Six Screens Of The Watchtower Conference Call

The watchtower conference call is a way for Jehovah’s Witnesses to stay in contact after a Jehovah’s Witnesses conference. The conference is designed to teach new Jehovah’s Witnesses how to counsel with individuals who have questions or problems about the religion.

The call can be made by phone, Skype, or LINE chat. It is free to use and anyone with a phone can make the call!

The line up of speakers varies and includes senior leaders, current and former members, and people with experience in religion counseling. All have something to say about the Conference theme of “building a new world” so they can help individual attendees feel like they are making a difference.

This article will look at six ways the speakers on the conference call help individual attendees feel connected to God and His Kingdom, what they say is their main purpose on the line up, and some of their other helpful things they do.



six screens of the watchtower conference call

A tablet is a new feature added to the conference call in 2016. The device can be connected to via wifi or usb, making it available to all participants on their phones or small computers.

The device can be used to access the internet, send an email, and even input a question or response for the speaker. This is helpful when you are holding the phone and having difficulty putting your attention where it needs to go.

By having the ability to use the tablet on the call, people can now add information to a computer-quality document they may be sending as well.

This feature was added due to increased demand for documents in today’s society, especially from members who are required to keep precise records of their attendance at meetings and what they have done with their membership.


six screens of the watchtower conference call

The laptop is a new feature added to the conference call in 2018. Previously, members were required to use the phone to access the computer features.

Today, members can use a laptop or desktop computer to access the conference call features. This is very helpful as some members do not have access to a phone or computer!

Members can now use a laptop or desktop computer to access the conference call features. This is very helpful as some members do not have access to a phone or computer!

This feature does come with some limitations, see below. For instance, certain software packages are not allowed on a laptop for security reasons. Also, members are asked if they have any special programs and apps they want to use that they must always have available.

These limitations are made so that all participants in the meeting can hear each other clearly and keep up with the conversation.


six screens of the watchtower conference call

The mobile device appears to be the only piece of equipment the callers will need to make or take a call on. The rest of the caller’s equipment must be in proximity to it.

The screen of the mobile device must be displayable. If the screen is not visible, then it does not function!

The sound has to be audible. If there is no sound, then it does not function!

The computer or smart phone must have enough power to run the watchtower application or phone call.

Smart TV

six screens of the watchtower conference call

A new feature of most televisions now is a smart TV. This means that the TV has a chip inside that can connect to your cable or satellite channel by way of a special app.

This app can then display various things, such as shows or even live broadcasts from channels. By connecting the smart TV to your cable or satellite channel, you can now have things like program listings and even see what other programs are on!

This feature is great as it does not require you to have a cable or satellite subscription, but rather you can just download the app and connect it! This way, anyone with a computer or smartphone can create the app and provide access to your programs.

Despite being so simple, many people do not know how to set up a smart TV.

Speaker Phone

six screens of the watchtower conference call

The speaker phone feature allows users to talk to a person on the other end of the line. This feature is not available on all devices, but can be enabled by clicking the button on your account.

User created shortcuts must be entered into the device before it will function. These shortcuts can be text and/or phone numbers, locations, or objects in sight.

Shortcuts cannot be mixed with normal watchtower conference call features such as volume and screen size options. You will only have the speaker phone feature active when using it.

This feature is helpful for contacting friends or relatives outside of Jehovah’s Witnesses, since they may not be able to make the watchtower conference call themselves.

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