Teach Your Child Spanish At Home

Learn Spanish at Home is the new way to language learning. Made for beginners and advanced alike, this course is a short but sweet introduction to the language.

It is designed for children as well, who are too young or not too shy to ask questions or learn things by themselves. You can also choose between beginner or basic course, making it more appropriate for your child.

The basic course can be done in several ways: Have your child play a Spanish game with a rule and they get rewarded if they follow them; have them study a Spanish text using flash cards; have them practice speaking Spanish using an interpreter or an intermediary.

Any of these can be done on their own, so it is not the focus of this article.

Spanish language YouTube channels

There are now more and more Spanish language YouTube channels for children. Most of them feature video lessons with a Walk Me Through format, with the student going through an activity and then receiving tips on how to do it well.

These video lessons are designed to be fun and easy to follow, so most of the time the student just watches her work and takes it as guidance. They also often include tips on how to improve their learning process, which is great!

Many of these channel teach other people’s children how to speak Spanish. This is a great way to build confidence in your child as they learn how to communicate with you.

Books with Spanish language texts

There are millions of Spanish-speaking children who don’t have access to quality books in their language and no one is making sure they have them. This is a huge shame, as children learn from books and what books they learn from books depends on what they learn.

Many times parents don’t realize what books their child wants to learn until after they’re finished teaching it. Sometimes children don’t realize how important learning new words and concepts are until they’re gone and those things aren’t learned.

There are many ways to introduce foreign languages to your child. The right way is not just for children to start speaking French or Spanish, but for them to finish learning French or Spanish so that they can finish teaching them.

There are many ways to teach a second language to your child.

Rosetta Stone program

Rosetta Stone program is another great way to teach your child Spanish at home. Rosetta Stone was created by a native speaker who put all of his experience as a native Spanish speaker to work and created this program for children.

It is an easy-to-follow curriculum that teaches children basic vocabulary and concepts in Spanish through fun activities and games. Children learn new words and vocabulary through context-based materials and exercises, making it a fun way to learn.

Some of the newer features that come with the Rosetta Stone program are audio files, flash cards, and downloadable resources. These additions make the program even more versatile as it can be used in different ways.

As always with any educational technology, watch out for side effects and risks.

Take them to a Spanish speaking church

If your child isn’t naturally inclined towards language, immersing them in a Spanish-speaking environment where they can talk to people is a good way to learn.

At home, you can teach Spanish by watching TV or movies and by taking classes if you are not already doing so. Through these sources, your child will develop an understanding of Spanish culture and language.

Many kids that are homeschooled are very proficient in the language. This is not expected, but it is possible.

If your child is very interested in learning and you have the resources available, give them a chance at home! Many adults that have learned Spanish at home have jobs teaching others how to speak it and respond to texts and messages on their own soon after.

The churchs that use Spanish as their main scripture languages are: Hispanic churchesonentialally owned (HCO) or cathedralesa Kirk/Episcopal (K/EP), evangelical congregations (CE), oratory schools (AT), and baptist schools (B). These typically use Spanish Bible versions.

Introduce them to Latino friends and family members

If your child is already familiar with Spanish, then it is time to introduce new words and concepts to them. Try using the Spanish phrasebook with them to teach them some new words and phrases.

Many Spanish language programs offer a free Spanish phrasebook for children. Many of these have maps and verb conjugations included. These help develop their understanding of language while they learn together.

If not, then continue teaching them simple sentences like, “My friend’s name is Juan Pete. He lives in Mexico City.” or adding more details when asking questions such as, “What does Juan Pete do?” or “How did Juan Pete meet that friend you mentioned?”

Both of these help build their foundation for speaking and listening, which are two key parts of learning a language.continue teaching them simple sentences like, “My friend’s name is Juan Pete. He lives in Mexico City.

Use Spanish language learning apps

There are lots of Spanish language learning apps that can be used at home. Most of them are very simple and easy to use, which is how most children learn.

Some of them are more complicated, but still easy. So try some out to see what works for you and your child. Some of them are even free!

There is a reason they are called “language learning” apps: they can be used in the classroom or school, on a device directly, or downloaded as a app.

Many of them teach grammar easily and quickly, making Mastery Spanish Lesson 1 very simple to use.

Practice pronunciation with phonetics books

In order to learn a language, you must first learn the language structure. That is, how to put words and phrases together to form sentences.

In order to learn a language such as Spanish, you need to study the Latin alphabet and its various letters. Most of the Spanish letters are pronounced similarly to their English counterparts, making it easy to learn.

In order to study a language, you must also learn its grammar. That is, how words are placed together in a sentence and what words they mean. Most of the time, grammar books can be appreciated on an extra-special day or two before school starts again.

Pay for a private tutor

A lot of parents do not have enough money to pay for a tutor at home, so they seek public Spanish classes at universities, community colleges, and/or public schools. Even though these classes are very expensive, you can go to the classroom and have your student take a quick lesson before or after school to ensure your Spanish is ready. Many students are also equipped with supplies and books that they can give away as homework, so you will save some money in the long run.

By taking your child to a university-based class and having a second teacher come in to help with any difficulties, you will be able to make it back into the native language quickly. The second teacher can also give you helpful feedback on how to help your child achieve what they want in class which saves you from having to repeatedly explain concepts.

Lastly, looking for Spanish tutoring at home is another cost-effective way of teaching your child Spanish.