Why Is Helium So Expensive

Helium is a very rare gas found in small amounts in the universe. Because of this, it is extremely expensive. Theoretically, you can buy as much helium as you need, but it is expensive!

How expensive hellebores are, depends on where you live. In colder climates, helium is more common and prices are higher. In hotter climates where there is less demand for cooling purposes, less helium is needed to maintain comfortable temperatures.

As we explained in the beginning of this article, there are three main uses for helium: balloon inflation, cryogenic transport & processing, & heating applications. As we explain below, there are many ways to use and cost-wise Helium Isolators are not expensive!

of Helium Isolators.

Difficult processing

why is helium so expensive

As mentioned earlier, helium is a type of gas. This means it can be processed into h20 and LNG!

However, processing helium requires special equipment and complicated processes. Many companies cannot afford the technology needed to create helium.

This is a difficult cost factor to ignore! As seen with the cost of LNG, a hefty price tag makes people purchase it or they would not sell it.

As seen with the cost of M&Ms, people may not buy if they know there will be no shortage when food and drinks need to be bought! There has to be an awareness factor for this expensive material however.

Helium is used in many applications

including medicine, aerosols, and toy explosions. Which is why it is so expensive!

But not every helium molecule is created equal. There are different sizes of helium atoms in a Helium atom.

Large (alpha) helium atoms have a long, heavy ring that makes them difficult to synthesize. Because they are more prevalent, small (beta) and large (gamma) helium atoms are easier to create.

Because of this, small amounts of helium are more common than the larger amounts found in larger gas bottles.

Global shortage

why is helium so expensive

Helium is a very rare and expensive gas. We can only get it in space due to its low concentration.

It costs more than $20,000 per kilogram ($2,545 per pound) for the pure material, making it one of the more expensive chemicals on the market. As well as this being pricey, it is also high in cost due to production.

As well as being expensive to produce, helium is also costly to ship. Due to its cost and production restrictions, it has been used in space for almost a century!

Unfortunately, that is coming to an end.

Prices will likely continue to rise

why is helium so expensive

Despite low cost, helium is still a expensive component in many systems. This is likely to continue as more and more high tech devices require more and more high quality helium!

Many times when people buy helium it is purchased from retail locations such as gas stations or convenience stores. This can be confusing as you need to look up the exact location and directions before you purchase!

It is important to note that the cheaper grade of helium is not much better quality than the professional grade. The lower cost does not last much longer either as heaves will use it up faster.

Heatsinks will remain one of the most used components in Heater kits.

One way to save helium is to reduce leakages

why is helium so expensive

Leakages occur when a balloon is not filled to the top due to lack of helium. When this happens, some of the helium is lost through the air inside the balloon to make room for expansion.

If you have lots of small balloons, it may be worth investing in a helium tank. Each one can hold up to a dozen or more balloons making for easy storage. By having lots of these, you will find your balloons last longer!

Another way to save helium is to use smaller nontoxic inflation links. These reduce the amount of space inside the balloon that lacks air. By using smaller links, there are less chances of loss or damage either physically or emotionally.

Invest in a helium filling station

why is helium so expensive

Helium is a gas that exists in small amounts in the universe. It can be found in its pure form in the form of ice particles, which are found in cold places.

Because it is so rare, helium is expensive. A kilogram of helium costs more than a kilogram of diamonds! As with most things expensive, you will get what you pay for.

As seen with the price of Diamonds, people that need Helium such as radio towers or balloons cost more than low- usage items such as radios or televisions. This is because there are more uses for Helium than just radio and television!

You do not need Helium filling stations that sell only helium however, as there are many other supplies available. There are sold at less costals such as Costco and Sams Club.

Buy small bottles instead of large ones

why is helium so expensive

When you go to buy helium, there are two steps you must take. First, you must create an account by entering your email address and creating an account. Then, you can purchase helium!

During registration, you will be asked for your birthday date. That way, if you want to have a higher price point, they will let you.
Whether or not they do that is up to them! Most stores offer this feature for free.

The second step is to buy helium.

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