

Swapping in the Indian Armed Forces

wife swapping in indian armed forces

There has been a rising demand for female soldiers in recent years. They term female soldier is armed forces refers to both sexes.

As more countries introduce women into their military units, there are several reasons for them to join. One of these reasons is the possibility of career advancement opportunities.

Since 1998, India has offered a six-year scholarship for young people interested in serving in its military. The program is called the Vishisht Seva Vibhag (VSB), and it includes education, training, and military orientation courses.

On admission, applicants undergo an army medical and psychological screening, followed by a four-week basic training course. During this period, they learn about weapons and physical conditioning exercises they will be required to perform on a regular basis.

Ethical concerns of wife swapping

wife swapping in indian armed forces

Could your wife be swapped with another husband? In this case, your answer would be yes! Wife swapping is a very controversial subject.

Wife swapping is a type of swap meets, swap meets, or clandestinely arranged meet-ups between married individuals. It is typically done for financial sake, as well as for the companionship.

On the surface, it appears to be a beautiful thing: two people share a home with another person who cares about them deeply and gives them something to do every day.

However, there are significant ethical concerns when it comes to wife swapping. Professionals call these concerns “concerns”—they are considered ethical when an individual is aware of them and does not practice in order to have concerns nullified.

As an individual who has personally witnessed both positive and negative ethical concerns regarding husband swap encounters, this article will discuss some of these concerns in detail.

Is it adultery?

wife swapping in indian armed forces

Swapping in military heterosexuality is not uncommon. In fact, it is considered the norm for most men and women in military heterosexual relationships.

Many serving couples are promoted to rapid marriage when both people are deployed together. Couples tend to be very close, and rely on one another heavily.

With such a responsibility coming with a high standard of dress and behavior, leaving the other person feeling like less of a priority may hurt more than help their relationship.

Even if the relationship does not survive being in love with someone of another gender, it would be worth it in gold to have that time spent together again. Being in love with someone of the same sex did not make any difference in this scenario, as this was just another job for them.

Does it violate any religious principles?

wife swapping in indian armed forces

In most countries, it would be considered a form of prostitution and illegal. In some countries, it is legal but spouse swapping is considered a form of intimacy between lovers.

In others, it is just not done because of the implications on the relationship or exposure to any kind of money in exchange for the privilege of sleeping with the husband is considered as intimate as sex.

In some cases, the husband may feel that he has lost part of his masculinity by participating in such a activity with his wife, but what choice does he have? He cannot continue to live with her and enjoy her without him being aware that she sleeps with other men.

He can face a lot of social stigma if he discovers his wife was cheating on him and was getting intimate with another man while he was away at work.

What are the rules for swappers and swappees?

wife swapping in indian armed forces

It is crucial that you understand your surroundings and how to respect other people in the military. If you have trouble managing your shift swap, or if you are looking to swap with someone else, then this article is for you!

In order to swap shifts with another person, you must be assigned a specific date and time where they can contact you. This can be via email, text messaging, or even through a military notification system.

If you are assigned a different date and time for your next shift, then you must report at the same location and time that same day in order to do another switch.

Who can be a swapper?

wife swapping in indian armed forces

Any man can become a Swapper if he has an itch to swap wives with another woman. However, only men can become a Swapper by marrying a female military spouse.

As mentioned earlier, only men can become a Swapper. However, women can also be Swapping as long as they are married to another man. Some women even call themselves wives when they are actually swappers.

The benefits of being a wife include receiving child support and marital sex which you might not get every time you are married to someone else. Being married to another man does have benefits such as no wedding expenses and being referred to as someone else’s husband is not going to change who you are on the inside.

Does it matter whether the husband knows his wife has been swapped?

wife swapping in indian armed forces

As far as the husband is concerned, his wife is still his wife and they are married. He should not worry about finding out her new duty, or if she has a new boyfriend, or if she has been transferred.

This is because the husband will not be involved in the decision-making for her switch. The military will make the decision, and send her to her new duty location.

It will not matter to him whether or not she likes it there as a new job; she will be part of her family’s military bond that will keep her in line. This can make a big difference when switching roles as a person.

As far as keeping track of his wife, he should only do what he needs to do to keep himself safe. He should never concern himself with others.

What if the wife does not want to swap?

If the husband does not want his wife to swap, then he can send her home. The armed forces will not consider a married person without a wife as their property.

In the Indian Armed Forces, the commanding officer can decide whether to allow a married woman to join her husband in marital relations. If she does, then she becomes his private property and she must comply with his wishes or leave their unit.

There are limits to what the commanding officer may demand from a woman who is in marital relations with another person. For example, if the other person did not use a condom, then the commanding officer may require that sex be stopped and it be determined if there was any damage to the mental health of the person involved.

If one believes that limiting military service for people who have children is justified, then it is also true that limited military service for people in marital relations should be limited as well.

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