How To Make Your Dirt Bike Faster

Making your dirt bike more powerful can be a fun way to ride It. If you are looking to make your dirt bike more powerful then this article can help!

There are many ways to make your dirt bike more powerful. Some of these include changing your tires, adding weights to your machine, and/or changing the size of your engine. Using these tips and changes will add some fun rides to your collection!

This article will go over some easy ways to make your machine stronger so do not get too upset if you do not change something in this list. Some people just prefer the older ways of making dirt bikes so that is fine!

Many people turn to online forums and talk shows to find information on how to make their bikes stronger. These kinds of websites have dedicated sections for “How To” articles like this one.


Lighter tires

how to make your dirt bike faster

Having lighter tires will make your bike faster. When you ride on heavier tires, you are less likely to be push off by terrain or other riders. Since the weight of the tire is being increased, the strength of the tire is increased as well.

This increase in strength will show in your ride. When you have thicker tires, they are more likely to grab better and stay inflated longer which adds some additional speed to your maneuverability.

We recommend either standard width tires or slightly thicker tires for this reason. Having slightly thinner tires can help keep weight savings available for Other Equipment or riding gear!

Standard widths are usually between 7 and 10 inches and slightly thicker ones are 11 to 13 inches.

Lighter rim

how to make your dirt bike faster

A lighter rim will increase the speed of your bike. A heavier rim will cancel out some of the speed advantage of a lighter rim.

In order for a rim to be heavy, it must be thicker than a thinner rim. In order for a wheel to be thick, it must be larger than a thin one.

This is why buying a wheel with a thicker base and tire is more expensive than buying two wheels with different sizes and putting them on opposite sides of the bike disc.

If you change tires every year, this is something to worry about. If you keep tires on your bike long enough, then yes, this will help make your bike faster!

Some wheels are so heavy that they cancel out some of the speed benefits of a lighter rim. If this happens to you, look for sellers with light-rimmed wheels that have thick bases so that you do not lose any speed due to weight.

Smaller sprockets

how to make your dirt bike faster

Changing sprockets on your bike’s front or back tire is a topic that always turns many heads. Should you change the size of the sprockets on your front or back tire? It depends!

Some riders prefer smaller spacer sizes on their front tire and larger ones on their rear. Others still find that no change is better than more sprocket sizes!

The general rule of thumb is to get the same sized sprocket on your rear tire and a smaller one on your front. This will give you more range of travel on your bike, plus it can be a source of speed difference between bikes!

Many riders find that a slightly raised (but notvelted) ring around the tires gives them some traction and help them move faster.

Longer tail pipe

how to make your dirt bike faster

A longer tail pipe is an easy way to make your dirt bike faster. It can be done in many ways, but the most popular is by adding a longer tail pipe.

The longer tail pipe is a piece of metal that is attached to the bike by a chain. When the rider goes into gear, the chain moves along the length of the axle, which increases the bike’s speed.

Another way to make your dirt bike faster is to add a higher seat. This may be done by adding a taller wheel or re-profiling the saddle. Both of these solutions increase your speed even more!

Dirt bikes are very popular because they are easy to ride and make great gifts.

Louder exhaust

how to make your dirt bike faster

A louder exhaust makes your dirt bike faster. The harder the engine is, the louder it has to be.

More powerful engines produce more noise when they are running. This noise affects how fast you are behind your fellow riders.

It also affects how hard other riders drive their bikes to get faster speeds!

How Loud Your Dirt Bike Exhaust Must Be?

Your dirt bike exhaust must be loud enough to hear. Some exhaust companies create their louder exhausts by making very loud mufflers or amplifiers.

To make your exhausts less quiet, use a lesser-sounding but still-loud muffler or amplifier.

Low profile gas tank

how to make your dirt bike faster

When building your dirt bike, consider the size of the gas tank. Most amateur dirt bikers have a small, cheap gas tank due to the size of their bike.

The taller tank gives more room for oil and gear while riding. A short tank causes more problems while shifting and maneuvering.

To put it simply, a short tank requires you to remove it when not in use, which can be hard to do at times. A tall tank allows for more room for oil and gear when shifting and maneuvering.

The height of the tank also affects how fast your Dirt Bike can go. Short tanks can get fasters gears sticked into it, making it accelerate or brake faster.

Light weight chassis

how to make your dirt bike faster

A light weight chassis will allow you to put more power into your dirt bike. A heavier chassis will limit your speed and distance when riding. This can be costly if you are riding in the woods!

Heavy-duty tires and gears will take you farther than lighter ones, but in the end, it will cost you. Take care to find a weight-balanced chassis so that you have enough power to move around.

Paracord brake cables are an easy way to make your dirt bike faster. Just buy some lightweight ones and connect them together at the front and back of the bike. This is also a good way to save money- buy two or three of these cable sets and get one for free!

Try adding some quick release plates on your frame so that they can be removed quickly.

High performance engine parts

how to make your dirt bike faster

When looking for engine parts, do not be too focused on cost. You want quality parts that work well, right?

Cost will probably go up as you go into more high performance engines, but not in the area of detail. Go with the best quality material so you do not have to go back to something else later.

You can still buy cheap engine parts, it is just harder to do so as your performance increases and takes more expensive parts. Most quality parts are a decent price point range.

For instance, a good rule of thumb is that an oil filter should last you about two full rides before needing another one.

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