Yorba Linda Fit Body Boot Camp

Fit Body Boot Camp is a low-contact, holistic wellness program designed to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The program was created by award winning boot camp certified teachers and coaches.

Their goal is to help you realize your full potential as a person and achieve your health and fitness goals without pursuing fad diets or overworked muscles.

Programs like Fit Body Boot Camp use variety of techniques such as yoga, dance, weights, & meditation to help you reach your fitness goals. The best part is that it can be done by anyone, any age.

Many people start out with the basics such as walking or swimming to get the blood flowing and the lymphatic system cleared out. Once they learn how to do those things, they can move on to more complicated routines.



yorba linda fit body boot camp

Push-ups are one of the most basic exercise moves. You can do them on your own or with a partner. Your partner should help you out though, because you can do them only on your own.

Tricep dips

yorba linda fit body boot camp

Tricep dips is a basic, no-fail exercise that works your triceps. This exercise can be performed on its own or alongside other muscles.
iona Skandian, owner of Yorba Linda Fit Body Boot Camp, recommends pairing this with the TRICEPS exercise. She also suggests doing these during the early part of your workout session to ensure you get a good set of dipes.

She also suggests starting with a small amount of dip and working your way up to more before your evening meal. Doing these during my early morning workouts helps me get in a few before work and work begins soon.


yorba linda fit body boot camp

There’s no quick way to do this move. You have to really pull your body weight up and down for it to work. It’s more of a balance action that you must coordinate with your partner.

The wider you make the bar, the harder it is to do this move. A close-to-the-body position is best, as you have to shift your weight around while pulling yourself up.

You have to keep your lower half active while doing this, so don’t forget your feet! Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be doing this in seconds.

One nice thing about doing pull-ups is that you don’t have to worry about only one hand being able to do something else for you.

Leg lifts

yorba linda fit body boot camp

Lower body work includes lower body workouts such as squats, lunges, and hiprography. The upper body includes exercises such as shoulder presses, rows, and targeted abs exercises.

The ideal workout for the legs is to do three rounds of ankle weights step-up or downwork on each leg every week. This is called leg work or leg training.

Step-up or downwork on one leg for thirty seconds to a minute and a half and then do another thirty seconds on the opposite leg. Do these until you get to your knees or feet. Then do a twelve-to- sixteen inch rise of the same foot.

This should take about fifteen to twenty minutes of work per day of doing it every day.

Jogging in place

yorba linda fit body boot camp

Is jogging in place a good way to exercise? Now that we have introduced the concept of fit body boot camp, we will go into more detail about this new fitness trend.

A new trend is starting to incorporate jogging in place. This is a great way to work your muscles because you are still moving your feet and getting some exercise.

You can do this at a slow or fast pace, it does not matter. The only rule of getting yourself in and out of jogging in place is that you must always be on your feet doing it.

You can start this as a small step or as the complete removal of all other foot movements. Both have benefits!

When doing this type of workout, keep your focus on your breathing and use your core to hold yourself up.

Walking lunges

yorba linda fit body boot camp

There is a reason why walking lunges are such a popular exercise routine. They are very easy to learn, which is one of the reasons they are so popular.

Another reason they are popular is that people can find it difficult to do the routine in place. So, after a few runs or sprints, they must take a lap to cool off and refresh their bodies.

This works in terms of selling fitness products and services because once you start working out, you’ll keep coming back for more!

Walking lunges can be performed with either bare feet or athletic shoes. The easiest way to do them in shoes is to walk backwards until your back ends up on the ground. Then walk forward until your feet reach the other side of the mat.

Barefoot? Then just walk with a quick step each time! It does not matter if you run or sprint during these steps- just like we do when we do yard work.


yorba linda fit body boot camp

Other fitness methods such as swimming or dancing have you exclusively done with a water or land-based mat, respectively. These Methods do not allow for specific muscle groups to be worked, only the space between them.

Push-and-pulls workouts use various objects or space inside of them to be worked on. The goal is to control the movement of the object and work the entire body.

This is another method that only works the water or land-based mat in your hands, feet, and rotations. It can be practiced at home, in a swimming pool, or at your local gym.

The best way to do this type of workout is by going from lowest to highest level of resistance. When doing this type of workout, it is important to pay attention to your breathing and how hard you are working the rest of the body.

Core work

yorba linda fit body boot camp

The majority of boot camp classes focus on the rivers, do-resistance, and aerobic work. This is a good mix as these three types of work build strength, support muscles, and core stability.

In terms of the length of the classes, each works its own set of muscles so there is a specific intensity to each. For example, chair leg exercises are worked at a lower intensity than upper body workouts like dumbbell raises or military presses.

This is important as chair leg exercises can be a little tricky to pace at times. When working at a slower pace, it can be hard to get the correct amount of weight on the leg to achieve the depth of exercise that requires longer sessions.

Core work is critical for every body type. If you have weak or nonexistent core stability, then this class would be helpful.

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