Home Remedies For Congestive Heart Failure In Dogs

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a common disease of the heart that can be acute or chronic. It is called either when the heart fails to get enough blood or when blood flow to the rest of the body is reduced.

In dogs, CHF typically occurs in older dogs, usually around age 65-75. Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs (CHIF) is a registered trademarked diagnosis for this disorder, and it is used to describe dogs with mild to moderate CHF who are looking for some help.

It is not known exactly what causes CHF, but it seems to occur more often in people who are older and who have certain other health problems. People with moderate to severe CHF who are under the care of a doctor may be referred to as patients at clinics or hospitals.

Dogs do not seem to have any special abilities that cause them damage or stress that people may also experience. However, they do sometimes require medical attention as patients, so this does help find people with health issues that may help.

This article will talk about home remedies for Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs.



It is important for dogs with heart failure to exercise. This includes walking, playing games at the park, and doing other things you normally take care of your dog for.

Exercise does not mean too much play time will look like. It is important for dogs with heart failure to get out and be active. Plus, it helps reduce stress on your dog.

Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms: Swollen Right Ventricle (RV)

When dogs have Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), they can also have a swollen right ventricle (RV). This can happen anytime during the disease process, but most commonly occurs at stages 1 and 2 of CHF.

This can happen because it is under-functioning or due to over-functioning of the left side of the heart. Either way, it causes pain in the chest or heaviness of the entire body.

Herbal supplements

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a condition in dogs where the heart does not pump enough blood and oxygen-rich blood does not reach the body’s tissues.

This can happen at any stage of life, but more often happens during young adulthood until old age. The diagnosis is made when the dog is older, with congestive heart failure creeping in during middle age.

Old dogs that had heart problems may have been prescribed medication to help stay alive. Fortunately, modern veterinary care has learned how to treat this condition in dogs without using powerful medications or being too specific with the herbs they use.

Today, modern veterinary staff are very knowledgeable about this condition and how to treat it effectively. Many use digital echocardiography to evaluate the heart health of their dogs and determine if it needs treatment.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in dogs where the heart muscle doesn’t get enough oxygen and nutrition needs to be decreased.

Omega 3 is a essential fatty acid that can be found in both cold and warm oils. This makes it an excellent supplement for dogs with CHF, as it can help reduce fluid and waste production, improve heart function, and increase blood flow.

Unfortunately, not all products containing omega 3 are legal. Some companies make their product from oil that has been processed into a liquid form, which is illegal. If your dog does not receive any omega 3s from their diet, you can create your own by using either fish or flaxseed oil.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient, but finding a balanced diet full of it isn’t easy. Most humans do not get enough of it in their diets, and some dogs may be deficient in it.

Most people know vitamin C as the common supplement form. It comes in pill or capsule form and is usually combined with other nutrients to make up its total.

It has several functions, including helping the body remove toxins from the body and improving blood flow. This may be important for working dogs that go hiking or other long events.

However, you should not give too much vitamin C if your dog has trouble excreting it due to chronic kidney disease (rhabdomyolosclerosis). This may cause death by dehydration as well as significant heart failure.

Salt restriction

Since salt is a nutrient that helps preserve food, it may help improve health in some cases. It may also help improve health if consumed in adequate quantity.

For dogs with congestive heart failure, a 2-3 week salt restriction may help improve their health. This can be accomplished by not feeding the dog any dog food during the time of the salt restriction.

During this time of restricted salt consumption, the dog can safely avoid having to purchase and administer the salt because he will not be eating it. Another part of this plan is not allowing any high fat foods or exercise to decrease overall weight gain.

During this restricted salt consumption, also remember to always have a heart medication available. This is important to keep up even when the dog does not have a heart attack or injury, because they need their usual dose to help reduce blood pressure and improvement of health.

Diet modification

Diet is one of the most changing things a person can do to improve their health. It can be changed many times throughout the day, and any meal can be made into a rotational diet.

Because Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs is a diagnosis, there are specific foods you must not allow your dog to have. These include all kinds of high fat foods, chocolate, peanut butter, and crackers.

These foods may only be used as needed as retraining your dog to them is a part of Congestive Heart Failure treatment. As much as possible dogs are on a plain old diet that contains some kind of food.

The training must also be done on the eating habits they have at home, so that they can learn how to feed themselves with the new regimen they are taking in therapy.


It is important for dogs with heart failure to exercise. This means walking or running around the house, or playing a game of fetch. It also means getting into the car and going for walks.

Getting your dog up and active is key to helping reduce their fluid and electrolyte levels in their body. In fact, in one study, dogs who spent time exercising got an additional 3 days of health care services than those who did not exercise.

Herbal supplements

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a growing problem in dogs. As humans age, the natural process of slowing down reduces the use of blood vessels and oxygen supply.

As dogs get older, they may have increased risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Providing enough nutrients and clotting agents can help reduce this risk even if you cannot prevent old age itself.

Many herbs that are common today are worth checking into today to see if they were considered controversial when they were introduced. Some were even banned or restricted!

Today, we will look at one such controversial herb that can help reduce cardiovascular risk in older dogs. Heftie knows just how important this might be to her father, a 90-year-old man with congestive heart failure (CHF).