How To Make Homemade Lock Pick Tools

Lock picking is a skill that every person should have, but most people don’t until they are in need of a job as a lock picker. There are many ways to learn how to make lock picking tools. You can make some at home, or buy from a hobby shop or online seller.

Some ways to make your lock picking tools is by using a blade you find under the door knob, inside the door jam, or under the deadbolt. These blade options can be hard to tell if you get them freshly made or not, but if so it will last much longer!

This article will talk about how to make your own lock pick tools. These can be used for different types of locks such as Carter & Armstrong-style locks, push-buttons, and biometric locks.


Grind it into the correct shape

When making your own lock pick tools, you need to make sure that you are graining your tool the right way. This means making the shape of the tool befit your hand and/or instrument that you use to create it.

Some people use a knife to create their locks, and others use a hammer or Phillip’s staff. If you use a rod or Phillip’s staff, make sure that it is treated so that it does not break when placed on a key.

Making your locksmith tools is an interesting way to spend time in the shop. You can do some high quality work and give yourself some great rewards doing it.

Coat it with a metal

This is the most important step in making your tools. You can do this once, twice, or even three times, but always make sure that you put some of your freshly made lock pick tools into a project bag to ensure that you do not lose any of the edges or corners.

When you take it out, give it a few turns to get the edge coated and then hammer it onto the doorframe with as little force as possible. This will prevent it from breaking apart when inserted.

Now we are going to build our tool. Start by cutting a small piece ofyour coat about two inches long and one inch wide. This will be our handle. Then cut a four-to-six-inch long piece ofyour coat roughly equal in length and width. This will be our blade!

Now we are going to glue our two pieces together and then wrap our handle around it to create the blade.

Add some flexibility

When making lock pick tools, what kind of flexibility you have in the tool you puts you in the spotlight. How hard you can make the pick and how soft you can use your hands to open a lock is up to you!

Some people prefer more hardness in their lock picks. Others like more flexibility in their locks pick tools. There are two main ways to add this flexibility into your locks pick tools. The first is to buy some thick rubber bands or string and wrap it around your tool when making the pick. The second is to purchase a specialized tool that has slots or holes designed into it for your fingers to fit into.

Make the tip sharp

When making your lock pick tools, it is important to make the tip of your grinded point needle slightly sharp. This helps prevent your fingers from being pinched when trying to insert the end into a hole or key.

To do this, use a pair of scissors to cut a length of wood approximately one inch long, and then round off the corners to create the shape of a pencil. Next, glue an acrylic paint brush onto one side of the pencil shape, and then use hot iron to draw a line around the entire edge.

Now you are ready to build your tool! Use your new lock pick tool to practice before going in too much on the basic techniques.

How often should you practice? After many attempts at opening your lock, it is good to give yourself a break and try again with another try. You should also take breaks if you are working very hard as well!After taking some time off to think about how to best improve your skills, you should still be practicing- take advantage of those breaks! Keeping practicing will help improve your skill level over time, giving you better locks and keys.

Test it out!

When making lock picks, it is important to test them out before attempting to make your own. While they are not as difficult to make as some say, it is still helpful to test them out.

Paragraphs of the bullet point above suggest that you can make either a thumb pick or a finger pick. A thumb pick is easier to make and can be created by combining two layers of paper with a thickness between 1/4 and 1/2 inch.

Making a thumb pick will require more work before the first attempt. After that, it is just varying the thickness of the second layer and continuing on until you have your desired length of tool.