Home Remedies For Removing Stains

Eliminating stains is an art, not a science. There are many different ways to remove stains, making it very variable how you go about it.

Some peoples prefer the use of vinegar and water alone, while others prefer soap and water. Either way, you must know what the stain was and where it came from to determine what mode of removal is best for you.

As we explain in this article, soap and water is the simplest way to get rid of a stain. However, some recipes call for different ingredients than water and soap. This can cause some confusion when trying to follow the instructions.



A glass of coke will leave a brown or Dark Coke stain on your clothing. If you have a can that has a clear Pepsi can image, this tip is for you!

If you have a bottle that has a clear liquid inside, it may not work due to transparency. However, if you have never used this before, try pouring some Coke into the washing machine and seeing if it works.

Some people find the taste of Coke refreshing and enjoyable, making it an easy home remedy to remove a stain. If you do not like the taste of Coke, there are many things you can do with it such as drinking it as water instead or using some syrup or sugar in place of the cocoa butter.

Neither of these alternatives require using Coca-Cola instead of water. Both affect only laundry surface area so differently.

Peanut butter

peanut butter is a great cure for many stains. It can be used as a replacement for detergent in the wash, or as a topping for a sandwich.

As an elementary school student, you may have experienced the dramatic effect of peanut butter on your clothes. Peanut butters contain lots of oil, which clings to the clothes making it difficult to wash away the stain.

However, when doing a patch test, such as with colored clothing or cloth diaper material, there may be a difference in how much peanut butter sticks to the clothes. If you have very messy children, this could help with getting enough peanut butter on the stain to wash away.

Another tip is to place the stained article on top of another piece of clothing that is clean and dry. This would prevent any water from washing away the difference in oils and clings to them.

Tomato sauce

A trendy way to remove stains is with tomato sauce. It has a sticky quality that will hold onto the stain and prevent it from moving or changing position. This can be a problem if you do not have access to a dishwasher!

This can be hard to find, so make sure to get something that works well with your food style and texture. Some recipes call for slightly different ingredients or none at all, so you will have to trust the recipe’s owner that the product is working.

As stated before, this method does not work on many colored foods, so if your stain is black or brown, this may not work. If your food is white, then definitely do this!

Despite what looks like much work, no cleaning product is truly an overnight fix.


When washing fruit, avoid getting any paste or oil on the rind. Instead, place the fruit, oil, and wash cloth in a plastic bag and freeze for at least half an hour before washing.

Wearing gloves is another way to remove stain from Fruit. If your fruit is not porous enough to hold up to a bowl-type wash, you can coat the outside with oil and let it dry overnight before utilizing the next day’s rinse out and wash.

Alternatively, you can use a pamper powder that has been advertised as having warm water create a soft blanket over the stains.


When washing dishes or clothes that have been exposed to food or skin, it is important to remove any visible traces of meal or oil. Vinegar can be a wonderful remover.

Vinegar can be used as a fantastic substitute for many things. So, if your cleaner is not vinegar-based, no worries! It can still be a great alternative.

As the substance known as vinegar is very acid, it can easily remove stains. However, this does not work for all stains. Some prefer the softer taste and feel of vinegar in removing stains, however you can still use it.

Some solutions that contain vinegar may cause slight burning on the skin, however this does not last long enough to affect any healing process.


Mix water and flour together to create a thick paste. Apply this paste onto the stain, and let it sit for a minute or two to penetrate the stain. Then rub with a paper towel to remove.

This remedy works even if the stain is dark or bright. It does not matter if the stain is strong or weak. This remedy works for both!

Another home remedy is to sprinkle baking soda on the stain and then cover with water. Let sit for an hour, then drain and dry before washing.

The last remedy is to use a clotting agent such as calcium chloride or flourusate dryer sheets which are specifically designed to prevent further staining.


Saltall is an old-fashioned stain remover. It works very well and can be found at most grocery stores nowadays. Many brands offer newer stains solvents such as Apio®.

Saltall is a hard powder that needs to be applied to the stain, then rub in very gently with a cloth or brush. Once it has worked, it will never come off!

Some brands even contain stabilizers to prevent the powder from coming out during processing so it can work better. This helps keep your home or business looking nice while someone uses something dry on the stain and away until it sets properly.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are a great resource for those looking to remove stains. Heed these tips, and you may be able to restore your laundry to its original color and texture!

1. Don’t Rush It If You Get Coffee Grounds on Your Clothes When you get the coffee grounds, they are 100% pure caffeine. This means there is no distracting flavor or other chemicals added to them.

2. You May Need To Wash Them Several Times After You Use The Coffee Grounds, They Turn Back To Pure Coffee Bean Powder and Can Be Washed Again And Again Without Any Problems This Way They Last Until You need them next time!

3. They Are Very Cost effective If You Buy Cheaply-made coffee grounds that have additives added, these may cause other substances to enter the water system which can affect your neighbors or you.