What Is A Blue White Diamond

The term blue white diamond refers to a colored diamond that is surrounded by a white diamond. The term does not refer to the color of the stone, which is black, white, or yellow.

Instead, the term describes the rarity of the diamond. These rare diamonds can be blue, white, and gray, making them more popular than their colored cousins. Many people are drawn to these color combinations as they are visually appealing and create an interesting contrast in value.

This article will focus on discussing how to find a blue white diamond varietal. There are many ways to find one, but this article will not discuss how to do so in this article.

Blue diamonds are rare

what is a blue white diamond

A blue diamond is very rare. It cannot be replicated. A blue diamond is a shade of purple with a white center.

It can take up to five years for a new blue diamond to come out in the market. It is even more important to get the correct color for your wedding event because it can not be matched!

Because of its rarity, many insurance companies will not cover a blue diamond. However, you can still buy a regular black or white diamond and have them cut and set as one stone. This allows you to have something unique to your wedding.

Some insurance companies will cover two different colored diamonds as one unit. This way, they do not charge an additional fee to multiply the values of the two stones. Instead, they just cut and set them as one piece.

White diamonds are rare

what is a blue white diamond

White diamonds are very scarce, and when they do turn up, they are even more special.

White diamonds are typically treated with a chemical process to turn it into powdery dust. This process creates a white powder that is dispersed throughout the diamond and changes the cut, style, and presentation.

This treatment is expensive, requiring multiple attempts to perfect it. After all the time and effort spent creating an exceptional white diamond, you have to pay for it!

Fortunately, you can sell your white diamond if you want to.

Blue white diamonds are very expensive

what is a blue white diamond

When you look at a blue white diamond closely, you can see small brown and yellow spots on the diamond. These spots are called inclusions.

These inclusions make the blue white diamond look very beautiful. Some of these inclusions are gold, silver, and/or stone. The amount of gold, silver, and/or stone that is contained in an angle is referred to as its karotype.

When karotype is higher than about 2% (less than 1 ct), it is considered a bluer white diamond. When it is greater than 8% (about 1 ct), it becomes more blue-white instead of white.

A bluer white diamond has a lower cut grade than a normal white diamond does.

A blue white diamond is the most expensive diamond of all

A blue white diamond is the rarest of all diamonds. It is typically between 5 and 15 times more expensive than a lesser white diamond.

Because of its high value, a blue white diamond may only be available as part of a specialized collection. Because it is more expensive, fewer individuals can own one in their lifetime!

Because it takes more than one try to achieve the perfect blue color, most professionals will only offer this style at first before they learn if they like it or not.

Once it is bought, no matter if it is from an estate, someone gave it to them, or they purchased it themselves, the owner has to apply for a license to sell and purchase diamonds with which they are registered as certified by an independent grading agency.

What is a yellow diamond?

what is a blue white diamond

A yellow diamond is considered a rarity. It is slightly lighter in color than a diamond. This makes it more variable in value.

The term blue diamond refers to a colored diamond. The white side of the diamond is the rest of the diamond.

The variable diamonds have higher values than regular diamonds due to their rarity. Their value can range from nothing to $10,000,000+!

Because of their higher value, they are more expensive to buy and sell. This can affect how big and how strong your paper white must be in order for them to receive a price signal.

They also require more publicity in order for people to notice them. If they do get noticed, then they may receive a larger sum of money for their stone.

Purple diamonds are also rare

what is a blue white diamond

Purple diamonds are even rarer than blue diamonds. Because purple diamonds are more expensive, production is very limited.

Purple diamonds are categorized as either blue or purple based on the color of the diamond. A purple diamond has a darker color than a blue diamond, and a blue diamond has a more violet or red tint to it.

Because of this, finding a purple diamond can be hard. However, by being aware of where to look, you can find them!

The largest known purple diamond was a banded gemstone that weighed in at an impressive 6 pounds! These types of diamonds have higher cut angles and talisman styles compared to other types of diamonds, making them very unique looking.

Red diamonds are extremely rare

what is a blue white diamond

Red diamonds are very precious and rare. Only a small percentage of the diamonds on earth are red!

Most red diamonds are diamond colored or white. A red diamond is also typically around 10% bigger than a white diamond.

Making a red diamond is not easy. It takes years to create a red diamond. Luckily, you can buy a blue stone!

You can purchase a blue white diamond as an imitation, but it is not the same color and quality as a real red diamond. An authentic blue white Diamond has rich blues and Reds that shift in color slightly due to weather conditions or geographic location.

Red and blue diamonds have been used in engraving for centuries, creating beautiful pieces of jewelry. Recently, these colors have become very popular, making it hard to find an authentic blue white for your ring.

The history of blue white diamonds

what is a blue white diamond

In the early 1990s, a new colored diamond material was born. It was named blue white diamond.

This new colorless diamond material had a slight bluish tint to it, and was sometimes described as white with a blue sheen. It was first used in carving, and then by the jewelry industry to describe these custom made colored diamonds.

The term originally referred to custom made colored diamonds that were painted with cyanide, which left a slightly blue tint on the stone. These were called blue whitewell diamonds because they looked like pure white stones with a slight bluish tint.

These are still very rare, as most vendors try not to use them because they are not proven to be stable over time.

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