How Does Straight Talk Home Phone Work

Straight talk is a telecommunications company that specializes in providing customers with high-speed, wireless home phone services. These services include features like incoming and outgoing caller display, up to six phone numbers per line, and automatic number dialling.

Wireless phones allow you to take your calls on your own schedule and without having to worry about being interrupted by an incoming call or message. This is a great feature to have as it can save you time in the long run.

The only downside to this service is the cost. You will be charged a set fee per month that will cover your home phone service, which can get expensive. However, if you were going to use it for emergencies or minor issues, then it would not cost too much!

Overall, this service is easy to set up and use! Start looking into it now so that you do not miss out.

Download the straight talk phone app

Once you download the app, you can use your straight talk phone to call anyone inside or outside the United States. You can also send and receive messages, and enjoy a seamless experience between your straight talk phone and app.

Using the straight talk app, you can also add up to five new phones as extensions. These extensions will allow you to message and call people on your new phone. You can then transfer your old phone to the new extension once it is set up.

The best part about having the straight talk app on your phone is that you can pay with it. If you find yourself missing out on calls or messages due to poor reception or data plans, then buy a plan that gives you plenty of coverage will save you some money in the long run.

Connect your home phone to your cell phone

When you’re ready to take your straight talk home phone system for a test drive, first connect your home phone to your cell phone. This will allow you to hear and respond to messages on your home phone, as well as making it possible to talk while browsing the web or streaming a video.

You can also leave a message or call back and forth with whomever you’re calling. This is very useful when trying to get someone who is not at home or does not respond quickly. It also allows you to review your straight talk plan plans, as well as have easy access to them from your cell phone.

We suggest using an iPhone or Android device, because of the availability of apps and the simplicity of connecting the straight talk plan onto your account via app.

Make calls using the home phone

Now, this is not for the faint of heart. You will have to make a decision whether to use your own phone or Straight Talk’s app to call your house. Either way, you will need to have a home phone on your account.

You can then use the same number to make and receive calls on your phone as well as on our straight talk home phone. The main difference is that we must enter the numbers we want to speak to and how we want to send messages on our straight talk home phone instead of doing both on our regular phones.

When you want to make a call, you need to find the right person and then dialing can be nerve-wracking.

No need to change your number

There is no need to purchase a new number when your current number will work on straight talk. There are no new numbers being stored, these numbers remain the same as your regular number.

The only difference is that your face time and phone calls are recorded for protection. This is why it is important to remain very calm and explain clearly what happened to your phone.

If you had a missed or message and wanted to return the call, you could do so by leaving a voicemail. You can also return the phone call through out app and website. If you have the privilege of having a landline, this feature does not apply.

This app does have some features that do not require an answerphone, such as sending text messages or emails with calls turned off.

Works with unlimited data plans

You can use your straight talk home phone number to access the internet, use your phone as a pad device, and access your favorite apps and services.

It works with all major devices and app. You can even transfer your straight talk account to another device.

This is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family while using your device. You can also make new friends via the app so there is never any awkward silence when a call or message comes in.

Keep in mind that this plan does not allow you to have any active calls or messages, so if you are on the go you will have to be patient. You can still identify when someone calls or sends an email on your straight talk account, but speaking or responding is limited by the data plan.

However, due to the unlimited data plan, you do not need to worry about running out of data.

Compatible with many smartphones

This feature allows you to use your phone as a Bluetooth headset. You can then send and receive calls hands-free using your phone.

When you press the phone button, it re-engages its connection with your smartphone. You can also use it as a traditional cell phone.

Press and hold the power button for at least five seconds to turn off the straight talk home phone. Pressing and holding the power button for less than five seconds will automatically turn off the straight talk home phone.

To use, simply hold your top button down to perform any calls or send messages and avoid holding when the device is powered down to keep it from turning into a stand-alone cell phone.

This product is ideal for those who are not always having their phones on them. It also makes a great gift for those who do business or have home office needs.

Durable and sturdy construction

Straight Talk Home Phone is made out of durable ABS plastic. This material is known as plasticized sheet material. It has been built up into a sturdy shell to protect the sensors inside.

To ensure this phone is compatible with your network, it has been programmed to use your cell phone number as the account number. This ensures that your home phone number will work on the new Straight Talk phone.

While not necessary, if you had a regular Straight Talk residential or business line, you will need to purchase a new Straight Call home phone to connect your new straight talk phone. You can do this easily by going to and buying two phones- one for yourself and one for someone else. You can then send them an identical (but different) set of phones from yourself to receive their newPhone.

Large keypad for easy typing

The big difference between the Home and Freedom plans is the number of lines you can have. With Freedom, you can have up to five lines of phone service, while with Home you can have up to two lines of service.

Both plans allow you to have two different devices connected to the same line, so you can stay in control of your accounts and messages even if one device is offline.

The only difference is which devices are controlled by the account. The Freedom plan allows your iPad, iPhone, and Android devices, while the Home plan allows only a phone or tablet.

Your straight talk number cannot be used with another speed or voice service unless you change it. You must use a new number for each new speed or voice service that comes with the package.