How To Make Your Own Lucille Bat

Lucille is a classic TV character, loved by generations of fans. She was a housewife who stood up for what she wanted and deserved. She was strong and determined, making her a perfect candidate for your bullet point.

Making your own Lucille doesn’t require any expensive materials or processes, making it an affordable way to create new characters and stories. This can be a great way to incorporate some storytelling into your child’s learning.

Making your own Lucilles is an individualized process that fits in with other things you do as a parent, like craft projects or homemade goods.

Paint it black

how to make your own lucille bat

If you want your Lucille Bat to look more like a bullet, you can paint it black. This is an easy way to make your Lucille Bat. All you do is mix twoone equal parts pigment and one-of the other color in the mixture!

The trick is blending the two pigments together so it looks like a solid black bat. It takes some trial and error to find the right ratio of pigment and paint, but it is very simple once you do it once.

Either way, these are very popular teams because they are so cute! You can make them in any size or shape, with any brand of paint, and they are cheap and easy to make.

Make a wooden handle

how to make your own lucille bat

You can make your lucille bat handle in two ways. You can cut a single piece of wood that is roughly 4 to 5 inches long, or you can create a handle by joining two pieces of wood together.

Both of these methods are easy to do and give you some nice woodworking projects to do.

Using just one piece of wood can be helpful if you do not have the necessary joinery skills. In that case, you can just make the ends match and stick them together!

Just make sure to keep your weight consistent while working with the material. We want this bat to be fairly heavy, so a lower grade wood may be better than something hard like cherry or teak.

When joining two pieces of material, it is important to keep an even thickness.

Find some gold fabric

how to make your own lucille bat

There are a few ways to make gold fabric. You can buy it in the fabric store, or you can manufacture your own. Both methods use expensive ingredients, but the latter is definitely more creative.

The former is just plain hard!

Either way, the result is the same: beautiful gold fabrics. The two most common types of golden fabrics are metallic and soft-comfy cotton. The softness of the cotton makes it an ideal material for making Lucille Bat costumes.

The best place to buy your soft-comfy cotton is at a costume supplier or shop.

Make some gold fabric sleeves

how to make your own lucille bat

If you want your Lucille Bat to have some nice, soft, lined sleeves that look like a jacket, try making some soft, lightweight canvas or linen fabric sleeves. These will add some costuming value!

You can find these at your local fabric store or craft store. Make sure they are the right thickness for your Lucille Bat. Some need less material to fit in their hands than others. If yours looks too thin, add some more material to make it feel more real!

Bullet point cutouts are another way to make slits in your costume. Using a hemstitch or an American stitch machine, mark out the shape of the cutouts and then sew them together to create the slits.

Attach the fabric to the bat

how to make your own lucille bat

Now is the time to attach the fabric to your lucille bat. There are a few ways to do this. You can use running thread and a needle to sew through the fabric and then down the back of the bat. You can use stitched shoulder and wing tips or sewn-in feet.

Either way, you will want to make sure your foot is big enough to comfortably hold all of the layers together. If it has to be smaller, make sure it is done in time!

Make sure you leave some space around your bottom so it can breathe. This will help your bat feel more comfortable when flying!

To create shape, let your bat’s skin dry a little bit before creating any holes in it to let heat escape.

Put rubbers on the bottom of the bat

how to make your own lucille bat

Instead of a plain bottom, make the bottom with a rubber. You can purchase these at any drug or grocery store.

Put some rubbers on the bottom of your new bat to give it some traction as it falls. These are also good for playing with!

Add another piece of string and tie a loop in the end. This will be your handle.

Spray paint the handle gold

If you want your Lucille Bat to look more authentic, then let’s talk about painting the handle. There are a few ways to do it. You can use color-changing paint, you can use powder paint, or you can go with direct spray paint.

The easiest way to make the handle gold is with spray paint. Just make sure to keep your safety distance from the paint when applying it. It may crack or flow as it drys.

Another way to make the handle more authentic is to use glue and attach a square of painted wood where the handle should be. This must be done before painting as the glue must be dried before painting!

Either way, do not let your Lucille Bat dry before shooting! These guns fire slightly differently depending on what kind of ammo you are using.

Find the perfect spot for your new bat decoration

how to make your own lucille bat

Once you have your bat, the next step is to find a spot to put it. You can make your new bat anywhere, but there are some recommended locations for fun and safe play.

Using an open-field match or soccer game as a model, you can create a designated area for your new bat. In this case, you would line the area with paper tape or duct tape to form the base of your new bat.

You could also use an organized play space such as a jr. league room, schoolyard, etc. This would be of course only suitable for use by parents and children, as adult supervision is needed in case of an accident or fight.

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