Home Remedies For Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Periodontal disease is a condition where the pockets that surround and digest the teeth become too small or too thick, resulting in poor oral health.

It can occur in any dog, but it is more common in dogs aged 1–3 years. The cause is unknown but may be related to vitamin D and calcium intake.

Vitamin D and calcium are both essential nutrients, though not always well supplied in your dog’s diet. Calcium is vital for proper bone development so this may be an issue.

It is believed that lack of vitamin D and overzealous calcium consumption cause the disease, though nothing can be confirmed as fact at this time.

Because it seems like a normal part of a dog’s life cycle to consume too much calcium, it is important to check your dog for signs of periodontal disease.


Save thyself

Periodontal disease is a condition in dogs where the outer layer of the mouth (periodic) becomes thin and loose.

This occurs when too much food or poor eating habits cause overgrowth of the teeth and gum. When this happens, it can result in periodontal disease, which causes painful damage to the lining of the mouth.

This can be extremely stressful for a dog, as he may not eat or drink frequently due to pain. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent periodontal disease in dogs!

Some ways to help save thyself from this condition is to: 1) keep a regular weight-play game with your dog and make sure he gets enough exercise, 2) buy good quality food and supplies, 3) use aversive training techniques such as rewards instead of corrections, 4) get your dog into the vet quickly if they exhibit any signs of pain or illness.

Avoid smoking

Periodontal disease can be caused by smoking. If a dog has periodontal disease, it is recommended to avoid treating him or her with a smoking device.

Periodontal disease can spread through the use of toothbrushes, mouthwash, and toothpaste. When brushing a dog’s teeth, it is recommended to use a specialized brush designed for dogs.

If a dog has periodontal disease, his or her daily routine should be adjusted to include eating and sleeping more often. The best way to handle this is to create a customised care plan that includes the doctor, groomer, and home care people.

Other home remedies include drinking some diluted baking soda and running the dog on his tummy in the kitchen for an hour after meals to remove impurities from the skin.

Reduce inflammation

Another important part of dog health care is reducing inflammation. Periodontal disease can lead to systemic immune system damage, including whencells are destroyed.

This can happen locally in the mouth, or it can spread to the rest of the body. As this disease is internal, there is less risk for it to be spread around the body.

There are some ways to reduce inflammation in your dog, including:

Eliminate things that containoline (a synthetic base used as a toothpaste ingredient), which may make your dog more sensitive to strokes and tempers his elimination patterns. Avoidance of spicy foods and large meals may help reduce inflammation and excess water intake may help shrink swollen tissues.

Reduce stressors such as change in house or dogs, travel, etc. Increase physical activity and sheltering up is helpful.

Eat a healthier diet

Periodontal disease is more common in older dogs. While it may be diagnosed only when it is present, periodontal disease can also occur in younger dogs.

Older dogs are more likely to have trouble maintaining their chewing and swallowing function. Since they are also more likely to have other health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cataract, there is more risk for them to become deficient in nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

To prevent or fix periodontal disease, your dog must be on a healthy diet that includes enough calcium and vitamin D. Ideally, the food should be mixed with her regular food to make sure she gets enough sunshine exposure and nutrients like zinc and vitamin D to ensure she is being deficient in this area.

Most veterinary specialists would recommend a digiview test as the first step when looking at a dog with periodontal disease.

Try tartar control toothpaste

Periodontal disease is almost always caused by a poor diet, usually consisting of too much sugar and not enough protein. This combined with the overuse of grooming products can cause damage to your pets’ teeth.

It is important to watch your dog’s tooth health. If any of his or her teeth are being felt down, it should be replaced frequently to ensure adequate plaque removal.

For periodontal disease, the preferred treatment is with a special toothpaste called tartar control toothpaste. Tartar control toothpaste contains baking soda, which works to remove some of the plaque that builds up on your dogs’ teeth. The recipe for tartar control toothpaste varies slightly based on what flavor it is, but it always includes at least some salt and sometimes bicarbonate of soda as well.

Baking soda can sometimes cause some dogs discomfort or even pain, so try this under the direction of your dog to see if it helps with their periodontal disease.

Brush their teeth regularly

Periodic brushing your dog’s teeth is a good way to keep his or her gums healthy. Most toothpaste brands offer a “rewards program” where the dog will get a reward for each swipe of the toothbrush.

Periodic dental cleaning is also important. Going to the vet to get a dental checkup and exam every year is also a good way to upkeep their teeth and gums.

Running your pet’s mouthwash or water and using a gentle brush are the only instructions given for washing the pet. We went to the vet for plaque removal only once with one of our dogs, who had periodontal disease, and it took nearly an entire day!

Periodontal disease can be treatable, but not without medical attention.

Use a pet dental scrubber

Periodontal disease is a common problem for many dogs. As the name suggests, periodontal disease refers to bad or threatened bone loss.

It can happen at any stage, from early stages when there is only little wear and tear on the bone to more advanced forms that threaten mouth and jaw health. Fortunately, most home remedies for periodontal disease in dogs are not all-inclusive and not the most effective way to treat the condition.

There are a few products that effectively clean the teeth and help prevent periodontal disease in dogs. A product called a pet dental scrubber can help prevent or treat this condition. This device filters out some components of the dog’s tooth that become colonized with periodontal Disease.

Use natural oils or home remedies

Periodontal disease is a common condition in dogs. Unfortunately, it can be fairly common.

Because it is so rare, there are very few commercial options. This means that most dog owners have to go looking for solutions. Fortunately, there are many ways to help keep your dog healthy during this time of need.

Some of the most basic ways to care for a dog with periodontal disease is to use oil or homemade remedies. These include using warm oil on affected areas, sleeping with your dog on a bed or pillowcase, and avoiding over-the-counter medications until further research has proven safe.

None of these methods should be used while the vet has ruled out other causes of arthritis, as they may cause unnecessary pain and/or side effects. The only way we have found to cure our dog was with oils and home remedies.