Kittens Eye Infection Home Remedy

When an adult cat gets a bandage or skin patch stuck in its eye, it can be very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, this happens more often than you’d like.

Kittens are smaller animals and can get caught inside of the eyeockets of larger animals such as dogs. When the dog pulls the kitten away from the mother cat, the mother cat gets stuck with her eye in a poor fit- Fate!

Fortunately, there are several home remedies for this issue.

Use over-the-counter antibiotic eye drops

Kittens are often exposed to a lot of dirt and parasites. These items can get inside their eyes, resulting in eye infection.

So, it is important to prevent this as much as possible. The most appropriate way to do this is to use antibiotic drops when necessary.

They are cheap and easy to apply, so if you have kids, buy some brand-new drops. You can also use alcohol wipes or contact solution if you need more privacy.

If your kitten has already developed an infection, the quick application of the drop will hopefully prevent it from continuing down the track of developing more serious conditions.

If your kitten is not eating or drinking enough, this may be causing internal pressure which could also lead to obstruction of the digestive system.

Use over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops

Kittens eye infection is most likely caused by a foreign object (like a coin) or virus (like a viral infection) in the kitten’s eye.

If the infection is not treated, it can spread to the surrounding tissue and potentially even enter the lens inside the eye. This can cause permanent damage or even blindness.

To prevent this, use antihistamine drops whenever your kitten gets an eye discharge or if he/she tends to scratch around the eye. Or, if you have a very wealthy kitty, purchase a piece of transparent material to put between the cat and any furniture to prevent them from getting stuck.

If your kitten does have an infected eye, try warm moist cloths to wipe away the discharge and prevent further infections.

Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to the infected area

This mixture will neutralize any harmful bacteria in the eye. The paste should be applied approximately one week before the next cat kitten eye infection episode to reduce the chance of a recurrence.

Although baking soda has a neutralizing effect on many things, in this case it cuts down the irritancy of the eyes. The cream can be difficult to apply as it needs to be spread out and evenly coatted around the eye.

Unfortunately, this process can be difficult for some. If you are unable to make the effort, then try one of the other alerted home remedies listed below!

We recommend making sure that you follow up your remedy with a visit or appt to your vet to check for signs of infection or inflammation.

Make a paste with coconut oil and baking soda and apply it to the infected area

This remedy is made for similar to making a kitty litter box. You must remove the block of clay from the middle of the kitty, then you can pour the coconut oil and baking soda on top of it.

This prevents bacteria from spreading and creating a bad smell in your home. It also reduces dusting needs as it neutralizes bacteria and other particles that might be triggerable.

Baking soda has some health benefits of its own so this works well as a countermeasures. This helps remove any possible minerals that might be responsible for the pain in your pet.

Related Bullet Point: Make sure to let your kitten get plenty of water to drink as well as keeping him or her cool is important will keep an infection from spreading.

Wash your hands often

When cleaning your home, be sure to wash your hands regularly. Most animals don’t always get sick when they are in contact with dirt and insects, so be sure to remove all of these.

You can buy specialized hand sanitizer or wash your hands with the same sanitizer that you clean the kittens’ cage with. Or you can simply wipe your hands with a clean, dry tissue every few minutes to take advantage of the refreshing sensation.

Kittens have some natural odors, and when they smell this odor on another animal, it gets transferred. If one kitten smells like vanilla and the other smells like cocoa, then both kittens will have a chocolate coat.

If one cat smells like Dr. House and the other smells like Cruella de Ville, then both will have a cold nose! You can predict which ones are sick because they smell bad.

Do not touch your eyes with your hands

The most common way for kittens to get an eye infection is by touching their eyes with their hands when they are open and/or crying.

When a kitten gets an eye infection, its face will turn red and it will be able to smell the water dish or food it is eating. This is because the water dish or food is tasting delicious.

When this happens, make sure to keep track of your kitten. weekly check-ups are a good way to do this. If your kitten does not get checked every week, bring it in for a checkup at least once a month.

If your kitten has problems with drinking or crying, then you need to take care of him or her. A warm bath and playing in a ring comfort system can help reduce stressors onto your pet.

Get a humidifier in your home

Kittens are usually dry and often overheated in the summer, so it is important to make sure they have adequate hydration.

Kittens are typically active between twelve and twenty hours a day, making it important to keep them entertained. Keeping a hydrating misting station or an overhead humidifier can help this a lot.

Sometimes kittens will get dry skin around their face and paws. A quick fix for this is to regularly slather on some moisturizing cream or oil around the face and feet to prevent chapped skin.

Cats will also sometimes get dried out skin around their faces. An easy home remedy is get a warm washcloth and place over the area for ten minutes to keep the moisture up.

Take some time off from work or school

When you have a kitten who has an eye infection, taking time off can be extremely helpful. There are several things you can do while he is healing and during his recovery.

To help prevent infection, wash the kitten’s eye very well with clean water at least twice a day. Try to get it as clean as possible without using lotion or other greasy products to prevent it from sticking to the eye.

To help with pain, try some codeine or similar pain medication before letting him go in an hour or two if he is having difficulty stopping the flow of water.

When cleaning the eye, try taking some anti-inflammatory measures first before cutting out the water or removing the infected piece of tissue. It may also be helpful to have someone else help with this part due to lack of dexterity.

Never attempt to remove an infected eyeball yourself as there is a high chance of doing more damage than good. You can find some good tutorials on that online.