What Do Stay At Home Moms Do

A stay at home mom is a highly talked about topic these days. There are so many articles, TV shows, and movies dedicated to introducing the stay at home mom.

Most of these programs look great too- they are full of fun information and offer solutions for how a mom can find time to exercise and do other things while still being productive.

However, there is still controversy surrounding the term stay at home mom. Many people use it without really thinking about it. Do you really have to be formally employed to be a Stay at Home Mom?

This person takes on the role of parenthetical assistance or supervisor for other parents who are looking for help with their children.

Cook meals

This is one of the most important things dolda stay at home moms do. If you don’t cook, then Stay at Home Momma has no mommy patches to show you how to do it.

There are so many different ways to make meals, and most are delicious. Some are more traditional, like chicken and waffles, baked fish with rice, or spaghetti with meatballs. Others are more modern like vegetable curry or chicken parmesan.

One of the best things about cooking is that it can be done by someone as simple as you are.

Help with homework

Do you have an older child who needs help with homework? Or does your child need to learn a new skill or concept?

Many stay at home moms work to pay for school and job training, so they have a limited amount of time to help their children with homework. However, there are many ways to help your child.

Many way to help your child. One way is by finding online tutoring services and pairing your child with an experienced student. Once the student teaches the kids, the parents can buy a bookshelf unit and place the students. Your child can sit in a room of their own and study!

Another way to help your children with homework is by giving them other tasks. For example, letting them do some research or writing an assignment or report for 10 minutes can also be helpful.

Run errands

Do you love doing little things? Then you should try doing some errands. Many places offer you a credit for doing small errands such as going to the grocery store or the drugstore, paying bills, etc.

A lot of places have their own offices in the stores so you can easily go and return the favor. It is fun to get out and about and learn some new things.

Of course, there are always things that need to be dealt with on your end, such as sending payments or changing insurance policies. But getting out of the house and making a few baskets or payments will still remind you that you are still responsible for some stuff.

Doing small errands can cost between $5 and $10 per thing done.

Take care of family members

While many stay at home moms love to do things with their family, there is a time and a place for other activities.

Even if you are a full time mom, you must always keep in mind that you have other responsibilities. You cannot be too busy hanging out with your kids to keep in mind an activity or hobby you enjoy.

Many times, especially while pregnant, you need to give yourself time to enjoy things. You know how important that is while trying to maintain a healthy mindset and physical health.

While some people enjoy being the only one who takes care of business for a few days, it will leave you with less energy for other things and people as soon as it goes away. Having just one thing you can do well can help cover up for any lack of energy or awareness.


A lot of people sleep in their own beds, which is great! But if you are a stay at home mom, you need to get your sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for being efficient and productive the next day. So how do you do that?

Get a good night’s sleep! Don’t worry about getting enough sleep or being exhausted the next day. That will not happen.

What you should be doing is getting a good night’s rest. You should be sleeping as long as you can, and on average, you should be sleeping an average of six hours per night on average.

It’s true that staying at home moms do much work, but they also get the chance to spend more time with their children

Their work hours are more than enough to ensure they are always busy. They must set aside time each week to take care of their children, so how can they afford to go out or do anything else?

The amount of work hours a mother must dedicate in her life is not up for debate. In the words of author Marilee Harwood:

“The fact that some women choose to stay at home doesn’t mean it’s easy. There’s the ever-present pressure to get into college, get a job, and live the life you dreamed about as a mom.”

But it can be done! With a little effort, you can make homefronting (or any other full-time job) a part-time mom. And with a little help from your friends and family, you can turn this seldom-seen side of motherhood into an integral part of your daily routine.