Cat Hematoma Ear Home Treatment

When your cat gets a hairball or foreign object stuck in its ear, it can be tough to tell if it needs an immediate ear wash or drainage.

Home treatments are key when this happens, as you can try removing the object and then putting it back in to see if that helps. If not, then you must find another way to clean your cat!

There are several ways to remove a hairball or foreign object from your cat. An alternative method is using a cheesecloth covered with water. If this does not work, there are some more sophisticated ways to remove something from your kitty.

The most common way of treating a hairball or foreign object in the ear is by using the same method for removing a dirt ball or play ball.


Gently massage the cat’s ear

When washing your cat’s ear, be careful not to pull at the hair. You can gently tug on the end of the lobe to remove some debris, but not all of it.

Once you have cleaned the ear thoroughly, you can apply a hematoma ear home treatment treaty. The hematoma ear cream contains an adhesive that can be applied to the affected area of the ear. This can be done by placing one end of the tube in one corner of the ear and pulling up slightly with your other hand to release the pressure.

Then you can gently massage the cream into both sides of the ear until it is covered completely. Allow this to sit for at least fifteen minutes before putting on your hearing protection and using your hearing aid again.

Use a cold compress

When a hematoma occurs, it can be painful to touch, especially if it is a large one. Therefore, there are several ways to treat a cat with hematoma ears.

The first way is to use a warm wash cloth or hot water canapé to cover the ear. This prevents any heat from entering the ear and alleviate the pain.

The second is to use a cold compress onto the top of the head. This block out any heat and relieve some of the stress on the dog.

The last is use an ice pack or frozen bathtub water canapés. These were used before because they prevent water from entering the ear but also help reduce pain caused by overheating.

The best time to perform these treatments is when your dog is not feeling well and needs rest or comfort.

Use a cotton ball with alcohol

Place a large amount of cotton ball under the hematoma to prevent it from rolling up or rolling around.

Once you place it in, hold your cat’s ear closed for about a minute to prevent any water or drainage escaping. Then gently lower the ear back onto its head.

Make sure to do this slowly or your cat may panic and pull away even harder. Once it is calm, gently remove the ear and wipe off the hematoma with a dry cotton ball. Repeat if needed.

By keeping an eye out for these methods, you will be able to help save your cat from a worst case scenario such as bleeding out or skin damage from the hematoma getting worse or draining.

Take your cat to the vet immediately if there is any bleeding

Blood can exit the body in several ways: through a bleed, through an open wound, or through an open cut.

Blades and cuts that are deep can also cause bleeding inside the body. This is referred to as a cut or cut inside cut syndrome.

If bleeding occurs in an open wound, keep it clean and cover with a bandage until it heals. If the wound becomes infected, your vet can prescribe antibiotics to prevent any further injury or infection.

A bleeding ear may look like something is stuck in it, but actually is not hurt is called an ear trumpet. If you notice your cat has increased blood volume coming from their ears, wants to go outside more often, and/or starts to rub its ear up against objects such as furniture or animals’ backs, then it should go to the vet.

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