How To Treat Dog Arthritis At Home

Dog arthritis is an important topic to discuss in pet care, mainly because more dogs are going blind and developing arthritis as their primary symptom.

As the term suggests, dog arthritis is when a dog’s joints become damaged. This typically happens when a dog gets old and falls into a retirement lifestyle. This is not ideal for this kind of animal, who needs to be active all the time to stay healthy.

How you can treat this animal depends on what kind of dog. For example, someone with a springer might be able to use pain relievers and ice packs to reduce the pain caused by arthritic knees and paws. A power sports animal might not have any symptoms but still need treatment due to increased pain from osteoarthritis.

This article will discuss ways to treat your dog with arthritis at home. We will talk about how to determine if your animal has knee or hip disease, how to treat it at home, and keep your health insurance happy.


Chamomile tea

A restorative beverage made from chamomile flowers, brewed with tap water, is very rare for dogs with arthritis. This is primarily due to the risk of side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea.

However, if your dog has mild arthritis, a quick tea in the morning can be helpful. Or if you are running a special program for your dog, then chamomile tea can be a nice way to make a difference.

As with most things we do not recommend our pets perform, never take a quick sip of tea if you do not feel alright drinking it and/or you are unable to keep track of how much you are drinking because it will go down very quickly.

If your dog has mild arthritis, you can try making a cup of tea every day for around an hour before getting ready for bed. Alternatively, you can give them some warm water or just let them sit in their own medication until morning or afternoon time to take their pain reliever.

Hot packs

A cool therapy that has been around for a long time is to put a cool cloth on your dog’s hot dog. Theoretically, this will reduce the dogsheations pain and inflammation.

This therapy was first used nearly ten years ago and has remained a popular way to treat dogs with arthritic hips, knees, and feet.

Today, there are many successful hip massage therapies that you can use on your dog. This is especially true since the doctors now base a license on this ability to heal dogs.

Some experts even say that too much hip massage is just as harmful as no treatment at all! So, if your dog has hip pain, you should still take steps to prevent further damage.

Take them off training field or outdoors where they can get some grass or dirt if they have problems walking. Then, try using a hip wrap or cool cloth to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Cold packs

There is a very simple way to treat dog arthritis at home. It may seem odd, but it is very effective. You will need a cold pack!

As discussed above, dogs with arthritis can suffer from pain from certain temperatures. This is important as the dog does not understand how cold therapy works, but you can!

Using a freezer bag or other safe material is what you will use to pack the dog with the wallet-sized pack. If done correctly, this can help prevent any discomfort or infection.

Once it has cooled sufficiently, put the pack on the dogs back and let him or she suffer in agony for at least fifteen minutes. Then, give him or her some warm water and wrap them up to relax them until they feel better again.

Try this out before bringing your dog to any medical facility to see if they have arthritis, as it may help prevent pain for them.


A gentle massage can be a way to reduce pain and increase mobility in your dog. A massage works by using kneading, patting, and stroking your dog’s muscles.

Dogs with arthritis generally do not like being rubbed all over, so the process of being patted and stroked can be soothing. Even if your dog does not have arthritis, this may be a nice relaxing experience for them.

By giving your dog a massage at home, you can do some good for yourself too. A good massager will contain proper technique and be of good quality material (hopefully not cheap!).

Many dogs simply don’t have any pain when they walk or move about on their own, but if you’re noticing a lot of walking or moving is painful, it might be worth trying out some massage at home to reduce pain and increase mobility.

Weight management

Neither overweight nor underweight is a dog healthiest

Most dogs are overweight or overactive

If your dog is obese (will not carrying any weight when active) then he may have arthritis.

Dogs that are overweight or that have been diagnosed with arthritis may need more treatment or dosage than other dogs. This can lead to overprescribing, which can lead to side effects and poorer health status.

The recommended dosage of arthritis medication for dogs is the same as the mg/kg dose used in cats. This is to ensure maximum benefit and prevent drug dependence. Too much arthritic medication can lead to side effects such as seizures and death.

To help maintain a healthy arthritic dog on their own, weight management is important.


Even if your dog does not have arthritis, he or she may be more comfortable in a warm, hospitable environment. This is why you should make sure to keep your dog comfortable as much as possible.

There are many ways to exercise your dog. He or she can lap at a water dish, get some doggy stairs training, or even take a walk on a leash. The most important part is the training. This must be done attentively and consistentally.

Do not try to train your dog when you are feeling sick or if you are not able to give him his scheduled training due to illness or confinement issues. Training during illness or when you are unable to train because of illness or confinement issues is acceptable.

The best time to training your dog is after they get out of bed and before they have any walks.

Dog supplements

There are several ways to treat canine arthritis at home. Most are not profitable but there are ways to do it yourself.

Some products are available in doctors offices and drug stores as well as online. Many of these online companies offer a few tips and resources to help you build your trust with your dog.

If you have the ability to work from home, this is even more attractive! There are many money-back guarantees which make this option very attractive.

Many of these products are designed to help reduce pain and improve mobility, so be prepared for some challenging territory for your dog.

Natural dog treatments

There are a few basic rules for treating dog arthritis at home. First, avoid drugs and surgery that are used for human arthritis treatments. These include drugs such as Ambers non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) medicated oatmeal, or aspirin wrapped around meat, rice, or cashew butter wrapped around fruit.

Both oatmeal and aspirin can be difficult to use. Oatmeal must be mixed together and always kept on hand to apply to the dogs joints when necessary. Aspirin can be a sensitive matter if it is not treated regularly.

Second, avoid high impact sports such as playing soccer or football because they can cause stress on the dog. Third, avoid high activity breeds such as Siberian szu-chinas because of potential joint damage from too much motion.

Last, keep an eye out for any new dog personalities that seem aggressive or curious about their joint problems.