Best Tools For Adult Coloring Books

Coloring books have become very popular forms of visual media. They allow people to put down their phones and get their hands on a coloring book for the first time in years!

They are a great way to practice concentration and recall skills. Colorfully until you make a mistake, then change something or add another shade to go more over top of the original.

This is a great way to get your self-care up and your brain back up to speed. You are also learning some new things which can be fun!

There are several different ways to use the tool for your coloring book. You can use it as a sketchbook, trace guide, drawing tool, or even use it as an outline grid. We will talk more about those later on in this article!

Today we will talk about our top five best tools for adult coloring books.



Forest is an artist’s toolbox. There are literally tens of thousands of design and artist resources online, in magazines, on the internet, and in books. This filterable app makes it easy to locate and use these tools to create colorist’s books, vector artwork, posters, and the like.

It gives you a canvas that you can work with — a blank white page is hard to fail on! It also includes software that you can use to create your own colorist’s books, as well as software for creating vector artwork, posters, and the like.

Using this app is simple. You can download a free app called google play store add free app or it can be downloaded directly from the forest website (for download links see bullet point).

Good Paint

While most people are more than familiar with the basics of drawing, painting is a very different thing. For the most part, people only know how to draw colors from a textbook or online course.

But if you are into coloring as a hobby, then you should be using a paintlevision! They are very affordable and give you full control over your coloring book.

They can be used for quick colored books or advanced books. Some paint televisions even offer painting lessons!

When you use a television as your coloring book, keep in mind which side of the paper you must hold your pen on. The pen must be able to touch both sides of the paper without being lost.


detailist is a very popular tool for colorists. detailist allows you to create color layers, or “profiles” that you can share and use in your color book.

This feature makes it easy to combine colors in different ways to create deeper or more complicated shades. For example, you can combine red and green to make a warmer color, or add an accentrolley of cream, ivory, and gray.

These profiles are also very useful in the printing world as they can give extra depth to your books. You can even do this easily with detailist.

detailist is free and available on the mac app storeoor web site. Detailist is also available for windows PC, Apple iphone, and android devices.


Artograph is a fun way to learn about drawing and creating with images. Using the computer or phone as a device is allowed to use the artograph software.

The software allows you to create your own drawings or images by placing lines, shapes, or other elements into the design area and then adding details as they come.

Once it is finished, you can send it to a local printer or upload it to the internet for others to enjoy.

It is very easy to use and gives you many ways to work with your art.


Ambiance is an awesome way to preview tools. All of the features above areambiance!

Ambiance lets you set yourself or your audience up for seeing things in a different way. For example, adding a sound effect or a fog effect to enhance the scene makes it more realistic or mysterious.

Someambiance tools even let you add effects like smoke, shadows, and gratings!

Ambiance is great for previews, because when people get closer to coloring the picture, they realize there is more color coming out. They get excited about what effects they can add, and take some time to think about how that affects the coloration.

Some coloring books have musical elements added into them to enhance the atmosphere. These books might also have special effects like that, just make sure people are aware of them.

Color Theory

In the world of color theory, there are three main groups of colors. The red, yellow, and green channels. These three colors can be blended to create other colors.

In theory, you can mix and match the colors to create any color you want. This is known as color theory.

There are some types of color theory, like complementary or contrasting colors. For example, red and white would not be complementary, while blue and white would be. These two Colors do not mix!

There are also specific types of color theory, like blues with a yellow tint, or greens with a bluish tint.

Adult Coloring Book

Coloring books have become very popular ways to pass time these days. Many people find them to be a nice way to focus their attention and improve their concentration skills.

They are also very unique ways to showcase your talents as a artist and/or designer!

In addition, many designers offer their patterns as free downloads which makes owning their coloring book a true purchase experience.

Some designer offer private access which is not available for purchase but still worth it!

The best looking adult coloring books look richly colored with thick pages that hold your color carefully. These will last you longer than cheaper ones that use low quality media such as white paper or cotton ballers.

Many designers recommend using water or coffee grounds as contrast so you can create interesting shapes in your coloration.

Pen Set

Pen set is an essential tool for adult coloring book pages. You do not need these, but they are very helpful to have around.

There are many brands of pens and styles of pens that come with coloring sheets. Some brands do not, so these are helpful to have around for flip pages or extra guides!

Generally, green, gray, and black pens work best for colored pencils or frankenpencils. A soft tip works best with the hard pencils, so get one that is medium hardness.

Some people recommend a mechanical pencil, but those feel very sharp right away and require special storage somehow. I just put them in a different bag or container to keep them from getting damaged.