Kidney Stones In Cats Home Remedy

kidney stones are a rare condition that occurs when a cat loses the ability to filter its food and water.

When a kitten is six to eight weeks old, it begins to develop small kidney shaped kidneys. These begin to function but are not adequate for the amount of water and food it is consuming.

Kittens require about two or three kidneyisations before their litter box training is complete. Without the help of the kittens, their renal stone cannot break down its waste material effectively and will die from this lack of nutrition and removal.

If your cat has a large renal stone, you must take it to the vet immediately. The vet can cut away part of the stone to remove it more quickly. If the stone is small, you may be able to handle taking it on your own!

At home remediationsichen stoneen kitainstone in cats can be challenging as they do not like being at the vet’s office or at an open surgery.


Apple juice

Drinking enough water is key for your cat. While a cat may not drinking enough can be a challenge, apple cider vinegar can help break up kidney stones and prevent them from passing through the stomach.

Apple cider vinegar is a potent acid that works as an effective excretory system. When applied to the skin, it raises the water and vitamin content of the body, helping promote increased urination and lessened incidence of kidney stones.

It is also believed to reduce inflammation, increase digestion and Overall health , and reduce cholesterol . Since it does not contain any sugar or milk, it is safe for a cat to drink.

However, there are some cats who do not enjoy or enjoy out of control thirsts. Having enough juice can be tricky for some cats. Therefore, creating a routine of drinking every day may help prevent overt dehydration andium.

Cranberry juice

Refers to drinking a small can of cranberry juice every day for your pet. Kidney stones are a common pet condition.

Kidney stones are large, rough and/or concrete-like fragments of mineral that enter the bladder when urinating. When the stone passes through the urethra (the route from the bowl to the penis), it leaves its new home and returns to the bladder where it stays until it is removed by another method such as a surgery or supplement.

Some cats have kidney stones that do not pass easily or do not respond well to passing alone. If your cat has this problem, you may want to try drinking one cup (eight ounces) of cranberry juice each day for them.

This may help Some cats who do not respond well to medications or passes less easily may be candidates for annual surgery to remove their kidney stone.



Potte is a traditional German beverage made from black and brown tea. It can be purchased at most grocery stores, health food stores, and drug stores.

Potte is typically enjoyed as a evening or nighttime drink. Because it may be difficult for some cats to drink the fullpot, we suggest offering small cups of potte available twice a day.

This is a good habit to introduce your cat to since they will be enjoying it too! Once they get the hang of it, you can increase the amount offered per day by opening your refrigerator and allowing them to have one more bag of tea on hand.

Potte can help reduce potential kidney stones in cats. If your cat has had a stone recently, consider offering potte around the weekend to help prevent any new kidney stones from forming.

Chicken broth

Drinking a bowl of chicken soup every day will help your cat remove kidney stones. The soup is high in potassium, which helps with stone formation.

Potassium helps structure the crystals in your cat’s kidney, helping them to stick to one place. This allows them to be dissolved easily by the watery liquid surrounding their kidney.

As the cat drinks the water containing the stone, it freely flows into thekidney, where it sits until something triggers removal. Your cat may experience some gagging or even vomit when this happens, as it gets rid of something serious.

Potassium also keeps your cat’s kidneys functioning properly, which reduces blood flow to the stone and prevents extensive damage. A warning: If your cat has a weak heart or any other health issue that affects how well they clear stones, you should monitor their drinking and sodium intake to prevent excessive stone formation.

Vitamin C

Kidney stones are typically calcium oxides which are concentrated into rocks shape. These can be found in many animals, including cats.

Because these stones can be dangerous, it is important for your cat to have vitamin C yearly. C is an important part of the cat’s diet, as well as in safe foods.

There are a few ways to give your cat vitamin C. You can buy a human grade C powder and mixing it with food or Slayer® Brand™ Vitamin C Liquid, which is mixed with water and drunk. You can also give your cat a topical application of vitamin C, such as a cream sold at the vet’s office.

Neither of these methods provide the same level of protection from heat damage that fresh meat does, so neither should be relied on regularly.


A sweet treat that you can give your cat every once in a while is strawberry. It does not cause obesity, so your cat would not need to eat too much of it.

Strawberries are a great food for animals as they are never hungry for it. It is always fresh and available. Most pet stores will have a supply of it.

If your cat has an issue with potassium, then try mixing in some strawberries or put a small piece of the strawberry on his plate as he eats. Potassium is important for health in general, so this issue might be bigger than just him needing it.

Strawberries also help reduce potassium levels in the body and can be passed through to the stone in their stomach.


Pepper is an interesting name for this dish. While it is a pepper, it also may contain garlic and/or ginger. These spices help break down kidney stones, prevent them from passing though the body, and help your cat get rid of them.

This dessert-style food has several ingredients that aren’t always easy for a cat to consume. Most of these items are dried or fresh, including cloves, ginger, green peppers, and olives.

By mixing in the food with the peppers, chances are your cat will not just eat the pepper alone. Instead, she will mix in the food so she can absorb some of the compounds that might help her break down the stone.

She may also grind up the stone into a pellet or flake style food so she can incorporate it into her diet.


Broccoli is a high in calcium it contains is what your cat want Or Does the Sound of Broccoli Make You Urinate?

Many cats find the taste of broccoli enjoyable and enjoy bringing it into their food. Because of this, you may need to increase your cat’s intake of broccoli to help with this habit.

Broccoli is a rich in minerals and can help reduce the incidence ofundetected kidney stones. For this reason, your vet may recommend eating broccoli weekly or daily depending on whether your cat has had a stone or not.

While at least half of all humans should never eat too much green vegetables because of possible overuse by humans, only one out of every ten dog owners notices that their dog is eating too much green vegetables because they are so habit forming.