Termite Inspection Buying A Home

Termite Inspection is a valuable way to prevent a lot of problems in your home, such as termites, woodpecker holes, and water damage.awi

As mentioned previously, it is important to identify a Termite Inspection when you are looking to purchase a home. Home inspecting can be done as a trade or profession, but more recently it has become more popular than ever.

Most recently, Home Inspections have gained popularity due to the recent release of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) Green Building Standard. This standard requires an inspection of all new construction and renovation projects and updates every year due to changes in technology and standards.

This certification is called AICS (Advanced Home Inspection System). The USGBC developed AICS in order for professionals to use when conducting an inspection. landscape architects were also brought on board as Certified AICS Today’s Landscape Architects can provide their clients with this vital information.

Ask the current homeowner if they have a termite certificate

A termite inspection is described in greater detail in the next bullet point. However, most homes have a termite inspection at around yearly or monthly inspections to check if the home is being treated properly.

When visiting a home for the first time, you can inquire about having a termite inspection. Typically, this inspection occurs at least once per year and checking to see if the home has been treated properly.

If it has, then it is likely that the home is safe to live in because treatment usually lasts for at least six months after it is completed.

What is the structural soundness of the house?

If a house is damaged or needs renovations, it is important to research the structural soundness of the house. A healthy house will hold its weight without any damage, even with large families living in it.

Known as structural quality, the quality of a house refers to its ability to hold its own against weather and individuals over time. It is important to make this choice when building a home, as accessibility is a factor.

When building a home, it is important to know what materials are used. Some resources have recommended sources for fiber-based materials vs. foam based ones.

How old are the pipes?

When a home is constructed, there may be pipes that were present when the home was built. These pipes may be over 20 years old!

If you notice any old pipes in your home, then it is important to check them for safety. These safety checks are called pressure-applications and certify that the home is safe for people and pets.

Checking these checks whether or not the water is hot or cold when someone enters the house, how large the animals or children must be to use the water comfortably, and whether or not someone can afford a defective water system all contribute to choosing a system that lasts.

Pressure-applications are used on new homes as well, so checking whether or not they have them is an important part of buying a home. Many new owners do not have access to these important pieces of equipment.

Are there any signs of water damage?

If your home is showing signs of water damage, it is important to do a thorough inspection. You want to make sure that all points of stress have been dealt with, and that the home is structurally sound.

When buying a home, especially a new one, there are certain things that the seller must include as part of the disclosure document. This includes information about any concealed water damage, structural issues, and/or illegal practices.

While it is important to check for signs of water damage in a normal day-to-day basis, doing it twice or even three times is important. By having access to the property at a later time, you can continue your inspection and updates.

Structural issues can arise when one area of the home seems fine but there are others that are not. It is important to look for these before counting on them as a source of comfort.

Check the wood for dryness

When a home is constructed, the wood used to build the home is processed and measured for dryness. This process includes looking for dry spots in the wood and warn them when constructing a wall between rooms.

If a home is found to be lacking in dryness, this can be addressed by having some of the walls laminated together or fortified with other materials. These homes would need to be checked for relining or patching to make sure there are no reinfections, or more complicated repairs such as replacement.

When relining or patching, make sure there are no exposed seeds or stems that could spread and become a new pest. If this is going to be observed on older homes, then relined or patched with soft cloth instead of sturdy cardboard so it does not break down.

Look at the base plates for any signs of shifting

When inspecting the base plates of a new home, look for signs of shifting cheeks or ribs. These are signs that the home is moving.

If a new home appears to be having difficulty staying on its feet, these base plates will be slipping away. This is a sign that the home is growing and need more space to expand.

A Bulletin point to note is that if this area appears dry and hard, this may be an indication that the builder used high quality materials in place of less expensive materials. More money may have been spent on this building material source!

Another point to make is that when looking at the foundations of a home, keep your weight on your feet to prevent loosing energy when compressing the earth. Avoid walking on very soft ground as this may cause you undue stress and pain.

Check chimneys for damage or rust

If a home has a chimney, it is important to check it for damage or rust. Chapped chimney edges can lead to dry spots where smoke exits the chimney, making it difficult for the bugs to find its way in.

Termite inspection is a good way to check for this as well as other problems such as leaky water systems. Make sure that you get a certified Termite Inspection before beginning any work on your home.

There are many ways to rid your home of these pests such as spray treatments, which I recommend using at Schrader Heating and Cooling’s bottled-water-turned-mosquito- Killer Termite Treatment . If you do not have this, then there are some things that you can do yourself!

Look into state agencies to see if there are any regulations regarding termites in homes.

Inspect roof tiles for cracking or lifting

Termite inspection is one of the most important things you can do as a homeowner. While it may be difficult to notice a creature on your home, it is important to identify and prevent problems in your home from entering the outside world as well.

While most roofers will check the tiles for cracks and lifts, it is very important to check these areas. A crack could allow moisture into the roof system, which is a sign of an impending water leak.

If you see any signs of life on your roof, such as little white spots or dried trails, then you should get a termitre inspection. Termite inspections are free and offered by groups such as the US Greenbuild Alliance at least once per year. You can also check with your local termitre club or local organization.