What Is Drums Girls And Dangerous Pie About

Drums girls is a subculture that developed in the 1980s and 1990s in Europe and America. Its members were called drumettes or girlz in the 1980s and 1990s when they were children or teenagers.

When they reached adulthood, they decided to transition from being social isolationists who liked to jam out alone, but weren’t necessarily fanatical about it anymore. They wanted to show other people how fun and enjoyable music could be.

As adults, they continue to hang out together, dance together, and enjoy music together. It is one of the few things where you can feel truly relaxed and enjoy yourself without too many cares in the world.



what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie is a contemporary girls’ fantasy novel where you play as one of the characters and assume the role of a drummer in a rock band. You join other musicians as they prepare for an upcoming performance, give support to members during times of transition, and celebrate after each event.

The novel takes place in the near future where music is still very popular. Concerts are quite common and support groups exist to help people get back into music after an absence. Supporting a band is not an easy task – it takes time, patience, and a lot of encouragement!

Along with supporting the band, playing drums is very rewarding. You get to use your creativity without having any experience or training. This appeal to emotion coupled with the lack of training makes playing in this novel something special.


what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

Drums Girls is an odd series of videos created by a woman named Melody, who claims that she is channeling the spirit of Native American drumming girls. The series consists of three parts: Melody talking about the girls, clips of them performing various moves, and a breakdown of what they are doing and how to do it.

The girls in the series are shown performing moves such as spinning, leg raises, and other low-impact movements. None of the girls in the series are named rhythm or dance girls, which seems odd given how common that name is.

It is not clear if the move names were chosen by the women or if they are just coincidence. Regardless, all of the moves have something in common: being very low-impact.

Explaining the title

what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

A children’s book, Dangerous Pie is all about trying new things. The main character, Stella, gets inserted into a pie-eating contest and she has to learn to handle new foods by eating just one piece at a time.

This book helps children understand that it’s important to try things and to be cautious about doing so. By being aware of the dangers of food, this book helps children realize that there are many things in life that are unknown but fun to eat.

By learning that pie is dangerous, this book illustrates how kids might think something is free if it looks tasty, tastes good, and is in a container.

Situations and themes

Most of the time, songs are about love, sex, or situations that involve action. This is how songs become themes!

But not every song can be about these things. So, when determining if a song is theme or not, look for signs. These include: the title (title of a song is what grabs your attention), the main character’s situation or theme (love, sex, action), and whether or not it’s positive (love is positive).

There are some great love songs that are not positive, like When You Wanna Dance by Tiana & The Sherea Sisters.

Who stars in it?

what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

Drums Girls is an action-packed movie about two best friends, Lola and Ena, who decide to put their rivalry for the title of drummer girl — a accolade that requires incredible talent on both sides — to the extreme.

They compete in structured training programs, train alongside each other in their spare time, and ultimately spend a week living together as a team. During this week they work hard together and as individuals to prove themselves as drummers.

When it comes time for them to clash at the competition, they face off with everything at stake: their reputation on the verge of being destroyed, their trust in one another stretched thin, and the possibility of losing both of them for good.

Drums Girls is a movie about friendship, competition, growth, and how you handle yourself when you’re facing your fears. It will make you cry but not because there’s blood involved—that’s just being competitive.

Does the movie live up to the book?

what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

The biggest difference between the movie and the book is the end. In the book, Chloe’s mom comes to get her and she runs away with Sam.

In the movie, Sam dies and Chloe’s mom comes looking for her. At this point, Sam and Chloe are married with a baby on the way.

After that, things get a little weird. In the movie, Sam just disappears without a word. In reality, he goes back to school and gets a job to help support his family after Chloe leaves him.

This is where things differ in the movies. One version is more dramatic than the other is less dramatic. Although both stories are about young women who make bad decisions, they are very different versions of what happens next.


what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

Drums and girls is a lovely way to put it. It means you can talk about the amazing music you listen to, create your own music style, and share it with the world.

Drums and girls are a way for people to get together and create something artistic together. Some find community through sharing their art, others just enjoy seeing other creative things and finding satisfaction in that.

Any form of music is valid for creation. Many people take up the hobby just for the sake of creating and sharing music. Others just find patterns or rhythms in music they like to create with bass, sound effects, and musical notation.

The most important thing you must do to become a competent drummer is learn how to read drum beats.

Sources used

what is drums girls and dangerous pie about

Drums Girls is an international drumming group with a headquarters in the United States. Their mission is to share their art form with the world and to encourage new and old drummers alike to learn how to play.

Their source materials include sticks, feet, and heads as well as melodies and rhythms. Their practices are open to anyone, especially since there is no training or structure given.

They have no leaders or guidelines given when starting out as a drummer. Instead, you just get out of your shell and do what feels right at that moment.

They practice at all hours of the day and night so that they are ready for when the music starts up again. They believe it helps keep them motivated after practice too.

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