Why Is California So Expensive

As the largest state in the country, California has a huge impact on the rest of the United Start looking at other states and counties to see how much they cost in 2018!

Many people hear California and assume of large cities, multiple communities, and sprawling rural regions. While these are central to California’s identity, they are not always identified as being expensive.

This can be changing quickly as new developments increase in value due to good quality housing. With little up-and-coming areas having little or no regulation, accountability, or investment, financial experts are calling for increased awareness among residents.


High taxes

why is california so expensive

As mentioned before, California is expensive. Many people can not afford to live in California and let’s face it, it is definitely an eye-watering place to live.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that cost money. Government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare require you to live in certain areas so you can be paid.

With all of the government programs, you have to pay for them whether you live in California or any other state!

Another expense is high taxes. When you calculate how much money the government takes from you, it actually costs a lot to live in California.

When we look at taxes as a percentage of our income, they are extremely high Living in California is never a good idea if you do not have enough money to live there.

Cost of living

why is california so expensive

As your paragraphe bullets point out, California is expensive. However, not every state is known for its cost of living.

Limited housing

why is california so expensive

Another big reason why California is so expensive is limited housing. Even though there are a lot of people, there are not enough housing units for everyone.

There are a lot of people moving to California, but not enough units for them. This is a problem for both new residents and those who have moved before.

New residents can find it difficult to communicate their need for housing due to the limited supply. Those who have not lived in the state before can also be frustrated by the cost of living.

In previous years, cost of living articles would talk about how expensive New York City and Washington, D-C are. However, after looking at current articles, New York City and Washington, D-C do not appear on the list of most expensive states due to limited housing availability.

Famous celebrities

why is california so expensive

Most people know celebrity births, such as Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen’s baby, but less people know about the many other famous children out there.

Many celebrities have children with different mothers, child welfare officials, and family members. The average age of the celebrity child’s mother is 35, indicating she was a teenager when she first had sex.

This makes sense; during the 1980s and 1990s, these two periods of time were closely linked by popular culture. Many young people grew up with Lady O as their role model.

While most children are fine with her being their mother, some are not ready to be around an older woman and her sex-specific habits. These include sexual transmitted diseases, drug use, and childbearing.

Some children even struggle with traditional gender roles imposed by their mother’s generation.

Famous cities

why is california so expensive

While the large size of some of these cities may make them seem imposing, it is important to understand your city’s boundaries. These boundaries can make or break how expensive a location is.

We suggest looking into these cities on second thought as a next step. You can start now by checking out San Francisco, California, and Oakland, California, and see if they are more affordable.

If you have to travel a long distance, an expensive state may not be the best choice. While there are some people who would love to live in a more expensive city, overall people would rather live in a less expensive city.

People would also prefer cheaper places because they feel better about themselves when they visit them. When they travel away from home, they feel like they are coming home. This makes them decide whether or not to move out of state for the location.

Beautiful beaches

California has some beautiful beaches that are a little bit out of the way, but if you want to go, you have to pay for it. Many of these beaches require a membership which is a cheap price for this convenience.

Many of these sites offer discounted membership packages which are just fine if you already like being involved in the community. If not, it is still a great experience and you can still visit!

Being involved in the community is not just for rich people either– many low-income people find value in joining local groups like chamber of commerce or conservation boards to get involved with the community.

Agriculture dominance

why is california so expensive

One major reason why California is so expensive is due to its high concentration of farmland. Unlike most places, California has a lot of land that’s used for farming.

When you look at areas like the Central Valley, the area surrounding the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and the coast where fishing is popular, you see that there are a lot of acres for farming.

There’s a reason why you’ll often find huge farms in France and Germany compared to Canada where rural culture is less prevalent. In Canada, large farms are more common because of lack of farm regulation.

There are two things that regulate large farms in Canada: 1) They aren’t allowed to monopolize production or 2) They can’t hire family members as employees. Even though these regulations don’t apply to large Canadian farms, they still control them due to wealth.

Complex regulations

why is california so expensive

Being a expensive state doesn’t mean Californians have a good life. Many live in poverty and inequality, which are not represented in the state’s statistics.

In fact, many people believe California is a wealthy state, with high cost of living, and that is the reason they make so much money here.

But poor people don’t typically buy luxury items and expensive things. So why is California so expensive?

Many things cost money, including food and clothing. A pair of designer shoes costs more than a cheap pair of shoes you can find at Walmart or Target.

Some things are made for people who spend money very fast. For example, buying alcohol and candy can be helpful ways of measuring how expensive California is.

These kinds of things will help you determine if you need to lower your expectations or buy something more expensive to get what you want.

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