How To Make A Stanley Cup Costume

If you are looking to make a quick and easy Stanley cup costume, then this article is for you. There are many different ways to make a costume out of a paper cup, so do not be worried.

There are many ways to market your costume and/or how long it will take you to complete your look. A lot of people wear their paper cups for about a week before putting on the rest of the outfit.

This article will go over some ways to make your cup costume! Read on for some great tips.

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When it comes to making your cup costume, there are some rules that have to be followed. These include finding a white paper cup, finding an appropriate set of undies, and finding an appropriately sized bag or garment that matches the size of the undies.

Paint the cup silver

how to make a stanley cup costume

While white is the standard color for a Stanley cup, you can paint the cup black, silver, or copper. The copper option is our favorite as it looks authentic!

Making your own costume is an easy way to show your fans how excited you are about the sport! If you are making the copper Cup, trace and cut out a piece of copper wire to do so.

Make some test runs to make sure it fits and that it is comfortable. It will take some time to make a second one, so do not get too wrapped up in it. You will be doing this more than once!

Try some different head shapes to see what fits best on your body. A little bit of tight-fitting material can help hold the Cup on too!

Doing a test run with your Cup does not mean you are ready to compete though.

Buy some silver paint for highlights

how to make a stanley cup costume

When you are planning your costume, it is important to buy enough paint to make your costume look true-to-life. A little bit of paint will only cost you a few dollars, so do not be afraid to get some.

For example, if you are buying a hockey mask, you can buy some paint and have it look real! You can pick between flat or Highlights in paint. Having different shades of grey and blue will give your costume more character.

It is also good to keep in mind which team you are dressed as. Some team costumes look good in neutral colors, like red or gray, so do not be afraid to mix and match those if need be.

Buy a foam hockey puck

how to make a stanley cup costume

Once you have your costume planned, it is time to buy your foam puck. A hockey puck is a large, flat object that can be used to mark and play the game with. You can find them at a sports fan or game store, or online.

Generally, they are 2 feet in length, 1 inch in width, and have markings on them for players to use. This makes it easy to put it on and feel like you are playing the game!

Make sure to get one that is black in color so your costume looks more classy. Try using some material from an old shirt or jacket to make up the difference.

Make a cardboard collar using painter’s tape

how to make a stanley cup costume

Using a piece of painter’s tape, create the shape of a shirt or coat. Then, draw a line down the center to create the shape of a tie.

These techniques are very easy to do with practice, so do not hesitate to try it!

Making your costume functional is what makes it costumer. So, while this article does cost money to make, making your costume is still fun.

Put the collar on the cup and paint it black

how to make a stanley cup costume

Now is the time to put some detail into your costume. You can do this in many ways, but the most fool-proof way is to paint the cup black and then sew a white collar onto it.

Then, sewn on a white visor and let it sit!

Now you have your own personalized Stanley Cup!

Put the bottom of the cup in one side of the seam and then pull it tight. This will create an automatic handle for you to pull on when serving.

Now, get out your glue and fabric spikes! Place one glue side down and place your cup on it. Then, carefully slide one fabric spike between them and hold it there until they dry.

Use silver paint for highlight lines on the collar

how to make a stanley cup costume

When you are ready to make your costume, the first step is to buy some ordinary clothes. You want to be able to go into a store and find a bunch of people wearing white pants, a white top, and black shoes.

These are the clothes that you will need to buy! Once they are in hand, it is time to paint!

To paint the hat and shoes, first start with a small amount of silver paint and work your way up from there. To paint the rest of your outfit, just keep increasing amounts of paint until you are finished.

Use silver paint for highlight lines on the puck

how to make a stanley cup costume

When painting the puck silver, do not forget the back. Using a black pen, trace the outline of the puck and then paint a solid black line along it to match.

You will need to add some lines to create highlight lines for your face and/or head when wearing the mask. Add some lines using black paint on foam or paper and then apply some glue to hold it in place.

Add some lines using black paint on foam and then apply some glue!

Use cotton wool balls or kitchen tongs to hold up the headgear. Then, use thread and a needle to make beautiful highlights inlayding them.

Place the puck on top of the cup

how to make a stanley cup costume

Now, put the cap on and repeat for the glove.

Bullet point: Create pocketed shirts and/or cardigans

You can also use some kind of Patterned Shirt Material, which is what we are referring to as leggings. Those would be good if you had to wear them out in public, because people would know they were pants!

Either way, these are very cost-effective ways to make your costume.

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