What Does The Confederate Flag Stand For?

The Confederate flag is a flag that was very popular in the southern United States during the Late 19th and 20th centuries. The rebel flag was particularly popular during the American Civil War, when people needed a visual representation of their heritage.

The rebel flag has been used as a symbol of patriotism for many years, but only in recent years have national symbols gained popularity. Since the media has more frequently linked the rebel flag with patriotism, people tend to associate it with positive feelings about military service and government leaders, which is certainly not bad things.

This article will not talk about what the rebel flag stands for, as that is a well-written article that does an excellent job of explaining it. This article will, however, talk about how it was created and why it lasted so long as a national symbol.



The Confederate flag was first used in the late 1820s and early 1830s, during the initial formation of the Southern political party. The party wanted to preserve slavery, and they wanted to use a slave-holding image on their flag to symbolize their government.

The image of a slave owner in fancy clothing with a long, thin ring of slaves is fairly modern, dating back only to the late 19th century. It was popularized by artists and designers who produced clothing for slaves during the time.

This new image of the slave holder was popularized by designers who were looking to make a profit off of their work. These new designers did not represent good quality slavery – many were actually killed for their efforts. This was recognized by lawmakers at the time, who took action to ban the use of the Confederate flag in public places.


what does the confederate flag stand for

While the Confederate flag has been used for many different causes, racism is one cause that the flag shares in common with other symbols.

The Confederate flag is often linked to racism, due to its use by certain groups over the years. Many racist groups have used the flag to represent their country, which makes it even harder to separate out these individuals from the rest of society.

While most people do not associate the Confederate flag with racism, there are people out there who do. Many people look at the flag and think of a southern tradition of honor and tradition, but that is a completely different issue that needs to be addressed.

The Southern Baptist Convention issued a statement condemning the use of the rebel battle flag by government officials and private organizations because it contributes to “discrimination.


what does the confederate flag stand for

The Confederate flag is very commonly associated with the southern United States, especially in the south. It is also known as the Stars and Bars or the Old South Flag.

The Stars and Bars is a heraldic flag that has been used for nearly every country in Europe, except for one. It was used in America during the Revolutionary War years to represent Southern dominance.

During that time, North and South were not even ideas, so no one knew who was north and who was south. The symbol of the Confederate flag was a five-pointed star with one point removed. This points to a supposed order of events during the war:1

Rescue Attempts Resolved Endorsements Flag Desacation In recognition of historical events Or in remembrance Of those Who Lost Their Lives In Service To The State And Nation.


what does the confederate flag stand for

The Confederate flag is also associated with slavery. The original symbolism of the flag was to represent a slave owner’s pride in his property.

The design of the flag was created in 1794 by Dr. Charles Thomson, a Scottish doctor who designed many public buildings in Virginia and the United States. (1)

Although the flag has been re-symbolized over the years, the original had a double meaning. One was to show pride in one’s family members who were owned as slaves and another was to represent profits made from owning slaves. (2)

In 1794, slavery existed in Virginia and was part of local law. The doctor re-designed the flag to show that slave owners were important people and that they possessed money due to owning slaves. This new idea gained popularity and was added to law.


what does the confederate flag stand for

The Confederate flag is an old symbol that has a long history. The independence symbol on the flag is not new, however, it has been re-branded and re-sublimated over the years.

In the late 1700s and early 1800s, when the American colonies were independent from Great Britain, they used a similar design for their new nation. This was the first official symbol of America as a country.

This old national symbol was used for both political and economic purposes. People were outraged when it was used as a banner for slavery during the war, but after the war it was reinstituted as an American national symbol of freedom.

Today, it is still in use as an icon for independence. Many people use it to represent what they stand for—independence from government and from other countries—and why they support it.

Conservative values

what does the confederate flag stand for

While most people associate the Confederate flag with racist ideals, the flag has been used as a symbol of conservative values for many years.

In 1989, The Daughters of Confederate Veterans began using the flag to represent their organization. Two years later, they added a small circle of eight stars to represent the state in which they was created.

These days, the national chapter uses only one star, but the concept of including more state markers to represent your organization is still relevant today.

In 2002, The Sons and Daughters of Confederate Veterans added a second star for belonging to their group’s National Memorial Chapter. This addition was controversial at first, as it did not appear to be an official change in policy.

However, it has since become standard for both groups. Today, there are close to 1 million members of both groups who wear the second star.

Opposition to federal power

what does the confederate flag stand for

The Confederate flag has been used to oppose federal power for a long time. It was first printed in 1790, when Thomas Jefferson opposed using the government to enforce rights.

Since then, it has been associated with opposition to the government, especially since the establishment of the U.S. Government in 1780.

It has been a symbol for opposing organized power for hundreds of years, making it an integral part of history and lore. It continues this opposition into today, still today, against what they view as too much authority.

This is one of the reasons why so many groups use it; it is easy to attach political significance to and identify with its appearance and message.

It is also one of the reasons why so many women wear it; it indicates that they support male authority figures but do not agree with their decisions.


what does the confederate flag stand for

The Confederate flag has a long and storied history. It was originally a symbol of independence, bravery, and justice in the south.

The flag was originally used to show defiance against northern authorities, who were accused of freeing slaves. Today, this symbol of pride is used as patriotism.

Many say the flag represents southern pride and upholds the ethics of the times when it was created.

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