Home Remedies For Dog Hair Loss And Itching

Dog hair is tricky. It is very hard to remove it from your pet’s coat. Even with the right products, your dog will continue to itch or hair loss will occur.

It is worth it to find out what works for your dog, though. There are many ways to prevent hair loss and cure itching.

Many dogs suffer from allergies, including animals with hard dusters like cats and dogs with allergy conditions such as horses. The symptoms of allergy in animals are often similar to what humans experience, like constant respiratory distress, frequent sneezing, and dried out skin.

Because of the risk of allergic reaction in pets, there are some recommended ways to care for them that do not cause hyperpigmentation or other signs of excessive healthliness.

Treat the cause

If your dog is losing hair, try one of the following remedies first.

Pellet baths are one way to wash your dog. A bath in clean water and a supervised one can help remove hair from the legs and feet as well as the chest. The heat from the steam also helps loosen hair, making it easier to massage into the skin.

Sterilized wipes are a great way to remove hair from virtually any surface. Simply place on your dog and let sit until warm water can be applied over it.

Sterilized tea or coffee can be used to drink while trying these remedies.

Apply topical treatments

Treat your dog for hair loss or scratching with any of the following treatments.

Scent can be a helpful tool in treating your dog for hair loss. Some smells are more appealing than others, and some dogs might prefer over others.

When choosing a scent, look for one that is neither too strong nor too weak. If your dog is not very sensitive to smell, you might want to try a less intense scent.

To apply this treatment, you will need to buy and use a hairspray or waxes that contain the shampoo or wax. Next, put some on your finger and apply some onto the back of your hand to expose the shampoo or wax. Then, brush your dog’s coat off with an oiled brush to remove any stuck up hairs.

Use homemade dog shampoo

Make your dog shampoo using warm water and a mild detergent. This creates the right pH for your dog. The water must be warm because it blends into the dogs coat.

Processing the shampoo in a machine reduces its lather and heighten its width, making it look more thick. This also increases difficulty in washing it, as the machine needs to be manually operated to remove all of the shampoo.

This is important to do, as too much shampoo will lead to poor hair growth and itching.

Some suggest starting out with a small amount of shampoo to see if your dog needs more, or if they are happy with what they have already.

Try zinc-based products

Some dogs suffer from hair loss due to lack of zinc in their diet. This can be due to poor eating habits or not enough to hairball prevention programs.

Even a well-balanced dog diet does not always contain enough zinc. Thus, some dogs may need to be supplemented.

Zapena products , a line of grooming products made out of zinc and natural compounds, is one product that I use for my dog. She has some hair that becomes oily and thick after she baths it, so I keep a supply of zapena products in her bathroom for this reason.

She also suffers from skin problems, so adding the zinc helps with those issues as well.

Give your dog vitamin E supplements

Vitamin E is a natural substance that can be included in most foods. It can also be included in supplements, making it a new addition to your dog’s diet.

Most humans do not need vitamin E as a food, but it can help mitigate the effects of some trace elements in our diets. Trace elements include zinc, copper, and phenylpropion.

These elements work together as a whole to regulate various body systems, including the ends of our hair and skin. When one suffers from dry hair and skin, you can already give yourself a good dose of vitamin E as an aid.

However, dogs do not have humanlike hair and skin endings. If your dog has very dry hair and/or severe itching, then giving him some vitamin E may help out.

Reduce scratching surfaces

When you have a dog with hair loss, you may want to reduce the amount of scratching surfaces they have. Especially on leash walks, dogs may be tempted to scratch at anything with hair.

This may be because they are trying to get rid of the hairs that are preventing them from seeing their surroundings. Or it can be fun for them!

By limiting their scratching surfaces, you will also prevent any skin injury or infection. Even if your dog is not completely coat-full, it could still stop him from being cold and winter-like by going without a blanket or shirt.

You can also limit your dog’s consumption of hair. If he is losing hair on his body, put him on a poor diet with no weight gain expected will prevent recurrence of the hair loss.

Clean hair off floors and furniture with a vacuum cleaner

This is the most recommended remedy for dog hair allergy and hair loss, and it is very simple. Using a vacuum cleaner, you can quickly and easily clean most areas of your home.

You can also use a hair-barrier strip to cover bare floors, or you can use a wet-clothes-towels strategy to remove hair. In either case, be careful not to pull too tight or too hard with the vacuum; the metal will break down, letting more air in and out of the room.

You can also take matters into your own hands. Try covering any furniture that is exposed with towels or sheets to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating. Or you could try putting up polyvinyl chloride (PVC) curtains or letting light pass through them to let nature regulate its own temperature and humidity levels in your home.

Check for fleas and mites

Fleas and dog hair allergies can cause itching. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent this. Check your dog for signs of flea or allergy by placing a scratch card next to a skin site (head, back, leg) where you notice rash or skin discoloration.

If your dog has hair loss, try applying tincture of testosterone if it works for you. Or if it does not work, try tincture of deparinus with vitamin E as the placebo. Or if neither of these works, then hire a vet to diagnose your dog with Fel-D-Ala- Aldehyde dehydrogenase (FALA) deficiency.

Treatment for this includes giving your dog 0.5–1mg/kg per day of FALA over several weeks and having it checked by the vet every week to make sure it is working.