Social Worker Home Visit Checklist

A social worker home visit is a valuable tool for a social worker. They can use their visit to gather information from the family about the child, get feedback on how they care for the child, and/or learn more about the child.

A home visit can be helpful to learn more about a family as they may not be as aware as other parents of children of all ages. For example, families who have children who are older or who have special needs children may not always think to check on their children daily.

It also helps with re-visits as during the visit, it can take some time for someone to remember everything that was asked and done during the first visit. This is no problem when re-visiting as there are new questions and responses can be remembered.

The most important question for the home visitor to ask is whether or not a parentfalsely tells the childno one cares except you (CNOS) so they do not want to take them away because of behavior issues.

Doors and windows secured

Make sure children understand the rules for outside and inside, and make sure they know how to get in and out of the house.

If the home has children, make sure they are aware of their surroundings and safe decisions are made about exiting and entering the house. Checklists can help with this.

Another tip is to make checklists of supplies you will need during an evaluation or when services are offered. This includes schedules of appointments, medications needed, etc.

When checking up on a child, have a plan for what you will say so you do not run into any roadblocks. Checklists can help with this as can very clear minds.

Lastly, make sure your children are being safe playmates say-s-s-s-s-s-s-o-o-ooon! Have confidence in your ability to oversee playfulness by checking with other adults or parents before allowing any changes in behavior or playmates.

All doors leading to the outside are secure

This includes windows, door handles, and door bars. You do not want a social worker or police entering your home in this state unless there is an emergency.

A social worker can also use this checklist to determine if someone needs help. If the social worker finds no need for services, then the social worker can conclude that the home is in good condition and safe.

If there is a need for services, such as housing or financial aid, then the government must apply rules and regulations to determine if someone is eligible. The home owner or person responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the home must also meet requirements to ensure safety.

The general rule when determining if a home needs renovations or repairs is that it must be safe for people in and out of it to take steps without breaking anything.

Identification of poisonous chemicals are properly labeled and stored out of reach of children

When a social worker is called in to help a child or family, they are typically looking for trouble or instability in the home. This is important, as home visits are key to making sure this applies to the family member or individual in need.

If there are drugs or alcohol beverages present, it is important they are labeled and stored away in a safe place. If there is violence in the home, the safety of everyone in the house must be assessed and addressed.

If individuals with mental health issues are present, it is crucial that safety and security be addressed. If one has to flee the home when an issue arises, these issues must be properly addressed and accounted for.

It is extremely important for a social worker to have a check list when visiting a home, as some issues can be missed during an initial visit.

Identify any hazardous areas in the home

When a home visit is planned, the social worker should first identify any areas of high risk in the home. These may be areas with known dangerous people or conditions, things that are expensive or costly items in the home, or any area that is not commonly used.

For example, a gas heater in the home is a common sight but expensive appliance. A large TV and/or computer system is also common as it may be used for watching television and/or computing.

Any of these may have negative effects on an individual, such as decreased physical and mental healthustainability. By identifying these areas during the Planning Phase, it can save time and resources on future homesave requests.

When planning a homesave visit, the social worker should be prepared for these areas to show during the visit. The safety checklist can help identify these before the visit to save time and resources.

Inspect all lighting fixtures for broken or loose parts

Look for evidence of break-ins or theft such as broken window locks or window screen edges torn or missing.

During a home visit, check the lights for shadows and determine if any are old or malfunctioning. Look for signs of damage such as water rings, dried-up mojitos, and/or piles of toilet paper.

If a bathroom is lacking in lighting, investigate if there is adequate light from windows, floor-level lighting, or hidden lighting. If necessary, add up to 5 Christmas lights to find enough length of wire to adequately illuminate the bath.

Christmas lights are recommended lengthwise due to electrical regulations. If you have short lengths of wire, use them! Just make sure they are properly insulated to prevent electrical shorts or overloads.

Determining whether a bathroom needs new flooring or updated lighting is based on what type of furniture is present and how much light they receive.

Check the function of all smoke detectors

If you see smoke or signs of fire, call Fire Department immediately. Also check the function of all fire alarms and evacuation plans.

If there is an upper floor, make an appointment to visit the home to make sure everyone is safe. Ask if there are service animals and how many people in the home have access to them.

Consider meeting the neighbors to see if they have any problems with noise or property maintenance. If a home is in need of help, meet the family members to see if you can help with something small like fixing a meal or taking them out for a day of fun.

And lastly, check the function of sprinkler systems to make sure they are working properly.

Check the home temperature settings are not too low or high

If your young child is bed-bound or needs a room with a water feature to enjoy, then it is important that they have access to warm water.

To ensure your child has access to electricity and heat, it is also important that their bedroom is heated and they have an electric blanket or heater to keep them warm.

An early visit should be for at least 30 minutes to make sure nothing else needs doing. Check the children’s charts for any developmental issues and call their doctor if needed.

During the visit, ask about any rituals, what medications they are and what parents they live with may be. If there are family issues, such as parent losing job or family needing to leave home for reasons, these should be addressed during the visit.

Obtain the name, address, and phone number of your client’s doctor(s)/ therapists(s)/ pharmacy(ies)/ support group(s)/ family member(s)/ partner(s)/ roommate(s)/ neighbor(s), etc. for follow-up purposes

It is important to have the contact information for your doctor, therapist, and other medical professionals like doctors and dentists. You can ask your client’s doctor or therapist about any health issues that may arise, like changes in weight or shape or a new symptom.

If something does arise, the healthcare team can contact the appropriate authorities to make sure your client gets proper care. The doctor or therapist can then send a letter or phone call explaining what happened and why they thought it was necessary to see a professional.

Having this information will help in future home visits as well as contacting the professionals if any issues arise.

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