How To Move A Mobile Home

Moving a mobile home is similar to moving any other type of housing. You need special equipment, planning, and expertise to do both moves well.

Mobile homes are built with metal frame and solid vinyl or foam panels that make up the floor. The interior is normally vinyl or foam with an air mattress inside for sleeping.

How to move a mobile home is all about getting everything organized and ready before you start. Whether you are moving it yourself, hiring an organization, or some combination of both, there are some basic ways to do it right.

Many people get into trouble trying to move the mobile home by herself. While this may be fun for her, it is highly dangerous for anyone around her. If she falls or someone else does, there is no protection against the mobile home being tipped over!

The best way to move a mobile home is by hiring an organization.

Make sure you have all of the necessary paperwork

You must have a minimum of an insurance policy, permits and licenses in your mobile home park for the mobile home you want to purchase, and for the neighbors next door. These can be obtained by contacting your local mobile home park or by visiting the government sites such as or

You’ll need to have a permit in place for construction or installation of any type on your property, including venting and plumbing connections. If you are planning to add on to your current mobile home, then you will need to apply for a new permit to add on to the existing structure.

If you are adding a new structure, then there must be adequate space around it for all of your needs.

Get any repairs done before the move

If the mobile home has a moveable roof, take some extra steps before the move. This includes getting any repairs done to protect the mobile home from precipitation, such as removing any loose material or protection against vandalism.

Also, checking the mobile home for water penetration or accidents and finding them quickly. If you have to replace a window unit or air conditioner, for example, check to see if it’s been installed in a safe way and with adequate cover.

Finally, having someone go over safety rules and safety gear you need to know about before the move. These can include storing potentially dangerous items such as medicines or firearms, keeping a list of all needed keys and instructions on how to lock and unlock the trailer, and never going into a trailer without being able to call out help in case of an emergency.

Pack up your personal belongings

If you want to stay at the site for a while, you’ll need to pack up your personal belongings. This includes finding a way to pack up your home or staying with friends or family if you cannot manage the packing process on your own.

Don’t be surprised if you have to help your friends and family members pack their belongings, because they will most likely put everything in large, ready-to-use plastic bags.

Once all the belongings are packed up, it is time to leave the site. First, decide whether you want to drive or ride a motorcycle or bikeiewhereyougo; both have their benefits and challenges.

Take photos of any damage for later submission

When working with mobile homes, it is important to take photos of the inside and outside for future reference. This includes photos of the roof, windows, and exterior features such as parking spaces and paths.

Many companies will do this for you, but if you have to go to the effort yourself, be sure to take plenty of photos. It may cost you extra, but if you get fired later on because of it, at least you tried!

Also known asUPHauls, these photos can help in the future when building a Case Study: A Mobile Home That Moves On Its Own Construction When editing video is difficult or impossible when snow skiing or skiing itself If there are no skis available, then snow skiing is the next best thing.

Find out if you need to pay for gas or if the company provides it

If your mobile home requires gasoline, you must purchase it when you come to move your mobile home. It can be difficult to find out if you do or do not need it because the mobile homes are built with it.

Some gas station chains offer gas and electricity as well as safety supplies, like a T-shirt dispenser or a liquid soap dispenser. These are not always a good fit, so look for a company that only offers the gas and necessary supplies.

If you need electricity, look for outlets with at least three of them per mobile home, and make sure they are solidly connected. If one goes out, make sure the other two do too.

Plan out how you are going to move your mobile home

Moving a mobile home is a little different than moving a traditional home. There are many ways to move your mobile home, so be prepared!

The first step in moving a mobile home is to determine what type of mobile home you have. This determines if you need to remove wheels, transfer it from one location to another, or if it needs more space.

Mostly have units have less steps to get the unit on top of the truck. The easiest way to move a had unit is use three-legged shoes and a ladder. Have your handy!
As previously stated, the size of the unit affects the size of the truck you need. The second piece of furniture you take into account when moving a had unit is how much space you have available.

Check if you need brakes or tires changed

If your mobile home needs a new paint job, new tires, or changing the oil or waxing the trailer, then you should call a paint contractor and a tire dealer to get estimates.

How much it costs depends on what you buy. A paint job can cost between $20 and $30 per gallon, which is cheap compared to a salon or depot price. A new tire can cost around $25 per pair, which is reasonable priced considering how long they last.

Similarly, calling the mobile home dealer and asking for an estimate on a mobile home conversion is also worth it.

Ask your friends and family for help with the move

If you’re alone and you can’t ask for help, then ask for help from your friends and family members for an emergency move. They might have experience with similar mobile homes and they could help you.

If there are people in your community who use this type of housing, such as renters or owners of other mobile homes, ask them if they need a hand with the move.

Look into local organizations that can help with moves or consider joining the group to see what benefits you receive. Many times they can free you up to do other things while giving you some assistance with the move.

Lastly, look into contacting companies that haul mobile homes. They may be able to help you with your move if there is enough storage space available.