Neighbors Mailbox On My Property

A mailbox is a great way to advertise your location. By having a box located on your property, neighbors can easily see if someone needs something.

Boxes are also easy to maintain. If someone needs something, they just goes into the box and selects the item they want! You can write it down as well to indicate who sent it.

This feature is not available to everyone. A network of service providers manage these boxes and user accounts cannot be maintained. They charge a fee for this service, so not all users have this feature.

However, by having this feature available, you will attract more visitors which will lead to more revenue for your business! You can make a lot of money by including this in your marketing plan.

Ask your neighbor to move the mailbox

neighbors mailbox on my property

If you have a mailbox right next to a mailbox with a same-sex couple, ask your neighbor to move the mailbox so you can access it.

This is called ask the neighbor to help with the mailbox. Some neighbors don’t like being asked to help with the mailbox, so they might not do so.

Also, if you have a different type of mailbox such as a hybrid or combination box, then make sure you ask the government organization that administers your property (your county or municipality) to let you add your own customized box.

Because there is more maintenance required for the separate boxes, your neighbors may feel more comfortable leaving their personal information and mail out for them to come and take it. This could save them from having to send it by courier service which requires identifying information be provided.

Ask your neighbor for permission to move it for them

neighbors mailbox on my property

If you have to ask your neighbor for permission to move their mailbox on your property, there are some rules to consider.

Under state law, you must give them a at least one month to move it. Also, under state law, you must ask before moving anything else on your property.

Although it is not required by law, most jurisdictions require that you ask before moving a mailbox. This is a good habit to develop as we will need to ask before changing any other features of our property such as adding new doors or windows, adding new furniture or artifacts, and/or adding anything decorative (décor).

If you have to move your mailboxes due to development or expansion of your home, be aware that the new neighbors will see what type of house you have and possibly think that the space is enough room for another mailbox.

Move the mailbox to your property

neighbors mailbox on my property

If you have a large mailbox that needs a larger space, you can move it to your property. All you have to do is drill a few holes for the new mailbox and add your home address through the mail service.

This is an easy way to expand your mailbox space!

You can also buy specialized extensions that wrap around your existing tree branch or curved piece of metal, making it fit into your property’s decor.

Call the county and ask about requirements for a new mailbox

neighbors mailbox on my property

Increasing the size of your mailbox is an easy way to spend some money and get more out of your mailbox. You can call the county office to ask if they require a new mailbox and whether it is cost effective.

Many times, having a new box will save you money in the long run as it reduces costly phone bills and postage, as well as increases privacy as to who receives your mail. It also adds value to your home as a whole as it provides more space for mail and private property can become bigger with more storage!

While there are some rules about what type of boxes you can have and how big they must be, these things are not required to be installed when a new box is placed.

Replace the box with a brick version

neighbors mailbox on my property

If your neighbors put a mailbox on my property, the second option is to replace the box with a brick version. These are very popular colors in homes today due to feature walls and/or large expanse of empty space.

If you choose this route, you would have to contact your neighbors and ask them if they want a brick or concrete version of the mailbox. If they do, then you would have to place signs at the entryways and inside the boxes to your property that state which one is the brick version.

You would also have to hire a company to install the new mailbox, so maybe take some time to set up with another reminder set up with it, especially if there are multiple users on your account.

Re-position the box so you can access it more easily

neighbors mailbox on my property

Next to the letterbox is an extra-long, 24-inch-wide box. This box needs to be able to be positioned so it can be easily accessed by the user.

You can buy a short, 25-tooth box ring to attach the longer box to your mailbox. This way, you can easily access your mailbox!

The length of the box must match in diameter so that when a letter arrives, it is fully protected before being placed in the letterbox. If the diameter of the new mailbox is different than the old one, make sure to communicate your desire for a change and ask for a replacement or a relocation.

Talk to your neighbors about moving their boxes

neighbors mailbox on my property

If you notice a higher amount of mail or packages in your neighbor’s mailbox, it’s important to speak to them. There may be a reason for more mail or packages in your neighbors box and you should ask!

Your neighbor may be using the same porch or entrance, receiving the same emails and notices, and still have more mail and packages in their box than you do.

It’s pretty common for people to put less emphasis on their letters and emails as they get older, so maybe they don’t receive as many notification cards or reminders as they used to.

If you think your neighbors are taking advantage of the program that gives you a discount on the mailbox if you keep an eye on it, let them know too! You can ask your local government for help paying for additional monitoring.

Talk to your neighbors about sharing a box with you

neighbors mailbox on my property

Having a neighbors mailbox on your property can be nerve-wracking. Who knows if they will send mail or who they will send it to.

If you have two neighbors that share a mailbox, set up a system where one of them delivers the mail while the other takes it. This way, you both get your pieces of mail, but the second person receives the return address so it can be sent out.

There are several websites that let you setup NeighborlyMailboxes online. You just have to figure out how to install the app on your device and your neighbor has to agree to it.

Also, check with your local government about installing a shared mailbox. It could save you money on fees or space due to being able to receive all of your own mail.

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