What Is An Extended Tummy Tuck

A tailored or extended tummy tuck is a new procedure developed to reduce or eliminate the size of the abdominal area, improve waist definition, and/or improve the looking of the stomach after you lose weight.

It can reduce the size of the abdomen, alter the shape of the abdomen and perianal area, and/or replace the entire gastrointestinal (GI) system. Depending on what type of gut surgery you have, this can include operations on both your duodenum and pancreas.

The term gut Genie® was created to describe this surgery as it refers to both inner and outer segments of the GI tract. It can also be referred to as a GI reconstruction or gut re-construction.

The length of time someone must spend in recovery before they are back to normal is called their recovery time, which ranges from few days to several months.

Who is a good candidate?

what is an extended tummy tuck

A candidate for an extended tummy tuck is a person with a large gut who may be suffering from chronicidad (the medical term for “old digestion” or “bad digestion”) or who may be sensitive to dietary fiber.

In terms of why this procedure is beneficial, patients find that it improves their waistline as well as their overall sense of well-being. In fact, a 2005 study found that people who had an extended belly button button surgery were more likely to report a higher level of happiness in life.

There are two types of extended belly button surgeries. The first is the replacement type, which is similar to a navel patch. The second is the removal type, which eliminates the tiny triangle below the belly button and replaces it with an expandable plastic pouch.

The reason for having an extra fold of skin removed is so that there is more room for fat tissues to spread and grow. This helps with overall feel and level of comfort during daily activities, such as getting out of bed or walking around outside.

How long does it take?

what is an extended tummy tuck

The general duration of an extended tummy tuck is six to nine months. This depends on how quickly you heal after surgery. Some patients report their tummy tuck is a little over a year and it looks great!

The six to nine-month period is needed for the doctor to explain the procedure and determine if there is a need for additional surgery. Most doctors do one or two extensions per patient, so this makes sense.

When doing an extended tummy tuck, your doctor will use some cautery tools to remove some of the abdominal fat. This prevents reattachment issues later on when new fat comes in. Your doctor may also use scissors to remove some of the external oblique muscle which pulls on your internal organs such as your liver, intestines, and bladder.

After this, your doctor can either sew new tissue in or start working with surgeons on removing some skin that was left outside the body.

What area does it cover?

what is an extended tummy tuck

An extended tummy tuck is usually categorized as a wider abdominal region tuck. The other two significant area covered in aTTaTION: an abdominoplasty and a full-body removal of excess fat and/or skin, is the more radical of the two.

Typically, an extended tummy tuck is covered in a circular or rectangular shape rather than a traditional square or rectangular one. This can be due to more demand for an extension during surgery or because of the wider area that can be covered with one procedure.

An extension can refer to adding another inch to what was originally a four-inch gut tuck that originally required six hours of bed rest and nursing after surgery. This can last for several weeks after the extension is complete.

Because this area of practice does more with radical operations, it may have more board-certified surgeons than do less with this type of gut therapy.

What does it cover?

what is an extended tummy tuck

An extended tummy tuck is a new surgery category that was created recently. This surgery is designed to remove extra fat from around the stomach, waist, and thighs.

To get an extended guttapercha cast, you will be prescribed diet Marsaxel for a week before the operation to help you prepare. During the operation, your surgeon will use a series of tools to remove some of the abdominal fat.

An ablation laser is used to reduce brown fat and stimulate growth of white fat, which is removed during post-operative care. You will also have course correction surgery to put back what was removed.

The benefit of an extended guttapercha cast is that it can give you more time between surgeries to recover. Because it takes more time to prepare for an operation, patients are more likely to come through for their guttaperchacast.

Who is not a good candidate?

what is an extended tummy tuck

There are some people who do not seem to be able to tolerable amounts of tissue fat, and that includes the average person with a regular-size stomach.

Limited tummy tuck procedures like a tummy tuck are known as a limited gutta sejour, or guttapercha, procedure. This means that the tissue fat from your lower abdomen is used to reconstruct the stomach area.

The upper part of the stomach is usually not affected by this procedure as it is only done on the upper part of the body. It is usually recommended if you have trouble digesting food or if you have difficulty assimilating food (ibrahimovic).

You may be asked about your health history before the procedure due to possible risk factors for cancer or chronic conditions such as diabetes.

What are the risks?

what is an extended tummy tuck

While an extended tummy tuck is a safe and effective procedure for improving your backside, there are some risks.

These risks are relatively low, but can affect your recovery. If you feel pain or discomfort during or after the surgery, then it is too late to do a shorter extend tummy tuck. You will have to have it repaired or removed.

You will also be required to stay on bedrest for several days after the surgery. This allows the surgeon time to carefully manage any tissue breakdown and postoperative pain management. If you need help in this time period, you are in good hands.

When healing, the gut tissues need time to re-collapse so that the intestines can heal properly. To prevent re-operation down the road, this is needed before surgery.

Does insurance cover it?

what is an extended tummy tuck

The term extended belly buttontuck is often used in reference to a procedure called a tummy tuck. Like all abdominal surgeries, the risks are higher when the patient has no or minimal stomach muscle.

The tummy tuck is usually done in two stages. The first is a short-term abdominoplastic procedure where some of the extra skin below the waistline is removed. This is followed by a longer-term procedure that repairs and strengthenes the abs and backside of the abdomen.

Because of the potential for complications with such an extensive surgery, most people find it helpful to have at least a brief consult with anesthesiologists before they undergo any kind of surgery.

How much will it cost me?

what is an extended tummy tuck

An extended tummy tuck is a longer, deeper abdominal surgery. This procedure can be helpful for people with stubborn abdomin problems like stomach fat not wanting to come away after plastic surgery.

During an extended tummy tuck, small groups of skin are removed from around the navel up to the pelvic area. These cuts enable the surgeon to re-introduce more tissue during the rest of the abdominal operation.

This process is called regional anesthesia and it makes you feel very sleepy so you may not question every move your doctor makes. You may also be asked to stay awake for longer during your surgery which can help with recovery times!

Regional anesthesia is usually done on a Friday or Saturday so there are limited supply and timing options.

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