Why Is Divorce So Expensive Joke

Divorce is a sensitive topic, and while talking about it, remember that your fellow listener is going through the same thing. So, be careful how you say things and make sure you are not hurting anyone.

While divorce is not illegal, it can be expensive. Many times, both parties pay part of the bill. This includes the financial burden on both sides, as well as the stress it put on families and society in general.

In order to avoid any unnecessary stress or disheartening conversations, know what to buy your husband when he leaves the marriage. Buy one good quality item for each person involved and keep those until one of you gets help or gets married again.

This article will talk about why its so expensive when it comes to divorce and buying divorce relief materials.

It takes a village

why is divorce so expensive joke

The idea of a community support system for divorce is novel. It sounds like it would be made up of people you know, people you trust, and people who aren’t related to you, but who can help with some things such as groceries or paying the electric bill.

The idea is to have a team that helps you through your divorce, and that team includes both husband and wife. Together, they determine how much money should be spent on each person, how much should be spent on their children, and what should be spent on the house and other assets.

This is new territory for both husband and wife. They are usually asked if they are familiar with this type of system before joining together in one room to receive instructions from the village wise.

When they do arrive together, it can feel like an awkward step-by-step process is being followed. Both are being asked questions and given instructions before they fully understand what it means to be a part of this team unison.

Divorce is scary

why is divorce so expensive joke

When a couple gets married, they agree to certain terms like marriage, honeymoon, and having kids soon. However, after a while of being happy, they want to separate and have kids separately.

This is normal. After you marry someone, you develop a sense of trust and love for each other that lasts for years. You need to maintain that feeling of love and trust by being married and having children together.

However, after a few years of marriage, you begin to feel separated and think about how soon you will be divorced if you don’t stay together. This is true when people marry for the wrong reasons like sex or convenience.

But when people really care about each other, it can be hard to stay married for financial security.

Breaking up is hard to do

why is divorce so expensive joke

It’s no joke that breaking up is expensive. Many things are involved, and both parties have to pay for it.

On the one hand, you need to discuss your plans for the future, plan for family and social life outside of marriage, and make arrangements for the children. On the other, you need to pay for her to leave your life out of grief and anger over your divorce.

Many things are expensive to repair or replace. Companies that provide counseling services can cost thousands of dollars. The court fees can run into thousands of dollars also.

It’s no joke that divorce is costly.

Money matters

why is divorce so expensive joke

A money matters
divorce joke

The first person turns to the second and says, “but I want this one now. I won’t be able to use it until next year.”

The second person answers, “That sounds good to me! Let’s go have a look!” Then they walk away together and come back with a sports car they can afford for the second person. They drive away in it together laughing.

Later that night, the second person is watching TV when they hear a loud crash outside their house. They go out and see a white sports car with black leather seats parked outside their house with its keys inside. They think it is really cool so they go outside and get in with their husband to take some of the money away while they ride around town together.

Property matters

why is divorce so expensive joke

While it may seem like a waste of money at first, insurance rates for a divorce are high. Most companies charge about $750 per person for liability coverage, and $250 per person for property coverage.

These premiums do not include lawyer fees, which can run in the thousands! Plus, most of these companies require both parties to be completely honest about finances, so there is no “free” insurance.

To top it off, many of these companies only offer this cover when both parties are married. As soon as one leaves the marriage, this coverage disappears!

Knowing how to find affordable insurance can help with this. If you are worried about your ex- spouse getting enough coverage themselves, look into purchasing shared insurance.

Child support matters

why is divorce so expensive joke

For many people, child support matters. According to a U.S. Census study, almost half of adults who are married or living together as married individuals were required to pay child support during the person’s marriage or co-living arrangement as married individuals.

Affecting future earnings matter?

why is divorce so expensive joke

As it says in the bullet point above, divorce is a lucrative joke. People use it as a way to laugh at and ridicule their spouses, increasing their perception of importance.

It is also very serious. You legally agree to reduce your income for a short time in order to secure your financial future. For many people, this decision can be difficult to make.

For example, one of the ways a spouse can financially punish a spouse is by obtaining a lower-paying divorce. As the court considers your request, the total amount you are requesting may be reduced by around 20% due to financial consequences.

This can easily have an effect on how much you spend over the next few years as well as how much you pay in taxes and alimony.

What if we get divorced and then get back together?

why is divorce so expensive joke

The classic joke about getting divorced and then getting back together is essentially a re-tourist joke: What if we got divorced and then went on vacation together?

The answer is “a lot of money.” While being on vacation with your new spouse after you get divorced can be nice, it is not unless you are very careful about what you do.

Since both partners have their own money, if one does something expensively that the other doesn’t, it’s probably not a money problem—it’s a behavior problem.

If one doesn’t feel in control of their finances when they are separated, it makes it more likely that they will make decisions to get control when they are split. This can lead to more spending and/or taking actions to control income and spending.

When people get separated, they often spend a lot of time talking to each other about the case and trying to work out what they want for each other. This can lead to two people who are really not well suited for running their own business or taking steps toward total financial independence (TAFI).

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