How To Mount Arlo Camera Outside

A camera outside is a great way to monitor your home or business. There are so many different types of cameras today that are useful for everything from monitoring property and safety concerns to capturing memories in the beautiful landscape.

Parabolic angle cameras are very popular because they can be mounted outside. You can see them throughout the day as the sun rises and sets, and you can also post-weaning time to monitor them.

These images are not easy to take straight off the camera, but software is available for downloads which create images from the video. These software packages are becoming more common as new features are added to cameras.

This article will discuss how to mount an arlo camera on an exterior wall using an ordinary drill, caulk, and/or patch cord. Parabolic angle cameras are very popular because they can be mounted outside. You can see them throughout the day as the sun rises and falls.

Buy the appropriate screws for the mount

Most Arlo models can be mounted outside using the standard bottom-rack type mounting system. These have a couple of U-shaped slots on the bottom that match up with the corresponding holes on the camera.

If you are installing the camera in front of a window, then you will need to place one of these screws into one of these slots and then screw in the camera. If you are installing it behind a door, then you will need to place one of these screws into one of these U-shaped slots and then screw in the camera.

These types of mounts are usually more affordable than other types, but make sure you read this article to learn some tips for how to do it wrong safely.

Remove the original Arlo mount

Once you have your new Arlo camera outside, the next step is to mount the camera onto an external support system. There are many ways to support your camera outside. Some of the more common ones are:

Using a ladder or rope to mount the camera

Using a wall anchor or similar device

Use a drone or other aerial photography equipment mounted on a kite or helicopter cable

All of these solutions have advantages and disadvantages. The easiest way to decide which one you want to use is by looking at what you want to accomplish with the camera and how fast you can get it operationalized.

Hold the new mount against the camera

This is where any hard work is rewarded with a nice picture or two. Once the camera is secured to the new mount, you can hold your phone up and take a photo of it. This will allow you to charge the mount and take some pictures.

Now that the camera is mounted, you can now hold your phone up and take a picture of yourself to connect to the system. You will need to install an app on your phone that allows you to do this. It’s worth it to spend some time creating an account so that you can connect the camera and update firmware.

After doing this, open the app on your phone and look under “connections” for “arlo”. That way, you can connect both devices through the app.

Match up the holes and put in the screws

When you buy an outdoor camera system, it comes with a set of instructions calledumi-chun. These are meant to be followed, and they include telling your neighbors not to break in the system because you installed the cameras!

As with any technology, there are certain steps to taking. You must match up the holes for the screws, and then you can mount your camera outside.

Many people use two identical offset cameras side by side to create a passive security system. This is great for small businesses that need some extra help due to cost. More expensive systems can include more cameras or even add DNGs (downlink) systems so you can add more security.

Test the mount for stability

Once your camera is outdoors, you need to make sure it stays stable. Even though it is sheltered by the roof, it is still a surface to hold on to. To do this, you can test the mount for stability using the following tips.

Make a mark on the rooftop where the camera should be positioned and make sure it remains stable. If there are any changes in shape or texture, such as leaves or another item that could be mistaken for a plant, save time and effort by buying a plant-appropriate mount.

When you are ready to continue mounting your camera, make sure to check for any water or precipitation that could damage the mount.

Connect to your Wi-Fi network

Once your camera is outdoors, you need to connect it to your network. This means setting up an Arlo account, connecting your account to the Internet, and then downloading and running the Arlo Network app.

You can do this either via the browser or mobile app. In either case, enter your password when prompted and then pick your network.

Once connected, you will need to download the Arlo App which will allow you to set alerts for motion/sunlight/sensor data as well as manage your camera. Once that is completed, go ahead and set up a security account so that you can access the camera via the network.

These features are helpful for monitoring how much footage you have left as well as reviewing alerts from them.

Set up an account and profile

Once your new camera is mounted, it is time to set up your account and profile. This means creating a new user account on the Arlo account website, or creating a new profile on existing user accounts.

Both actions are required to connect your new camera to the Arlo app. You will also need to link your device’s camera if you plan on taking photos and/or videos of the house and/or pets.

Once these accounts are created, enter the basic information about yourself such as your phone number and email address. Then, give your new camera at least 25ft of range before you start shooting. This is to ensure there are no initial connections or glitches when taking pictures and/or filming videos.

To set up my account, I had to create a password and then used the same one every time I connected my camera.

Update the firmware

The Arlo camera is designed to work with the Arlo app. If you do not have the app, then this step is all the same.

Before you can update the firmware, you must first unplug the camera for at least five minutes to download and install the new firmware. After this time has passed, you can continue to update the camera.

Once updated, plug in the camera and wait for it to sync. Once it does, you can click on Update and Firmware and that’s it! Your camera will now send and receive updates. You can then mount your device outside of your house or outdoors where people can see it.