Home Remedies For Nail Fungus Bleach

Nail fungus is a very visible condition, usually when the nail is growing longer and longer with time. The look can be either beautiful or gross, it depends on where you look!

Nail polish can either be fine or thick, depending on how much you pay for it. More expensive brands can easily last a few weeks before the same surface looks empty and dingy. Less expensive brands may last a few days before too!

Many people struggle with getting their nails to grow normally while they have nail fungus, especially if it is resistant to treatment. This is a very frustrating way to fight off nails that are short and stubby because of no growth.

Use a nail polish that contains 5-10% chlorine dioxide

Nail polish with too much chlorine dioxide can cause your nails to bleach easily. As the chemical reacts with the water in your sink or washbowl, it creates a safe, white colored liquid that coats the nail.

What you want in your shampoo and conditioner is 5-10% chlorine dioxide, or less if there are more nails. Make your own shampoo and conditioner by mixing equal parts distilled water, tea-tree oil, and/or boron nitrate.

When washing your nails, make sure to place them on a surface that is slightly damp but not wet. This prevents them from becoming dry under pressure of the shower or steam bath.

Apply tea tree oil to the affected area twice a day

Tea tree oil can be applied to the infected area several times a day until it is removed. It can also be spread onto hands and feet to be applied to the nail.

After application, leave it overnight to work. In the morning, remove any excess with a clean cloth and let dry before applying another polish.

Repeat this process until your nail is healthy again. To ensure you are purchasing a quality product, check the manufacturer’s website to see if there have been any recalls.

Some people cannot apply tea tree oil due to lack of skin sensitivity or difficulty in reaching the desired area.

Soak your nails in apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes twice a day

this prevents nail growth and infection, reduces breakage and increases thickness, and helps remove polish easily. It also fight toxins in the environment that cause acne.

As soon as your nails are dry, brush them with a hot cloth to remove any remaining bacteria or dried-on polish. Then, use a rich creamy nail varnish to complete the look.

Try one of the above home remedies if you have nail fungus or bleach your nails regularly due to the fungus. Or just keep treating! Both have proven results..

Apply a layer of flour of potassium hydroxide (also known as home peel) to the affected area and let it dry for 30 minutes

After the flour has dried, brush away the excess dough and you have removed most of the nail fungus!

Potassium hydroxide is a potent compound that can dull your sense of taste, so do not eat any food for at least two weeks after using this medication.

However, this medication can be difficult to apply, so start applying it a day before you want to paint your nails. Once it has dried, sweep it away with a damp paper towel and start painting!

Nail fungus cannot be cured by cutting off the infected nail or by advertising Nail strengthening treatments such as press on nails or by using strong glue.

Wash your hands with soap more often

Study your hand hygiene apps such as hand sanitizer apps to see if there is more space to write down how often you wash your hands. Many people don’t due to the fact that they don’t always remember to do it.

Nail fungus can be a problem when trying to get rid of it. Because of how often people wash their nails, it can be hard to treat it. You can either buy specialized nail fungus removers or try washing your nails with bleach and drying them in a oven oven dryer.

Washing your nails with bleach and drying them in a oven is a good way to fight nail fungus because it is costly and time consuming, but effective! Many people use this method just because they see it on television or online shows doing so.

Limit using your hands to pinch or pick at things

A more thorough sanitization protocol is to use a brush or foam filter. A foam filter can be purchased at most retail stores that sell beauty products. The brush can be borrowed from a friend, or ordered online if no hand-washing is needed.

Either way, both tools should be cleaned and disinfected before being used on the nails. A brush can also be used to remove more surface nail growth as the foam filter may take some time to come into contact with all of the nail growth.

Nail fungus cannot be removed with regular heat or chemicals! Instead, it should be addressed and cleaned out.

Nail fungus can often get worse as the summer season goes on.

Wear gloves when going outside or in public

A nail fungus can thrive in warm, humid conditions. When exposed to these conditions, it can spread across your nails creating a shadowed nail area that is attractive.

Nail fungus is also able to live inside natural water sources such as lakes and oceans. Therefore, you should take steps to prevent it from forming on your natural nails.

Avoid tight shoes or socks

Nail fungus can easily invade shoes or boots that are too tight for it to survive. Make sure your shoes are sized right according to the size chart!

Similarly, make sure that your nails are long enough to avoid cuticle diseases like nail fungus. If you have short nails, they may be save to wrap around a nail buffer or foot length of drywall paper.

Avoiding rings and rings around the finger can help prevent some skin breakdown and infection, as well as causing some aesthetic issues like thickening of the nails.

When painting the nails, make sure to only paint over the wounded area with solid color polish with no designs on them. Give up painting over them if one solution does not work due to distance or time constraints.