What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Implants

Implants are a safe way to replace missing or damaged teeth. They can be place anywhere in the same mouth, usually the upper left or right side.

They can be placed in many places, including behind some teeth, above some others, and on either side of the central incisor. Because of this wide availability, there is a wide range of implant costs. Some are more expensive than natural teeth!

As with any surgery, there are always risks with implants. The most significant risk is that it can cause pain. If you feel severe pain when you try to place or remove it, then the implant may be too big!

There may also be infection problems with implants. When there is no room for a second post-operative day of care, technicians will drill new holes for the implants to fit into to prevent this risk.

Pros of dental implants

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

Most dentists would recommend dental implants for people looking to replace missing teeth. Though the procedure can be complicated, it is not without!

In fact, a large part of the success of the implant is its complexity. By using multiple cavities to create your new home, and by using stronger materials in place of those missing parts, the doctor can create a more perfect fit.

Additionally, during my years as a dentist, I have found that people are interested in what type of implant they use and what material it is made out of. If you want to move up in healthlyness in your health system, you want to find a manufacturer who meets your specific needs.

These things make the implant more complex to use, which can lead to some problems. But with patience and some practice cases, most patients can work their implants into their mouth and achieve a good fit.

Cons of dental implants

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

While dental implants are a safe way to enhance your esthetic and oral function, there are some cons to this procedure.

Dental implants can be expensive! It can take months or even years for them to pay for themselves. You will need to have them replaced or relocated when you upgrade your device or devices.

Having dental implants can limit mobility which may affect how you smile, eat, and function as a person. This may not be an issue for some, but it may for someone with very restricted function such as a wheelchair user!

We recommend having at least two different devices so that one can be remolded into the other to match.

Cost of dental implants

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

The cost of dental implants varies based on several factors, including where they are placed. Although not recommended if you are not comfortable with dishing out money, implant surgery is typically more expensive in smaller or more frequent payments.

Overall, it takes between four and six months to obtain a positive result from implant surgery, which means you will have to pay for every visit for at least a year before you achieve a full replacement of your dentition.

During that time, you will need to take breaks to eat and drink and for the Drs to check on the position of the implant within your jaw. You may also need periodic check-ups with the implants team to make sure it is working well.

Eventually, you will get your “back” in order and gain some stability with your new dentition.

Lengthy process for dental implants

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

The process for having dental implants placed can be long, and is not for the faint of heart. Luckily, it is a good choice if you are ready to go through with it!

To have your teeth fused together and then have a root canal and extraction done to place the implant is an expensive procedure that can cost up to $5,000. However, it pays off in the long run as you gain confidence in your new tooth structure and function.

Once that is done, you then have to come back in six months to have the remaining implant placed. This second implant must match the first one’s size and location!

Then you wait another six months before having any cosmetic treatments like capillary reconstruction or crown fitting done.

Possible complications with dental implants

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

Surgery is the most permanent surgery a patient can have. Because of this, there are some patients who do not feel like they need implants but otherwise shares principles about dental implantsiveness.

As with any surgery, there are some that do not believe in taking the time to repair their natural teeth and Implants. These people may be right to a degree! We know from research that when people are able to replace missing parts of their bodies with synthetic materials, they tend to be more satisfied with their health overall.

However, this isn’t true of the dentist who implants them! When a patient doesn’t have healthy natural teeth, the dentist should take care to useisneric material in order to replace them. This helps with pain control and oral health maintenance.

Dentists also need to pay attention to how much space they have for how many patients they will take.

Strengths of dentals implant over dentures

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

Dentals are much stronger and more stable than dentures are. This is because the sacrificial layer in a dental is larger and more complex.

Additionally, dentals have a longer restoration time than equivalent amounts of conventional denture materials. This is due to the longer fabrication timeline required to create a replacement piece of denture material that matches your teeth and amount of space you need.

This can be an issue if you need new dentures quickly. The length of time it takes to get new dentures will look odd and broken on you. People will ask why your old ones were so short, not looking like that when the new ones are in!

A potential downside of dental implants is their cost. Because new conventional material must be created and sent back for re-fitting, they can be more expensive than using traditional tools and techniques.

Weaknesses of dentals implant over dentures

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

While dentals implant in place of normal teeth, they are not a replacement for true teeth. They are substitute material that fits in place of natural teeth.

Dentals are usually made out of metal and plastic. This allows the dentist to match real human teeth with the dental implant. It also gives the patient a little bit of confidence in that they can smile and feel confident in their new look.

Most dentals cost around $500-$600, with the highest cost being $800. Due to this high cost, some patients may not choose to have a dental instead of a natural tooth. However, weighing quality vs cost, it is always better to save money than have poor quality implants cause pain and/or lost time for surgery needs.

Who are good candidates for dental implants?

what are the pros and cons of dental implants

Dentists can implant several types of dental implants, including:

Dental bridges

Replaceable partial dentures

Replaceable complete dentures

Before a patient can have a replacement denture, a bridge must be created for the missing piece. A patient with limited space may be good candidate for a replacement denture as their other self-made dentures will work well.

Because of the limited space available, some patients make the choice to have only a partial replacement. A patient who makes use of a full-sized bridge may choose to purchase it re-plated to match their other self-made bridges.

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