How To Organize Tools In A Tool Chest

Finding the right sized tool chest or organizer is an integral part of organizing your workspace. There are two types of tool chests: a separated compartment and a whole-organization system.

In a whole-organization system, you place your tools in a hierarchy. The top of the hierarchy is the most important tools, like wrenches and ratchets. The lower-level tools are more necessary, like router bits and stapls.

In a separate compartment (or whole-organization system), you place the most important products in one container, then the less-important ones in another container, and so on. This way, there is more room to grow.

This article will talk about two ways to store your tools: in a dedicated space or in a larger space with other objects.

Organize by type

In the example of the tool chest that holds kitchen tools, you can do the same for other commonly used tools. For example, you have a desktop computer, and you have a laptop computer. You would put your computer’s software in the desktop computer’s tool chest, and the same for the laptop computer.

The software can be installed directly, or it can be placed in a CD or DVD drive. When both computers are needed, they can be connected instantly with this software package.

This is great as when one is not using, or needs to be installed, the other is ready to go. It also helps to keep these computers in good working order over time by having these software packages installed on two computers.

One last point: When trying to organize your tool chest, make sure there are enough places to put each item.

Organize by use

Instead of putting all of your organizational tools in a big, messy container, you can place them in groups based on use.

For example, put your printer and printer cartridges in the printer unit area. Here, you would also place your computer supplies and software supplies. This would include software for the computer you use now, plus future software applications you might need.

You might also place your power strip and other electrical devices near this area. This would be a good place to organize your cell phone, laptop, and other essential equipment.

These areas are called uses; put those words together to call them unions of equipment. By having these units grouped together, it becomes more accessible to you. You can find something that fits yours!

Consider creating a special area for each area of use to make sure everything is found.

Have a consistent layout

You should have a basic layout for your tool chest. You should have a place to put your flat-head and philip screwdriver. You should have a place to put your ratchet, box, and chainclamp.

Most of these places are for smaller tools, like the hex breaker and hex spanner. The Phillip screwdriver is actually called a tweezer-style screwdriver.

These tiny tools can easily get lost in a large tool chest, or it can be hard to find one quick. Having the small tools organized together in one area makes it easy to find, use, and organize the other tools in the chest.

You should also have a place to put some extra tips and rings that you need to repair or replace them with new ones.

Label your tools

Dedicating a space of your tool chest to a group of mismatched screwdrivers, ratchets, and pliers can be confusing at first.

You may end up giving some away or having to mix and match pairs to find the correct one for the job. That is why it is important to give yourself a label-the-tools rule.

When you need a wrench, for example, you will recognize the ones you used before to tighten bolts and nuts. The ones with special shapes like wrenches or nuts and wheels will be stored together.

You can also label pairs of tools. For example, you might have two different sized compasses but only one pair of labels goes with them.

Keep it clean

You can also place your tools in a chest or organized tool chest. Both of these solutions are very useful.

In the chest, you can put all your spring-clip drivers and screwdrivers in a systematic order. In the chest, you can also add all your misc. tools in order of usefulness (hammer, spanner, etc.).

In the chest, you can add all your misc. tools in order of usefulness (hammer, spanner, etc.). In the chest, you can add all your misc. tools in order of usefulness (hammer, spanner, etc.).

The only downside to the chest is that it is more difficult to find items in the dark.

Store the same tools together

This method is not for the faint of heart. While it can be a little messy, it can also save you from having to sort through many different tools and techniques.

To do this, you will need to store the tools in separate compartments in your chest. These will include the different sizes of screwdrivers, cutting instruments, and the like.

You will need to mix and match these tools according to your needs, but keep in mind that some of them might be sharp or delicate. For example, cutting instruments might not want to be paired with a screwdriver when the latter is heavy.

This way of organizing your tools can be done with all kinds of hands-on projects, from craft projects to kitchen gadgets.

Make sure the tool chest is sturdy

A sturdy chest is a must for tool chest. You do not want the chest to fall apart or be damaged in any way because you did not put enough power in it. It needs to hold a variety of tools and accessories comfortably.

The largest part of the chest should be able to support the heaviest load. For example, if your chest holds specialized equipment such as a screwdriver, than an additional capacity capacity extension kit should be able to hold the screwdriver extra securely.

Make sure the capacity extension kits are properly placed and hidden so no one realizes they are there. This is very important because if someone saw a certain piece of equipment, but no other signs of use, they would believe it was working fine.

Keep it out of reach of children

Children cannot be trusted to keep a tool chest orderly. The same goes for parents! If your tool chest is supervised, you can put all of your frequently used tools in the bottom, and the others hanging on the top.

By the time your children get around to using them, you can move some of the items down into the slots. Then you can just hang up your best tools when necessary- like when remodeling or construction is needed.

This way, you will always have a good supply of quality tools with which to do work on your own. You will also be able to organize them easily, since they are not exposed while they are stored.

Many times during construction or remodeling jobs, there is an electrician’s tape measure that is required. There are two kinds: one that measures length and one that measures width. The length one requires you to use because it has a ring that connects to a power source, so it can be measured.