What To Pack For Diep Flap Surgery

Diep flaps are surgical procedures that consist of creating a new dielectric flap on the back of the head. These flaps can be placed on either a newborn or adult, however, the minimum age is around thirty-five.

Diep flaps are considered a hair transplant procedure, which means it can be done once and done well, it can result in new hair in your head! The new hair will not look right at first, but with repeated treatments it will grow into a natural looking flap.

The adult diep flap is typically placed on the crown of the head, where the hair will come out in little hairs. The newborn diep flap can be placed anywhere along the length of the head, creating more volume to the hair.

Both procedures require some preparation and downtime, but the differences come down to which flap is being used and how much volume you want into your hair.


Hand sanitizer

what to pack for diep flap surgery

Diep flap surgery is a very delicate procedure that can be affected by bacteria or foreign objects. If you don’t have any sanitizer, you must use something that is touched only with clean hands.

There are two types of diep flap surgery: vertical and horizontal. In the vertical procedure, the surgeon uses a tiny cannula to access the tissue below the surface of the skin. In the horizontal procedure, the surgeon uses small scissors to access tissue on top of the skin.

In either case, bacteria can enter the area between the fold of skin and underlying tissue, including in Dr. Diep’s surgical instruments. Bacteria can also settle in Dr. Diep’s room after he or she leaves to prevent reoccurrence of infection.

Another potential risk-reducing feature of diep flap surgery is insurance coverage. Most Medicare plans do not cover this procedure, which means there may be several thousand dollars out of your pocket for it.

Sanitary pads

what to pack for diep flap surgery

Diep flap surgery is not for the faint of heart. It can be very emotional, traumatic, and/or X-ray-causing. So, if you are not ready for such a powerful experience, do not bring any supplies!

Instead of having an empty package or two in your purse or pack, this article recommends two choices: disposable sanitary pads and a reusable cloth menstrual pad.

Disposable sanitary pads are usually made of plastic or aluminum and are usually thrown away within the first twelve hours of regular use. Sanitary pads that are made of cotton or hemp may be kept for longer due to the longer lifespan of the pad.

A reusable cloth menstrual pad can be put in the washing machine and dried like a paper towel, X-ray-, and clean-resistant! These types of menstrual pads have no tags or markings on them so it is important to pick one that fits your own size period.

Compress bandages

what to pack for diep flap surgery

A compression bandage is a valuable tool to have at Diep Flap Surgery. It can be used to securely hold wounds in place while you attend the surgery. It also helps prevent blood and flesh from draining away during and after the surgery.

We recommend using ones that are at least three inches long and that are doubled in thickness. These should be placed over the wound where they meet the back of the wrist (the thick end).

These may seem complicated but they are very simple to use. Simply place one on top of the other and wrap it lightly around your wrist as tight as you can manage. Then, let it sit for an hour or so before going to bed to ensure it breaks down enough.

She also suggests having some water or another type of soft drink on-hand so that she may rehydrate herself during her time between patient visits.

Gauze pads

what to pack for diep flap surgery

While in the surgical room after surgery, diep will usually remove some of the skin around the incision to hide the scar. This includes removing any excess gauze or tape that was used to cover the incision.

To keep the wound clean and prevent deep scratches or scalds, there are small gauze pads that can be used. Diep recommends keeping a couple of ones on hand for this reason.

She also suggests keeping a supply of small gauze pads in your medical kit in case they are needed. These can be quickly and easily grabbed and applied to the wound when needed.

Gauze pads will also help prevent embarrassing situations where diep has to pull off her bandages. She notes that if she is unable to find some, she can make do with some parchment paper but please keep in mind that she has been involved in this scenario and it could be seen as somewhat weak.

Medical tape

There is a pretty good chance that your diep flap surgery will be performed on an open field, so you will need to bring your tape! Medical tape can be used for all kinds of surgeries, not just diep flap surgery.

A diep flap is a skin fold that is created when the roof of the mouth and roof of the mouth and the side of the mouth meet to form the nose. When this fold meets the side of the head, it becomes a diep flap.

After surgery, there may be some bleeding which requires medical tape to prevent infections. There may also be some bruising or change in color due to new skin forming, which requires tape to prevent loose strands from breaking down.


what to pack for diep flap surgery

Diep flap surgery is typically done in warmer months, so avoid shoes or boots until after the surgery. This is true even if you are accustomed to wearing hard shoes or boots. You will be adjusting your feet to the floor and bed surface for the entire healing process.

To help reduce hot and cold weather discomfort, have a pair of soft slippers ready to put on after the surgery. They can be bought at any comfort level, from cheap to expensive. Most surgeons recommend barefoot comfort, but with enough cushioning for pain relief that comes with use.

Having slippers also helps prepare your patient for recovery time before going back to work or hobbies. The surgical staff will help them get ready for the day and how they should dress for work or school in case they need to go out after the surgery.

Have a pair of soft slippers ready to put on after the surgery.


what to pack for diep flap surgery

Diep flap surgery is considered the twilight zone for die-hard plastic surgeons. There are still many patients who are unsure whether or not they prefer the sight of their new flap to your old one.

Neither side is happy with what happened to them, so people tend to pack more nightwear than normal. Proposing and becoming engaged during die-hards’ period of limbo is a fun way to help promote your new surgery and your new partner!

Unfortunately, nothing can be worn at night or within the darkness, so packing some bright daytime clothes is a good start. If possible, try to keep the most revealing of the surgical clothing and accessories that you are wearing during daylight hours.

Nighttime wear should be sturdy enough to withstand any amount of movement or sleep moves.

Shampoo & soap

what to pack for diep flap surgery

Diep flap surgery is not a good place to shave your diep flap. There are several reasons for this:

The scalpel is the instrument that surgeons use to remove the diep flap. During surgery, the scalpel is placed inside the diep flap and advanced toward the skin. When it is removed, it leaves a scar.

This can be difficult to re-create as some surgeons do not use a new diep flap during surgery, but that does not mean you should not pack for surgery. You can still shampoo and condition your hair after removing the diep flap!

You can also pack fordiefp Surgery using just shampoo & soap. By doing this, you are using only what you need to clean and wash your hair with during surgery and post-surgery.

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