Home Remedies For Cat Sneezing

When your cat starts sneezing, it may be a good idea to look at what is causing the sneeze. Sometimes a trip to the vet is necessary to find the cause of a sneeze.

When your cat gets a sniffles, it can sometimes cause it to snuff its nose into its paws or body. This is called pre-sleep behavior and it makes sense as it would help ensure they are feeling better.

Pre-sleep behavior is normal and should never be treated or prevented. If your cat is sneezing regularly, you may be right at the top of their lung where they stop breathing.

Sneezes are a clear sign that your cat needs air and can get out of bed to go outside for some fresh air. Trying something new such as setting up an outdoor run or simply letting them outside on a daily basis can help alleviate this problem.


Give her a steam bath

When your cat is sneezing, she may need a nice, warm bath to let her steam away the sneeze smell. This may be tricky if she is outside where cats do not get a bath often.

Fortunately, this does not always have to be done in the kitty kennel or litter box area. A quick walk on the carpet or in the kitchen can be just as satisfying!

A better option is to take her to a local vet office or pet hospital. There may be space left over for a dog, since most cats sneeze when they are stressed.

If you are unable to take her to a vet, then give her another very strong sneeze – maybe one that is really big and ugly. This will help remove any smell from the cough and let her feel better!

Try these home remedies out before you bring your pet in case they cause any harm.

Give her a cool bath

home remedies for cat sneezing

When you have a cat, it is time to learn how to take a bath. A cool bath is necessary to get the right scent into the bath. You can buy a all-purpose cleanser or one with catnip in it if your feline does not seem comfortable with a bath.

A good way to give your cat a warm, happy bath is in dapple lake water. Add some grapeseed oil and let it melt as the water gets wet. Then, add some Catnip and massage it in as the water continues to soak up the oil.

When you take your cat out of the bath, let them get dry themselves off.

Use a nasal spray

home remedies for cat sneezing

This is the most recommended home remedy for cat sneezing. Using a nasal spray can help reduce your cat’s sniffing and sneezing which is why it is recommended. Most sprays are invisible and contain only water or oil so it does not affect the property around it.

The nasal spray can be used morning and night. If your cat has a particularly strong sneeze, then use a bit more liquid instead. The Sno-cap® nasal spray has 0.5 mL (0.0005 fl oz) of liquid in it so your cat will have to drink quite a bit more of it!

This tip is most useful when Snozhair® cats are at home as they may wake up with a sneeze before bedtime might make them miss their usual snoozing schedule due to the noise of their sneeze.

Try rubbing herbal oils on her nose

home remedies for cat sneezing

Add a little lukewarm water to her nose when she sneezes quarterly. This helps reduce any dryness in the nose that could contribute to sneezing.

Her nose is very sensitive, so try not rubbing too hard with the oil, just lightly.

If you have children or cats with children-like behavior, this may be more important for them. A sneeze can be a powerful expression of emotion and can hurt if it goes uncorrected.

A Sneezing Cat may be feeling uncomfortable because they are runningny or it is happening faster than they like. This may be an indicator that it is asthma or pneumonia happening quicker than the cat can clear it away.

If your cat has an asthma-related problem, try turning up the air vent in your room to help get some air flow into your apartment.

See your vet right away if

home remedies for cat sneezing

If your cat is sneezing, a quick exam can determine if it has a cold or pneumonia.

Sniffles are a clear sign of an infection, as are frequent noseeasing and puckering of the lips. Sneezing is a normal behavior that indicates you pet is healthy.

Generally, cats sneeze about three to five times per hour, so you will need to observe your cat regularly during this period. Sneezing can last from minutes to an hour, so take your time to notice when it starts and ends.

If your cat has a cold, avoid exposing it to sunlight for at least part of the day to prevent heat stress. Check with your vet if this would be necessary for a more severe cold or pneumonia.

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