Investigative Tools Used By Law Enforcement

Investigative tools are tools that law enforcement and security agencies use to gather information and expertise about issues related to security. Many of these tools are free, and being offered as free, they still have value.

Most of these applications have a set of features that you can customize to your needs, making it more dynamic in how it works for you. Some have web interfaces, making it easy for authorities to access and use their services without too much guidance.

This is important, as some experts might suggest ways to use a tool. You can even be sure that the app or server you are using is being monitored by someone because if it was free, then somebody would want to use it!

This article will talk about some of the more common investigative tools used by law enforcement and security professionals alike. It will also give some tips on how they can use them effectively for their investigations and cases.


Social media

Using the latest technology and network connections, you can put yourself out in the public. You can broadcast your thoughts, actions, and results. Be prepared to answer questions people may have about you and your cases.

Conversational speaking is a tool law enforcement uses to build confidence in a suspect. By talking with a suspect in a conversational setting, they are more likely to trust and confide in you which potentially helps them remember some details from their interview or testimony.

By building a reputation for being trustworthy and having good communication skills, you may be able to earn the trust of other people you speak with which could help your case progress faster!

Finding ways to be effective with my computer is another investigative tool used by law enforcement. Using the internet, messaging services, mobile apps, and home devices they have at their disposal.

If someone has not been used in an exposure scenario, then you can introduce these tools of communication to help build credibility.

Video surveillance

Video surveillance is a cost-effective way for a police department to monitor a crime in progress. By recording the suspect’s entry and exit from site, the police can quickly review the footage and determine if the suspect is leaving or entering the premises.

This tool is also used for other crimes such as burglary as video helps identify suspects during and after the crime. In a burglary, there may be evidence such as removing items from store or apartment buildings as well as placing items in carrier or bag.

In this case, using video surveillance, the police can easily arrange an appointment to view the footage at their convenience. At that appointment, they can ask for a quick look at what was taken during the crime so they can see it!

However, before going through any trouble of arranging an appointment, should have an expert assess its usefulness.


A snapshot is a quick way for a practitioner to access information about an individual, place, or situation. By placing information about members of the public in the cloud, large groups of people can access it.

This can be extremely helpful when trying to help someone in distress. To create a snapshot, you go to an online database and enter some basic information about the person or group you want to help. You can then add any additional details you want for them, such as photographs or experiences if there is one.

Once this is done, you can send out letters and requests via the Internet using your specific contact information. People who are affected by this type of thing may write back to you, letting you know they are receiving your efforts and that they are being taken care of.


Fingerprints are one of the most commonly used investigative tools. Law enforcement can use them on people or things, aisles in grocery stores, or even in police cars!

Fingerprints are created when someone’s skin comes into contact with something that is either very small or larger than it. For example, when someone walks into a room and then they touch a bed frame, that person’s fingerprints would be on the bed frame as they handle it.

The problem is, there are only five digits in a fingerprint and they do not line up exactly. So, to create a more complete fingerprint, something must be arranged to match exactly like with chemicals or characteristics that align like. This is done by police at a crime scene where someone has touched something important.

At the scene, the police obtain evidence such as blood stains, dried blood spots, and evidence of where the person was injured. These items are used to establish who the criminal was at the crime scene.

Crime scene analysis

Crime scene analysis is the process of analyzing a crime scene to find evidence, clues, and wisdom that will help solve a crime. While there are many aspects of crime scene analysis that can be valuable in solving crimes, most people do not become investigators until they have learned this art.

As an investigator, you will need to know how to structure a search and how to use equipment properly. As you might expect, look for valuables missing and signs of a break-in. Both of these items may help prove your innocence in the eyes of the police.

You may also find hidden pockets or hidden places on a person or item that may have been touched during an incident. These may hold important personal information that could help prove someone else was behind an attack.

Interviewing witnesses

When doing a investigation, law enforcement will typically interview witnesses. The goal is to gain as much information as possible about the person who did the crime so that law enforcement can connect the person to the crime.

While many people do a good job at asking questions, it is important that they be prepared for what their witnesses may or may not tell them. They must ask all of the right questions at all times, and not be too direct with their answers.

Some common interview questions are: Where was the incident occurring? What was people wearing when it happened? What did you think would happen and what did you expect to see happen?

These questions help prepare interviewers for what they will want to say to their respective figures and can save a person from being mistreated or having a story that is not truely factual.

Questioning suspects

When a detective is presented with a suspect, they must decide if that suspect is innocent or not. A detective can use several investigative tools to determine if the suspect is guilty. These include:

Witness testimony; When a suspicious person is questioned, his or her witnesses may be asked to come back and testify about the event. These witnesses may not be as certain as the person being questioned about the crime.

Interrogation techniques; When a suspect is confronted with evidence or an unsolved case, he or she may struggle to give up information. The detective using these techniques can ask questions in order to learn whether or not the person was lying.

Re-interrogation techniques; When one piece of information on an individual does not add up, it is possible to add more details in order to find the truth. Using this method, the detective finds new information to question their suspect on.

Blood testing

Blood testing is one of the most used investigative tools by non-law enforcement citizens. While not for amateurs, the vast majority of users have a hard time getting past the step of collecting a person’s blood specimen, asking if you can leave a phone or other device in your possession to take a quick glance, and then giving you the option to take a second or third sample to make sure it was positive for evidence.

Many times, individuals who use blood tests are looking for answers about themselves or clues about what happened to them. Whether they are looking for an answer as to what drug they took or whether it was a legitimate test or not, there is certainly value in having one.

There are many different companies that offer blood tests and their results are rarely wrong. However, since these companies do not report results directly, some verification is needed. Unless you are that person, this article will not talk much about the test but instead give some tips on how to get the same accuracy in your own testing.