What Is The Spokane Powwow

The Spokane Powwow is an annual pow wow that takes place in the summer. The pow wow features a wide array of Native American tribes, men and women alike, dancing and performing on both Friday and Saturday.

Friday is the actual pow-wow day, and attendees are required to show up at a designated location by about seven thirty in the morning. They stay until they are invited back into attendance by the organizers.

Saturday is the rest day, when people can go out and enjoy beautiful weather without having to worry about being cold or dressed in costumes.

The pow-wow is family friendly, with no alcohol or drug use allowed.

History of the Spokane Powwow

what is the spokane powwow

The Spokane powwow was founded in the early 1900s by a doctor named Frank Kipp. He wanted to create a summer celebration that honored Native American culture.

After some research, he discovered there were pow-shows held around the country. These events involved dancing, wrestling, and other traditional Native American behaviors and customs.

He decided to try a pow-wow as an event to commemorate his graduation from medical school. It took place for three days in June, and over 200 people attended.

Over time, the pow-wow grew larger and larger.

Where is the Spokane Powwow held?

what is the spokane powwow

The Spokane Powwow is a multi-ethnic event that takes place every spring in Downtown Spokane. The powwow is a celebration of Native American tradition and culture, as well as a fundraiser for local charities.

The pow-wow originated in Canada, where it was held yearly until the late 1940s. Afterward, it was held occasionally until the early 1960s, when it became a full-blown event.

It returned again and again, each year putting more and more effort into tradition and fundraising. Today, it is an internationally recognized event that attracts thousands of fans from all over North America to Downtown Spokane to celebrate Native traditions and raise money for local organizations.

The 2018 event will be held on Saturday, April 26th at Vasey Hall downtown with gates opening at 7:30am and closing at 5:30pm.

What happens at a powwow?

what is the spokane powwow

At a powwow, people come to socialize, learn new skills, and/or listen to music. You can be anywhere on the spectrum from complete novice to expert in every aspect of pow wow!

Of course, the main event is dancing! Most people learn how to dance at a young age, but learning new moves is always fun. Some people spend weeks learning how to truly shake their booties and wiggle their legs.

Others spend weeks practicing basic movements like walking or running or cuing (putting music on) their body party tricks. Both men and women do pretty much the same things except on the gender side of things!

Dance is such a big part of the powwow culture that some have dance studios set up at the pow-wah-que! People come in from all over just to take advantage of this.

Who runs the powwow?

The Spokane powwow is a special event that draws in thousands of visitors each year. It’s also very popular among tourists looking to learn more about Native American culture.

The powwow is a registered organization, which means it is officially recognized as an entity that needs to be paid attention to. Unlike a club or group of friends, which can change its membership status, the powwow cannot be disbanded due to membership changes.

Since it has a defined end point to its event, people are responsible for finishing their events and getting ready for the next event on time. If someone fails to do so, then the next person up will try harder and finish in time!

The powwow features entertainment from different bands every night, as well as dancing and entertainment on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Do I need a ticket?

what is the spokane powwow

Not usually. Most powwas allow people into the powwow grounds without ticket or pass. If you go to a pow-wow, you are already part of the event.

If you do not have a ticket, you can still enter the pow-wow grounds. All you need to do is go inside and find a group or person that invited you to the event. Go talk with them and let them know if you are ready to participate in the pow-wow.

If there is enough interest, more tickets may be sold later on. If someone is not ready to participate in the event, they can just leave if they feel safe doing so. There are no special requirements for being a responsible member of society at a pow-wow!

The main social events at a pow-warike party prior to the event being held and please see below for information about how to attend.

What should I wear?

what is the spokane powwow

At a powwow, you will usually wear formal clothes. A jacket or dress is your party equivalent to a sports coat or dress shirt and headset and phone!

The traditional outfit is a white or colored shirt with some kind of tie. Since this is typically a formal event, most people wear shirts that are somewhat heavy with some kind of jewelry.

People also typically wear shorts or short pants for the sake of convenience, as well as the fact that long pants are safer than short ones. Typically people cover their midsection in order to display more wealth or bravery, but it is totally allowed at the powwow!

Some people choose not to wear a shirt and shoes are always acceptable at pow woks because of health reasons.

Are there any tips for getting a good seat?

what is the spokane powwow

Getting a good seat is key during pow wavs, as fill seats are at a premium. If you do not get a good seat, you may be sacrificing some of the best viewing position for the event.

If you are seated in the back of the house, try to find a window or door to exit through, as those will give you the most room to move. If possible, sit close to the stage or one of the larger rooms, as those will get more direct sunlight and be more entertaining.

If possible, sit down far enough to avoid any motion sickness or lightheadedness symptoms, which can cause people to miss what is happening on stage. Lastly, if possible, sit down with a clear view of where people are at during event in order to seek out new seats.

What is the food like?

what is the spokane powwow

The food at a powwow is usually diverse, and varied. There are many different cultures that celebrate pow wow, so you can be sure that there is always something to eat.

Some of the traditional foods include: potatoes & cornbread, chili con carne, chicken gizzards & rice dishes, and dessert pancakes & sugared bough sweets.

Potatoes & cornbread are very popular items to eat during a pow wow, since they are easy to make and always sell out fast. Chili con carne is an old favorite that people still make today.

The chili con carne reminds people of church suppers as a kid, where you dip your tortilla chips in the dishwater-covered bowl of soup with your food. It is powerful stuff!

Chicken gizzards & rice dishes are usually eaten as side dishes, so people do not feel starved during the event. Dessert pancakes & sugared bough sweets are typically shared between all attendees, so they do not have to worry about eating too much.

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