How To Make A Cheerleading Spirit Stick?

Being a cheerleader is always fun, but being the best in every competition is even more exciting! That is why making your own cheerleading spirit stick is so cool. You can do it over and over again!

Making your own spirit sticks is a fun way to work on your self-confidence. It also a great way to make some money off of it too. It is not just a case of buying one spirit stick in the fall and then going back to creating new sticks in the spring.

Spirit sticks are something that everyone should have. They can be used at school, at sports games, or just for fun stuff.

Remove the broom hairs

Once your stick is made, it is time to add your powder! You can do this by taking your stick outside, or by working in a safety zone at the cheerleading competition. Either way, make sure you take your time to add the powder to the stick so it sticks.

How to make a soft sticking powder: Add 2-3 drops of liquid into the mixing container. Let sit for a minute then stir well. If you want your spirit stick to be harder, try adding more liquid and/or less mixin.

How to make a hard sticking powder: Add 4-6 drops of solidified liquid into the mixing container. Let sit for a minute then stir well. If you want your spirit stick to be harder, try adding more solidified liquid and/or less mixin.

Apply your team colors

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

Once your team is formed, it is time to put on your spirit sticks! If you have been training with your team, congratulations! You have made it to part two of this article.

If you have been preparing for your own team, start now! Your first practice is always free- all you need are yourself, your teammates, and a mat.

There are a few rules for having a spirit stick party. One of them is that no one can touch another person’s stick until the first person salts their stick. This prevents anyone from getting hyped before the game starts and proves who has the best team.

The other rule is that no one can touch a member of the opposite gender’s stick unless they are being attacked or starting an attack on someone else. This keeps sexualized sticks from dominating the party and prevents stabbing others in defense of your team.

Apply lettering for your team name

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

When you’re ready to make your stick, the first step is to select your material. There are a few materials that are recommended for making cheerleading spirit sticks. These include hair high up on a pole, foam fingers, and foam lips!

flagged link When looking at these materials, they may say how many breaks they give you per stick. You will get more or less depending on how well you teach yourself to use them. Trying a few per week will help ensure your team can make their sticks!

After that, it is just cutting, sewing, and gluing! You can add safety padding or not.

Apply a star or diamond design

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

The next way to make a cheerleading spirit stick is to add a design or pattern to the other end. You can do this by painting a pencil eraser or paper clip element on top of the standard white, red, and blue components.

These can be matched together to create a stylish stick!

It is also possible to combine both options. You can have a plain white, red, and blue element stacked on top of one another as well as painted decorations on top.

These sticks are much more creative and fun to display. A popular way to make one is by creating a circle of white fabric around a wooden dowel and hanging from a ceiling-length fabric.

Other options include paintable foam or paper shapes that can be pressed onto the bottom of the stick to create foam platforming surfaces.

Add pompoms to the end

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

Once you have your stick, it is time to add some spirit. You can do this by taking a large piece of ribbon, tying a large pompom on top, and then cutting a small loop at the end to put your stick in.

Then, take one more piece of ribbon and loop it around the first to make a handle. Pull the two pieces of ribbon tight and slide it through the bottom loop to create your stick!

This is done so that when you pull one end out, it makes a louder sound as you throw it. When you let go, it returns to its normal quiet state.

Decide on a length for your stick

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

When making a cheerleading spirit stick, it is important to decide how long you want your stick to be. This can be up to you or someone else to decided how long they are!

Some people make their sticks for only a few minutes per day, so having a longer stick is useful. A less-longer stick can save you some time in the practice space, and it may be more efficient to hold the stick with your thumb and finger than with a full grip.

Others may prefer a thinner-to-weight spirit stick so that they do not have to hold onto it as hard during practice or competition. We suggest starting off with a heavier one and then moving down the scale!

Either way, try out what length of spirit stick you have before making any changes! Many people find that having this kind of starter spirit stick helps get started in competitions.

Paint it instead of applying colors

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

Instead of applying colored pencils or paint, you can make your cheerleading spirit stick by painting the stick. You can do this by using spray-painting or roll-ordering spray-painting products onto the stick and then rolling it up and tying it off.

Make it personal with initials or quotes

how to make a cheerleading spirit stick

Choosing how to make your cheerspirit stick is a dependent on the shape and size of your stick.

If you have a small stick, you can make an extra-long, thin spirit stick to reach into the corner of your mouth and stay in place. If you have a large stick, you can make a short, thick one to hold in hand. You can also combine the two!

The thickness or length of your stick determines how many times you can hit with it.

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