How Do Automatic Pool Cleaners Work

Automatic pool cleaning devices are becoming more prevalent as people learn how to use gadgets like iOS or Android app-controlled cleaners. These apps allow the user to set the device’s remembered settings and then have the device automatically apply those settings when entering a filter or cleaning mode.

These modes include agitation, sweep mode, deep clean mode, and final rinse. All of these modes work with varying degrees of success, making it possible to go from a lazy day in the water to a full on workout in the water!

Deep clean mode is one of the most talked about features of automatic pools. Many users claim it improves visibility and enjoyment by giving them a more relaxing environment in which to exercise. Others claim it does not help dry out their pools and replace filters as necessary so strongly affect this.



When a particle enters the filter, the devise searches through its memory for an expected pattern of particles and breaks it out to work with that.

The filter then goes to work sorting the particles into their respective areas and cleaning them up. Once it finds what it needs, it kicks in the switch to run.

This process takes a little time as it searches for the necessary ingredients, but it keeps going until it cleans everything out. Once that happens, you can rinse the filter and plug in your pool heater or swimming pool toy of choice!

If you see something floating, those are likely parts that did not break down in the filter.


When a dirty object such as a toy or food goes in the pool, the automatic pool cleaner will filter it out. This filtering happens in three stages.

The first stage is called removing debris. Debris can be something as small as a hair or chip that stuck to the surface of the pool during cleaning.

When this happens, the automated cleaner removes it using one of its five replaceable screens. The replaceable screens help control dirt and debris that may get trapped inside.

The second stage is called oxygenation. This occurs when the automatic cleaner uses an ozone system to purify the water. For safety reasons, only automatic cleaners can use an oxygen system like this.

The last stage is called sanitizing. This occurs when a chlorine system controls germs and bacteria in the water.


The main component of the automatic pool cleaner is the vacuum. It pulls water and debris out of the pool, automatically!

This is a critical feature as many automatic cleaners do not do this. It takes some time for a machine to pick up every piece of material it removes, but when it does, it can be beautiful.

Some cleaners can even move through different pools quickly, making swimming fun all day. This is great for kids who want to stay hydrated and enjoy the pool without being overwhelmed by too much cleaning.

Knowing how to use an automated cleaner is key. You must use a vaccum bag or some other type of cover to prevent dirt from returning to the unit while cleaning. You also must watch your friend’s water become clean as you sweep away trash!

Watching your machine work will give you some knowledge of what it can do, so do not shy away from asking questions.


The drive that moves the cleaning arms works by moving a ring that is mounted to a rotating shaft. When one arm reaches the center of the pool, it pulls the shaft until another arm pushes the same shaft into position.

This allows the arms to work in unison to sweep and vacuum the pool. It also reduces stress on your swimming pool system, as it moves together in one unit.

These cleaners are becoming more popular as people learn about how effective they are at getting rid of algae and bacteria. People purchase them as novelty items, or just for fun to watch work. You can even get some good practice with them before you need to repair anything!

Some die-hard cleansers may not want to give up automatic pools so easily, though.

Swivel head

The way a automatic pool cleaner works is by having a swivel head. This allows it to turn around and clean the other side of the pool or big wading pool.

This feature makes it easy for children to use as it allows them to position the cleaner where needed, such as in a corner or on an outside area.

When your automatic cleaner needs a refill, just rotate the refill handle and let it dry before using. To refill, first remove any spotting pad or filter and place new one in.


The pool cleaning device has a power cord that you can plug into a standard wall socket or extension. This allows you to take your pool cleaner anywhere in case of an emergency.

The device also has a HDMI cable that you can connect to your television or computer and then view the results. This allows you to see how well your pool is being cleaned and see any abnormalities such as thick deposits or damaged surfaces.

This way you can determine when it is time to clean the pool again! You can also update the software on your cleaner via the HDMI connection. This way there are no wires to connect, which is more comfortable for swimmer’s and guests alike.

Many products nowadays have their data linked through the internet instead of just having a cable-plug-into-a-device kind of setup.

Filter system

Most automatic pool cleaners have a filter system that pulls water away from the motor and deposits it in the cleaning tank. This keeps your pool or spielwater clean, but requires power to function.

This can be problematic if you are using a filter to maintain the water quality. Without the necessary flow, the automatic cleaner will not operate.

Some filters require special equipment to work. Some can be inserted into a standard drinking container, making them easier to purchase and install. If you are looking for a quick fix, look into plug-in models that require nothing more than a outlet and button press. These may not last as long as a powered one, however!

Finally, some filters cannot be connected to any standard equipment.

Charging system

Once the filter is full, the devise will automatically charge itself through a process called cycling. This happens when there is a high water flow or when it gets dirty.

This charging system allows the automatic pool cleaner to work while you are at the pool cleaning, without you having to manually charge it. It also helps with maintenance as you can see how much has been cleaned and how much left.

There are two types of Automatic Pool Cleaners- One that charges using a vacuum effect and ones that use electricity. Either way, they both work the same. The only difference is which device uses which feature.