How To Make A Kandi Mask

Kandi is a playful term used to describe the lines and patterns that are displayed on most Central and South American face masks. Kandi masks can range from simple and cute to extravagant and creative.

Making your own kandi mask is an easy way to try your hand at some mask making. It also gives you the chance to control some of the ingredients you use, such as craisins or dried fruit!

The best way to make a kandi mask is by mixing two or three types of ingredients together in one mix-able paste. This allows for better absorption of the constituents within the mixture and provides more variety in your mask.

This article will talk about how to make a basic kandi mask that can be used for different skin types and conditions.

Use paint to color the mask

how to make a kandi mask

When making your mask, you can use paint or paint chips to create the mask. Both are great options as they are very easy to get and are usually in most paint stores and art supply stores.

Paint is the recommended method because it can be washed off!

However, whereas paint can be used dry or wet, paint chips cannot be reused. So, if you want a new look in your mask, you must purchase new paint chips to make a new mask. This is true even if you do not make another one that day!

Therefore, if you stop making masks on account of the fact that the paint starts to chip away, then you will have to buy more painter’s tape or glue to keep up the trend.

Place kandi on the mask

how to make a kandi mask

Now, carefully, place the glue on the back of the mask, and then place one hand on top to steady it.

Now, very slowly, pull up on one side of the mask to expose the kandi and then add some glue on top to secure.

Add another bit of glue down below where you pull up to secure the other side.

Let the mask dry

how to make a kandi mask

When the mask is completely dry, put it on! Make sure it is still warm enough to hold and shield your face from the sun.

If you had to take it off due to the sun coming in your window, then get out of the sun as soon as possible. The more heat the skin experiences, the harder it is to make the mask.

If you could stay in bed and keep up a gentle exercise regime, that would help too. The more resistant your skin becomes to heat, the less painful and difficult it will be to make a comfortable mask.

Once your morning coffee has cooled down enough to touch, take your mask off! This process should take about an hour or so for very resistant skins. If you had to get out of bed earlier because of pain or fatigue, then you can let yourself sleep in until after noon to ensure successful cooling down of the mask.

Double check that everything is secure

how to make a kandi mask

Once you have created your mask, it is time to test it. You can do this by pulling one side of the mask up or down! If it stays in place, then your mask is perfect!

If it comes off, then make sure you have included your eyes, nose, and mouth properly. If you have omitted any parts, then add those to your mask to make it more secure.

Making a Kandi Mask is a fun way to do some self-care. Maybe even add some block out an hour every day to make sure you keep on track. It is also a good way to get some beauty rest because of all the sleeping in on the job look that you will get while making your mask.

Wear your new kandi mask with pride!

how to make a kandi mask

Kandi masks are beautiful and can be used for many purposes. If you are inspired to make one, do! They are a fun way to show off your crafting skills.

Many people use them as a way to recharge after a long day at work or in the art world. They also look nice on occasion and are consideredVALUABLE” fashion statement.

If you want to make one, you can! It takes about an afternoon and some supplies. You will need some paper, hot glue, scissors, and a paint brush. The easiest way to do it is to start at the top and work down!

Paper is your friend here! It takes some time to cut through the layers, so start soon! Once you have your mask ready, take your time putting it on! Start with the nose piece then work down until all four corners are in place.

Take pictures and share with your friends

how to make a kandi mask

Make your kandi mask by taking a picture of yourself with your phone then edit the image to make it look more 3-D and like a mask is covering your face.

This makes it easier for other people to see how beautiful your face looks without you having to explain what it is!

You can also take pictures of other people wearing the kandi mask, or even of yourself if you are very creative.

Any number of people can wear a single mask, making this a nice way to do some good social-justice work. You might even get some cute responses!

The best time to take pictures is after you put on the mask but before you start doing anything fun with it, so that you have time for camera settings and photos-taking while the mask is on.

Add extra touches, such as feathers or beads

how to make a kandi mask

Adding extra touches such as feathers or beads to the mask will make your creation more fun and exciting. These additions can be done in several ways, both before and after the mask is made.

Using some white tulle or chiffon, you can create a ghost-like look by adding pesky little paisley or tricot linings. Or add a sparkling tiara to top off your kandi mask.

Making a playful and fun looking mask is a way to get you thinking about what you wish you had on yours!

Getting additional details on the mask is the easiest way to make more money off of your product. Having an online store or just selling at local events are both great ways to start making money off of your product.

Use paint to decorate the mask further

how to make a kandi mask

While painting your mask, do not put too much paint on at once. Instead, spread the paint onto the mask in the shape of a ring, then work your way around the face and down the other side. This allows you to get some more paint on in total!

How to Apply Masks

Using either a palette or brush, apply a generous amount of paint to the inside of the ring. Then gently place on top of face and let sit for five minutes before removing. You can also use a foundation brush or tape measure to apply the paint as well!

Using either a palette or brush, apply a generous amount of paint to the inside of the ring. Then gently place on top of face and let sit for five minutes before removing.

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