Is Kybella Covered By Insurance

Kybella, a non-surgical procedure, is a minimally invasive procedure that can help reduce facial fat and muscle. It can also increase muscle mass and reduce fat in the face and body. Kybella is not for the faint of heart, as it can cause significant pain.

The average patient does not require any follow-up after the procedure except for cosmetic consultations, which typically include some type of surgery to enhance the appearance.

Silicone gel is used during the procedure to create an airtight seal during removal of some of the fat. After this process, new silicone gel is added to create a new skin connection. This process may take up to a week before it fully happens!

This article will talk about what insurance covers and does not cover for plastic surgeons who perform Kybella surgery.

How much does Kybella cost?

is kybella covered by insurance

Kybella is a $400 treatment that can be either a surgical or non-surgical approach. The surgery can be performed in a clinic or under an anesthesia video at a spa or medical spa.

The treatment is similar to losing weight through diet and exercise, but with the addition of medication. It can take between six and 12 months for the results to show, so now is the time to get your Kybella coverage in.

You will need to have insurance cover the cost of the Kybella procedure as well as any ongoing therapy required after surgery has healed. Some insurance companies will require proof of insurance coverage before covering the procedure, so do some checking first.

During surgery, you may need local anesthesia only which means no general anesthesia is needed. You will still have post-surgical pain, healing, and recovery needs of local or IV antibiotics, physiotherapy, and/or physical therapy.

Does insurance cover Kybella?

Most companies will not pay for the surgery unless you have medical insurance coverage. This is called medical loss leader (MLL) insurance and most companies offer it as a add-on.

If you have no insurance, Kybella can be pricey! A consultation fee, surgery cost, and any additional therapies can add up. But if you find another surgeon or do not want to replace your breasts, Kybella does not cost much to remove!

In order for your health insurance company to cover Kybella, you must have a minimum of a DDD/DAS (double-D) size natural breast with no implants. If you have had implants, they must be at least A/B size! You may also need an implantless procedure like liposuction or lift the other way to get coverage.

Where can I get Kybella?

is kybella covered by insurance

Kybella is not covered by most insurance companies, even if you have a normal body size. This is due to the fact that it treats plasticity, the process of changing your body shape and fat distribution, which skews how insurance considers you payable.

This is because plasticity is considered a medically necessary process, and ones who have it are charged more money! But that does not mean you can’t get it!

There are a couple of places that offer Kybella but there are some rules to get past.

What are the side effects of Kybella?

is kybella covered by insurance

There are very few side effects associated with the use of Kybella. Most people report a slight tightening of the jaw and muscles around the mouth, and an improvement in lip thickness and margin.

Another prominent effect is a reduction in facial wrinkles. Many find that it has a positive impact on their self-confidence, allowing them to focus more on what they are doing rather than what they look like.

As with all fat loss diet pills,Kybella should be used in conjunction with other steps toward health and fitness.

Who should not get Kybella?

is kybella covered by insurance

There are some people who cannot get a Kybella injection due to health concerns or who do not want a Kybella injection for health reasons. If you belong in either of these groups, then do not get Kybella!

It does not matter if you have health insurance or not. Kybella is considered a medical procedure, and thus, insurance will not cover it. However, after-care is still available through the manufacturer, so you can still get your injections.

After-care includes returning to exercise, getting involved in non-painful exercises such as yoga or swimming, and watching your exercise habits.

How does it work?

is kybella covered by insurance

The concept of a fat-blasting therapy is relatively new, having been created just over a year ago. The idea is to use the body’s natural chemistry to fight excess fat within the body, reducing its overall volume and consistency.

This treatment can be covered by most forms of insurance, making it an appealing option for those looking for more drastic weight loss methods.

The process works by using radio waves to stimulate fat cells within the skin to break down and escape the cell wall that surrounds it. This allows them to move into other parts of the body, where they can re-set themselves as new cells.

This process may seem extreme, but it has extremely positive effects on health such as weight loss, health related expenses such as medical bills or pain and recovery times. It has also been shown to increase self-confidence which is important in maintaining long term success.

What should I expect after treatment?

is kybella covered by insurance

After a fat-blocying treatment, you will experience some post-treatment side effects. These include energy struggles, skin soreness, and/or redness. You may also experience swelling or increased fat distribution after the treatment.

These Side Effects are normal and temporary. Once the treatment is over, your body will return to normal functioning speed!

Overall, you should feel good after the treatment and have noticeable results in a few weeks. You may even notice a difference between weeks 2 and 4 after starting your program. Weeks 4 and 6 are when you start seeing results continue!

In summary, the side effects listed above are all common during fat blocking procedures like Kybella. They typically last for about 4–6 weeks after surgery, but can take longer if you have trouble with admitting to yourself that surgery is done.

How long will the results last?

is kybella covered by insurance

Results will last about six months to a year, but the effects may vary. Some people experience weight loss and/or maintenance of the weight loss while others no change at all.

Some people experience some new muscle tissue growth, others none. Luckily for you, we know some who have had success and you can talk to them about it!

The monitoring and results will last about a year on a regular basis. After that time has passed, you can expect to lose more weight quickly as your body begins to phase out the medication.

You may also experience some side effects such as headaches or heartburn. These can be prevented or treated by having a drink hour before treatment and/or after treatment is completed.

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