How To Prepare For Gmat At Home

The Gmat is a tough math and science exam. While most people can ready for the Gmat at home, there are additional ways to prepare for the test.

Create a schedule

This may seem like a basic concept, but know that you can’t be ready for every question on the Gmat. You must create a plan of attack for yourself.

You cannot rush your preparation, nor can you afford to take a break if you are not ready. It is your job as an adult to learn how to prepare for the Gmat.

This means that you must make plans ahead to buy your textbooks, find an organized study system, and familiarize yourself with the materials in your classroom. You also need to make plans where you will be studying, who you will be interacting with, and what kind of entertainment or distractions are acceptable.

These are all things that must be done before the first class of the week or weekend begins! Weekends are for taking a break from studying and doing something fun or just taking some extra time to relax and manage your preparedness.

Get a study buddy

Even though you can focus all of your energy on your Gmat test at home, you should also get a study buddy. This is crucial when you are pre-gmat and need a help hand to stay focused.

Many people have trouble doing both the studying and talking on their own. If you are one of those people, then get a second set of eyes to help you out.

You can ask your study buddy to keep an eye on you while you study, or she can help you move through the material more quickly. Either way, she’ll be glad that she joined you for the test.

Don’t neglect the little things that need to be done during test day. You may think that your study buddy can’t help out with these, but they may actually need her to do in person.

Set reminders on your phone for practice questions

It is very important to set up your iPhone or Android phone or computer as a practice account for the Gmat. This can be done through your account at, by creating a new account or joining an existing one, or by linking an existing account.

Once created, you will need to periodically update your knowledge of questions and answers for all of your questions. To do this, go to your account and then click on “Manage Questions” followed by “Edit Question”.

Then, scroll down to the “View Answers” section and click on that to update the answer.

Track your progress

After you finish your practice sets, it is time to start working on your actual Gmat. You can now start doing more difficult questions or changing the format of the questions.

The first step in preparing for the Gmat is to track your progress. Each time you answer a question, record how many points you got and how many questions you answered.

Keep track of when you answered each question as well as what response was correct and which ones were wrong. This will help you see what answers are easy or hard for you and can help determine whether or not it is worth continuing on to the next phase.

Next, look at the different formats of the questions.

Know what you’re learning by keeping a notebook

Your gmat experience will be a mixture of theory and practice, so you should have a ready way to refresh your knowledge.

Theory articles like this one or courses in the Gmat book will help you stay current. Practice questions from the theory question types will help you stay sharp as well!

Keeping a notebook and diary is the best way to learn how to prepare for the Gmat. It is also helpful to make a gmat prep book for yourself as I suggest in the next article.

Retake the test once you’re ready

It’s important to take the Gmat once you are ready to pass the test. It is also important to retake the test a few times if you have changed jobs or education since your last attempt.

Many times, schools and colleges will not check your scores from prior attempts. This can cost you money and time that you should be spending on your job or studies.

It is also valuable to retest if you have changed jobs or employers, as old information may not apply. Some companies even require a new score on the job application!

Having two sets of scores helps gauge how well you’ve improved over time and helps find better goals for improvement.

Practice sitting still for long periods of time

Gmat is a long, rigorous test that requires you to be prepared for your own gmat at home. While no one should be afraid to take a break after completing such a demanding test, there are ways to get ready for home testing and make yourself more comfortable.

Many people take advantage of Gmat classes and home training to get their Gmat prep done. It is ideal to have this done before the real test as it will help you feel more at ease and less stressed out.

Having your home testing completed two days before the real test will help you feel more relaxed and less stress overall. You can also try doing some of your gmat practice questions from two days before the actual test to help with familiarity.

Do not get discouraged if you do not have much experience with these things. Most courses have video or live-tutorials where you can watch someone else prepare for the exam.

Get enough sleep

It’s not just about getting enough sleep, but how much you sleep
Get enough sleep is not the issue on the Gmat test. It’s how much you sleep

How much you sleep per night is one of the things that Gmat test makers look at when creating their new test.

As we mentioned earlier, only part of a night’s sleep has been made possible by hours in bed or in a sleeping arrangement. Since most people don’t sleeps well, only half the number of hours they should be asleep in a normal situation.

This can lead to nervousness and stress as you wake up and try to remember what happened earlier. It can also make it harder to put into practice things that need to be done during your exam day.

Learning how to get a good amount of rest each day is important for being ready for the exam weekend.