Is Softwave Therapy Covered By Insurance

Is Softwave Therapy Covered by Insurance? Is It a Form of Therapeutic Massage? How Much Does It Cost? Are There Any Side Effects to This Treatment? All of the answers and more in this article!

As the name suggests, softwave therapy is a form of therapeutic massage. This treatment is marketed as being safe and easy to use. It can be done at home, by herself, or with a friend.

Many people enjoy this treatment as it is a way to be more connected with themselves. Others just love the idea of going into the dark woods and being surrounded by some trees for 30 minutes.

The connectiveness that comes with this 30-minute session is incredible! It can be done any time, anywhere, and anyone can do it!

Is Softwave Therapy Covered by Insurance? A brief overview will help determine if this massage is covered under insurance policies. Restoration massage tends to be covered under insurance as long as there are no underlying medical conditions that could impact healing or quality of life (e.

How much does softwave therapy cost?

Typically, it costs between $80 and $100 for an hour of softwave therapy. This may be a little more if you do not have insurance coverage or if your doctor does not recommend softwave therapy.

But, remember that you are getting some type of treatment that may help you feel better. So, you want to pay for it!

You should start with a short session of therapy. Most doctors will teach you how to use the Softwave Therapy table and machine in about a day. After that, you can add more time if you want.

The most time needed for full recovery from disc displacement is about four weeks. Once that time is up, your doctor will let you back to work or recreational sports without any further testing or medication.

Is softwave therapy covered by insurance?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

If you have health insurance, you most likely do not need a softwave therapy treatment. However, if you do not have any health insurance or limited health insurance, then a softwave therapy treatment is covered by insurance.

Many companies offer financial assistance to those who have no coverage because of their diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. You can go to the doctor’s office and receive your softwave therapy treatment at no cost!

Because this therapy is so expensive, it is important to find the right therapist for you. A good therapist should be able to guide you in finding the best match for your needs.

Look for someone with experience in softwave therapy who does not have many patients with Multiple Sclerosis, and who does not charge much as compared to an experienced therapist.

What are the benefits of softwave therapy?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

A number of health conditions such as back and neck pain, chronic pain, and post-acute pain are increasingly more severe as time goes on. This is true even for those with healthy lifestyles habits such a regular exercise regimen or good quality of sleep habits that have been forgotten or lost.

In this case, physical therapy can be very helpful in reducing pain and improving mobility. A number of techniques are used to softwave therapy, including foam rolling, use of electrical stimulation devices, and use of painful procedures like corticosteroids.

These treatments may seem complicated but they are very effective! A number of medical professionals have found softwave therapy to be a great way to help heal their own personal pain syndrome.

As with any surgery or treatment that involves some pain, you should always talk to your doctor about whether softwave therapy is safe and appropriate for you.

Who can perform softwave therapy?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

It’s possible to have softwave therapy performed by a private practitioner, at a softwave therapy clinic, or through a softwave therapy company. Regardless of where you get your therapy, the practitioner must be licensed and certified to perform this type of treatment.

Who can use softwave therapy?

The therapist can treat patients with any type of stress or anxiety, but people with specific symptoms like chronic pain may be more apt to receive softwave therapy.

Some symptoms associated with soft wave therapies include those related to skin health such as dryness or moisture regulation, the pain-relieving effects, and the familiarity that comes with having someone work on your body.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), mild forms of low level laser Therapy (LLLT) may be covered under some forms of insurance such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Do I need a referral to get softwave therapy?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

No, you do not need to be referred by a therapist or friend to receive softwave therapy. You can come to your own session however!

The main reason people go to a therapist is for softwave therapy. This is covered by most forms of insurance, making it an affordable treatment option for many.

Therapists are available through most therapists’ websites, or via phone and email. The only barrier is getting the information and/or referral from the therapist.

Do not hesitate to ask your therapist any questions about their softwave therapy sessions, what they were going through and what results they were seeing.

Where can I get softwave therapy?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

You can find softwave therapy in many places. Most states have a referral program for therapists that allows you to bring your therapist to find a therapist that works with you.

Some places that offer softwave therapy are:

Spas and wellness centers

Physicians’ offices and medical staffs

Alternative and integrative medicine (food, medicine, etc.) clinics/staffs

Some clinics offer softwave therapy as a part of their regular treatment services. Most of these rely on either electromagnetic or non-ionizing therapies to stimulate the nervous system, reduce pain, promote relaxation, and increase Functioning. Many of these rely on devices that utilize alternating current vs. direct current for therapy.

What is the treatment like?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

Softwave therapy is a non-stimulation treatment that focuses on relieving pain. This therapy can be done by sitting or standing, as the patient is able to move their arms, legs, and back to receive the relief they are looking for.

It does not require a doctor’s visit, but must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. To receive the softwave therapy you must use a vibration device and/or heat treatment.

The vibration device contains positions that feel uncomfortable but are harmless (such as sitting in a yoga position). The heat treatment may be done with heated pads or blankets, which feel very warm but do not hurt if received properly.

These two treatments can be difficult to find and schedule time for when you want them! Most places have someone on standby for this type of patient.

What should I expect during and after treatment?

is softwave therapy covered by insurance

Your first month of treatment is usually free. This is due to the complexity of softwave therapy and its construction. After that, insurance companies can generally pay for softwave therapy, though at a higher cost.

During treatment, patients are typically supervised in a clinic or clinic setting by a therapist who has completed their training and received insurance approval. Most clinics have a phone so that patients can check on how they are feeling and ask for assistance if needed.

After treatment, patients typically feel refreshed and happier with no reoccurring symptoms. If there were any signs of pain or discomfort during treatment, these should have gone away completely!

If you are underinsured or not covered by your insurance, you may be able to purchase softwave therapy as part of your recovery. Contact your doctor if this is not possible for you.

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