What Does A Rectangle With An X Emoji Mean

The rectangular-shaped emoji is called the x and was introduced in 2013 to represent a person with an addiction to an addictive drug. The drug was called the x because it was what they needed to feel good.

This drug was known as e,t,c, or simply ext. It was very important to this person, so they lived for and enjoyed this drug.

This person would spend hours taking and replaying how enjoyable this drug can be, how good it makes them feel. This person also may have trouble stopping themselves from using it, which is why they needed the x to feel better.

We call these drugsX, and their users Xs.


Broken relationship

An broken relationship between two people is seen in the rectangle with an X emoji. These people do not like each other and have little to no interaction camera-to-camera, text-to-text, or online-to-online.

Because of this, they do not express emotions properly and are stiff in their expression. This is because they are not being affectionate enough to each other.

When one person in a relationship is going through a bad period, it can look like this person has colored their square with an X. They have less love for the other person and have distance between them.

It can also look like this person has broken up with the other person because of this break up has made them notice how much they liked another person more. They are now forced to part ways because of how much they were loving each other but was not enough for each other.

No more interest

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

The interest coach has clear to offer has run out. She is ready to call it a day and move on to the next thing.

She has made her best efforts, and she has helped her clients achieve their goals, but she is now ready to move on to the next thing.

Clients have been a nice addition to her practice, but they have never been enough of a draw for her. She would like more people to use her services, but she can’t seem to find the right formula for them.

The only person she feels comfortable telling her story too is herself. She doesn’t want anyone else to take control of her life, but she knows it is time for her to move on from the interest coach.


what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

This bullet point does not have a corresponding blog post.

The rectangle-X emoji has been retired and is no longer available on any website or platform. As the majority of people do not know what a rectangle-X looks like, it has been removed as an emoji.

This was likely the reason for its retirement as it was not widely used. The X was rarely if ever used in conjunction with another symbol to form an identifying symbol.

As we just discussed, this is good thing as it prevented confusion and help identify different people, services, etc.

Do not continue what you were saying

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

If you want to continue your message, change the shape of the rectangle to an X.

The X shaped emojion is currently in development, so stay tuned for updates!

The current version has a shorter line that is thicker at the bottom. This looking like an X and extra thickness makes it more challenging to develop, but not impossible.

Developing an emojion requires a lot of time and effort, so do not rush it if you have some points for your character.

Something terrible happened

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

There was a time when people hadn’t an X-like rectangle with an equal amount of sides. They didn’t until now!

Back in the day, people used something else instead. A lot of them did, in fact.

The first one was the circle with a line through it, which everyone knew was a suggestion for something to buy. The second was the circle with a line through it, which everyone knew was a suggestion for something to eat.

Both of those were removed very quickly because people couldn’t decide if they wanted to use them or not. It is hard to be consistent about using two different looking emojis!

Today, there is only one X-like rectangle with an equal amount of sides and that is the one you use to indicate that something is bad or wrong.

It’s over between us

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

You’re probably asking yourself, what the heck is an X? And why does it look like an X?

Well, it’s an old-fashioned letter X. In fact, there was a time when they used to print them with certain letters.

But those days are long gone. Today, Xs are represented by an emblem called a kyriosketchisis. It looks a little like a circle with some black lines on it.

This kyriosketisis is the one and only way to represent the x in emoji. Research has shown that people who use this new way of writing letters are actually more likely to make mistakes in business settings than the old-fashioned way.

So, what is the secret to getting people to use your new x? Well, maybe having no meaning behind it all can be helpful.

I’m sorry

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean

An X Emoji is when you have a baby or an infant. So, the bullet point says, “Bullet point: An infant”.

As a kink community, we have lots of symbols and terminology to refer to our members, lovers, and partners. One of these terms is the term infant/child.

In the context of kink, an infant/child is what we call a new member of our community who is just coming out of surgery and needs to be cleaned up after they are done with their first day at the Kink conference.

As members of the community who use emojis to represent faces and body parts, we have trouble identifying when something isn’t human. The lack of recognizable features makes it hard for us to communicate with emojis.

This article will talk about some common emojis that don’t look like people and how you can tell if it is an infant/child.

I don’t know what to say anymore

what does a rectangle with an x emoji mean


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